CDA Idaho

It would be great to hear the rest of the story.

As written, this story makes no sense.

Which hotel/ resort? What is their statement?

If the players were “in danger” where’s the Police report?

Any reports from “Press Row” at the tournament? Why not?
While Roberts did not go into detail about what her team endured, Utah deputy athletics director Charmelle Greene shared specifics with on Monday night. Greene said that while the basketball team was walking to a restaurant to have dinner, the driver of a white truck pulled up, revved his engine and yelled the N-word in the direction of the team before speeding off.

“We all just were in shock, and we looked at each other like, did we just hear that?” Green told

The team had dinner, only to face a similar situation as it left the restaurant. This time, Greene told, the drivers of two trucks were revving their engine in an intimidating way, while again yelling the N-word in the direction of the team.

It would be great to hear the rest of the story.

As written, this story makes no sense.

Which hotel/ resort? What is their statement?

If the players were “in danger” where’s the Police report?

Any reports from “Press Row” at the tournament? Why not?

From a liability/libel perspective, it was probably in the best interest of the news network and the schools involved to not name the hotel. No allegation was made that it was hotel staff I'm not sure that it matters which hotel it was. What does "press row" have to do with anything? FWIW...."not feeling safe" isn't necessarily the same thing as "in danger".

I'm not sure why you'd be surprised that people would yell racist things at basketball players. I watched a Coug fan get into it with a Drake fan at the game in Omaha and names were thrown about. People absolutely are dumb and racist.
That's messed up. Spokane should never have an NCAA Tournament. If you don't have the hotels you shouldn't be an option.
First an apology : I abhor racism and racists.

But this just doesn't sound right and reeks of Jussie Smolet. It sounds like what someone who thinks what N Idaho racists would be like would make up. Revving engines and N bombs?

I hate that my mind goes there, and my heart goes out to them if this is real as I've experience bigotry and it sucks. But if there was a truck there was a license plate. And a police report. Why aren't we hearing about that?
Spokane does have the hotel rooms. The problem was the NCAa designated certain hotels for the event, those were filled up by men’s teams and did not provide the flexibility to allow Utah to choose another hotel in the Spokane area until after men’s teams left and a couple of individuals in CDA showed what ignorant idiots they are. CDA had a horrible reputation for treating other high schools and opposing fans terribly when I went to high school and it sounds like it may not have changed. I would say no more teams stay CDA but continue allowing Spokane to host the games.
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From a liability/libel perspective, it was probably in the best interest of the news network and the schools involved to not name the hotel. No allegation was made that it was hotel staff I'm not sure that it matters which hotel it was. What does "press row" have to do with anything? FWIW...."not feeling safe" isn't necessarily the same thing as "in danger".

I'm not sure why you'd be surprised that people would yell racist things at basketball players. I watched a Coug fan get into it with a Drake fan at the game in Omaha and names were thrown about. People absolutely are dumb and racist.
Nice twist toward nothing I said or implied.
There’s racists in every town in the US. Stop acting all indignant.

Jerry Jaeger who is the co founder/owner of the CDA Resort is also one of the biggest donors to WSU. He must be racist and WSU should give all his contributions back to remain pure in the eyes of some people here apparently.
Well said.

I will say CDA is a really weird environment, because you have the old guard, born and raised north Idaho militia folks who want things to stay the same, and hoards of wealthy mostly liberal folks moving there from California pissing them off.

Dining downtown in the summer is pretty funny. Looking around at all the transplants in their fancy clothes and jewelry while some dude cruises back and forth with his jacked up truck w/flags in the back. Definitely a clash of two cultures.

Now drive anywhere north of Hayden and there’s no question what territory you are in- although beautiful country everywhere out there I suspect the locals will continue to get squeezed out by wealthy transplants
Nice twist toward nothing I said or implied.

Well....I could have said that your post kind of made you sound like a racist, misogynistic a$$hole who wants to dig for holes in every story that involves racism so that they can pretend that racism is fake and doesn't exist.....but that wouldn't have been very nice so I would never do that.
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There’s racists in every town in the US. Stop acting all indignant.

Jerry Jaeger who is the co founder/owner of the CDA Resort is also one of the biggest donors to WSU. He must be racist and WSU should give all his contributions back to remain pure in the eyes of some people here apparently

Well....I could have said that your post kind of made you sound like a racist, misogynistic a$$hole who wants to dig for holes in every story that involves racism so that they can pretend that racism is fake and doesn't exist.....but that wouldn't have been very nice so I would never do that.
Yes, you certainly could have been more a dick and done that. Certainly wouldn’t be the first time you’ve overstepped.

Instead, you just chose to nibble around the edges. Got it
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While Roberts did not go into detail about what her team endured, Utah deputy athletics director Charmelle Greene shared specifics with on Monday night. Greene said that while the basketball team was walking to a restaurant to have dinner, the driver of a white truck pulled up, revved his engine and yelled the N-word in the direction of the team before speeding off.

