Can we consolidate all these threads about the future?

Loyal Coug1

Hall Of Fame
Aug 24, 2022
Shit I can't remember what I posted where. It's taxing my brain, which is already feeble. So, how about some near certainties:
  • We are going to be the Pac-2 for 24-25, and maybe 25-26
  • The Big 12 is not going to ask us to join, at least not for next year. Edit - I see the Big 12 has announced their multi-year scheduling matrix
  • We are going to do a scheduling agreement with the Mtn West for 24-25 and perhaps 25-26
  • We will get money from the breakup. The 6-year NCAA BB tournament money, the residual Rose Bowl contract money. Both to be paid AFTER July 2? Not sure on the RB timeline
  • Unless the Big-12 calls next year, a Pac-14 merger with the Mtn West is our only real option. ACC just revealed their 7 year FB schedule
All OK so far?

  • How will the rest of the season go, including bowl?
  • Transfers? Portal runs from Dec 4 to Jan 3. You would think that most players would chose to play in the bowl game, if any, to highlight themselves. But who knows
  • Budget and budget cuts? TBD
  • Coaches. Keeping Greeny and Etheridge are my main concerns. Greeny seems like a lifer
Loyal's all-knowing wisdom:
  • Good luck, potential transfers. Tons of P4 schools won't be calling, unless we win out or something equally outlandish
  • Contrary to most opinions here, I would embrace a Pac-14. Face it, it's kind of where we belong. Land grant schools, all out West, multiple R1 schools. Similar sized for the most part
  • Lobby like hell to keep the Pac-14 a P5 conference. Assholes owe us that much
  • Budgets. My opinion is that we look for the low hanging fruit, like our bloated non team staff. There is shit to cut there, starting with a few of these Asst and Assoc. AD's. Did Moos blow up our staffing? It's grown a lot, while nothing else has grown # of sports, etc.) Beyond that, we need to spout the "All's well" line at least for 24-25. No coaching salary cuts. No elimination of on-field coaches. No reductions in scholarships
  • Once 24-25 gets clearer, start a major Athletics fundraising campaign. If it succeeds, great for us. If it flops, well then we know and confirm our lot in life
  • Finally, F the huskies. No, do not play them under any circumstances
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Shit I can't remember what I posted where. It's taxing my brain, which is already feeble. So, how about some near certainties:
  • We are going to be the Pac-2 for 24-25, and maybe 25-26
  • The Big 12 is not going to ask us to join, at least not for next year. Edit - I see the Big 12 has announced their multi-year scheduling matrix
  • We are going to do a scheduling agreement with the Mtn West for 24-25 and perhaps 25-26
  • We will get money from the breakup. The 6-year NCAA BB tournament money, the residual Rose Bowl contract money. Both to be paid AFTER July 2? Not sure on the RB timeline
  • Unless the Big-12 calls next year, a Pac-14 merger with the Mtn West is our only real option. ACC just revealed their 7 year FB schedule
All OK so far?

  • How will the rest of the season go, including bowl?
  • Transfers? Portal runs from Dec 4 to Jan 3. You would think that most players would chose to play in the bowl game, if any, to highlight themselves. But who knows
  • Budget and budget cuts? TBD
  • Coaches. Keeping Greeny and Etheridge are my main concerns. Greeny seems like a lifer
Loyal's all-knowing wisdom:
  • Good luck, potential transfers. Tons of P4 schools won't be calling, unless we win out or something equally outlandish
  • Contrary to most opinions here, I would embrace a Pac-14. Face it, it's kind of where we belong. Land grant schools, all out West, multiple R1 schools. Similar sized for the most part
  • Lobby like hell to keep the Pac-14 a P5 schools. Assholes owe us that much
  • Budgets. My opinion is that we look for the low hanging fruit, like our bloated non team staff. There is shit to cut there, starting with a few of these Asst and Assoc. AD's. Did Moos blow up our staffing? It's grown a lot, while nothing else has grown # of sports, etc.) Beyond that, we need to spout the "All's well" line at least for 24-25. No coaching salary cuts. No elimination of on-field coaches. No reductions in scholarships
  • Once 24-25 gets clearer, start a major Athletics fundraising campaign. If it succeeds, great for us. If it flops, well then we know and confirm our lot in life
  • Finally, F the huskies. No, do not play them under any circumstances
Loyal, I wouldn’t put a lot of stock into scheduling. We probably had P12 scheduling beyond 2023. It means jack shit. Think about how many times we’ve had a home:home scheduled only for the other school to pull the plug after we’ve played them on the road. These things are fluid, always have been, and AI could reschedule every CFB matchup next year in minutes.

ACC seven years out?! Lmao. That’s an eternity with how quickly the landscape is changing now.
Loyal, I wouldn’t put a lot of stock into scheduling. We probably had P12 scheduling beyond 2023. It means jack shit. Think about how many times we’ve had a home:home scheduled only for the other school to pull the plug after we’ve played them on the road. These things are fluid, always have been, and AI could reschedule every CFB matchup next year in minutes.

ACC seven years out?! Lmao. That’s an eternity with how quickly the landscape is changing now.
If adding schools makes financial sense, it will happen. Someone in the conference office will hit go on the schedule making software, and viola.
If adding schools makes financial sense, it will happen. Someone in the conference office will hit go on the schedule making software, and viola.
Hope you are right. Wait, silly me, you are always right! :)

The problem I see is late season, when everyone is in conference play. And, IMHO opinion, we are not going to be able to schedule a bunch of P5 schools, particularly that late. It would be interesting for someone to do what you say now and see what pops up. My all-knowing predication is that we would get a mish mash of G5 schools, for which we would be flying across the country or paying too much to bring them here. Mtn West schools are closer, probably would cost less as it is in their interest to work with us and would be recognizable foes as opposed to NW East Bumf*** Egypt schools.

But, time will tell.
Good summary Loyal. In my mind there are two factors holding us back from joining the Big 12. One, WSU generates revenue, but it might not be enough to attract interest and is probably less than the other Big 12 members generate.

Two, I think the WSU higher ups are tired of the athletic spending and arms race involved in football. If we did get an invite, I suspect some higher ups would turn the opportunity down.

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