I see that Jan 17 is the last day to enroll before getting a $100 late fee. Academic calendar doesn't give a drop-dead enrollment date. So at least 2 weeks to still enroll for portalees (ours and possible transfers). I imagine that by the end of the week most if not all players will have materialized.
Related, this talk of not having Spring practice and doing an extended pre-season summer practice schedule does have some merit. Maybe not a lot of merit, but some. Would save on the need to transfer mid-year. Have the portal open after the season ends, all this shit can take place in Jan-Feb or later.
Edit - I wonder how Schlenbaker and Pulalasi feel about their new SDSU RB coach bringing 3 RB's with him from SDSU? As announced on Brand X. Gawd that site is enough to make a guy barf with their lovefest. Almost glad most of their shit is VIP only.
The Washington State University Pullman Catalog
Related, this talk of not having Spring practice and doing an extended pre-season summer practice schedule does have some merit. Maybe not a lot of merit, but some. Would save on the need to transfer mid-year. Have the portal open after the season ends, all this shit can take place in Jan-Feb or later.
Edit - I wonder how Schlenbaker and Pulalasi feel about their new SDSU RB coach bringing 3 RB's with him from SDSU? As announced on Brand X. Gawd that site is enough to make a guy barf with their lovefest. Almost glad most of their shit is VIP only.
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