“We all just were in shock, and we looked at each other like, did we just hear that?” Green told

The team had dinner, only to face a similar situation as it left the restaurant. This time, Greene told, the drivers of two trucks were revving their engine in an intimidating way, while again yelling the N-word in the direction of the team.

calling people names and reving their engines?.....I think this coach is looking for excuses.....we can't put duct tape on people's mouths no matter what they report?....
calling people names and reving their engines?.....I think this coach is looking for excuses.....we can't put duct tape on people's mouths no matter what they report?....
a follow up news article today stated that CDA PD chief and the FBI are involved.
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Law enforcement organizations have opened an investigation in Coeur d’Alene after alleged “racial hate crimes” caused players from a visiting women’s college basketball team that was in the NCAA Tournament to leave the city. Officials explained what happened at a news conference Tuesday after the story began receiving national attention.

Read more at:
calling people names and reving their engines?.....I think this coach is looking for excuses.....we can't put duct tape on people's mouths no matter what they report?....
Looking for excuses???? That behavior is totally unacceptable no matter where it happens.
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Idaho Governor Brad Little released his statement Monday.

“Thank you to the Coeur d’Alene community for stepping up to reinforce that the city is a welcoming, safe place,” he wrote in an “X” post.

“Idaho leaders and community members at all levels have been consistent and clear about our values — we fully reject racism in all its forms. There is no place for racism, hate or bigotry in the great state of Idaho. We condemn bullies who seek to harass and silence others. I will continue the tradition of past Idaho governors in supporting our local leaders in their efforts to eradicate hate and bigotry from our communities.

“Whenever disgusting incidents like these have occurred in our state, I have seen Idahoans come through every single time to stand up for our shared values — to show respect, love and compassion for others. Idahoans are good people, and we must not allow the hateful, unacceptable actions of a few (to) tarnish our state.”

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True story, I was in Idaho last fall parking in a grocery store parking lot and apparently pissed a local off because I backed into my parking spot. He ended up yelling obscenities at me and called me a N…. Now I’m Irish so it’s hard to confuse me with black but the way it rolled off his tongue was shocking,sad and comical all at the same time.
That's messed up. Spokane should never have an NCAA Tournament. If you don't have the hotels you shouldn't be an option.
If you look at a map, you will see that Spokane is located in a different state than where this alleged incident took place.

Would you like to discuss the history of the Mississippi state flag?
Spokane does have the hotel rooms. The problem was the NCAa designated certain hotels for the event, those were filled up by men’s teams and did not provide the flexibility to allow Utah to choose another hotel in the Spokane area until after men’s teams left and a couple of individuals in CDA showed what ignorant idiots they are. CDA had a horrible reputation for treating other high schools and opposing fans terribly when I went to high school and it sounds like it may not have changed. I would say no more teams stay CDA but continue allowing Spokane to host the games.
The teams stay at a Davenport property.

From the article, this is interesting:

The source added that, because Utah and UCI had been based in Idaho, Gonzaga had arranged for police escorts to ensure the drive time to the venue did not exceed approximately 30 minutes, which is a condition of being able to host after earning a top-16 seed.

Even with a police escort, from the CDA Resort to the Spokane Arena has to be over 30 minutes.
The teams stay at a Davenport property.

From the article, this is interesting:

The source added that, because Utah and UCI had been based in Idaho, Gonzaga had arranged for police escorts to ensure the drive time to the venue did not exceed approximately 30 minutes, which is a condition of being able to host after earning a top-16 seed.

Even with a police escort, from the CDA Resort to the Spokane Arena has to be over 30 minutes.
The women’s games were at GU. A few minutes closer than the Arena.

My lead foot can make it from CDA to the Hamilton exit in about 30 minutes.

And, quite honestly, the CDA Resort is a premier hotel. If an extra 5 minutes is critical, there’s a Super 8 in Post Falls.
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Well said.

I will say CDA is a really weird environment, because you have the old guard, born and raised north Idaho militia folks who want things to stay the same, and hoards of wealthy mostly liberal folks moving there from California pissing them off.

Dining downtown in the summer is pretty funny. Looking around at all the transplants in their fancy clothes and jewelry while some dude cruises back and forth with his jacked up truck w/flags in the back. Definitely a clash of two cultures.

Now drive anywhere north of Hayden and there’s no question what territory you are in- although beautiful country everywhere out there I suspect the locals will continue to get squeezed out by wealthy transplants
The funny thing is half the guys driving up and down Sherman with their flags waving from their pickups moved up from Cali in the 80s and 90s.
Well said.

I will say CDA is a really weird environment, because you have the old guard, born and raised north Idaho militia folks who want things to stay the same, and hoards of wealthy mostly liberal folks moving there from California pissing them off.

Dining downtown in the summer is pretty funny. Looking around at all the transplants in their fancy clothes and jewelry while some dude cruises back and forth with his jacked up truck w/flags in the back. Definitely a clash of two cultures.

Now drive anywhere north of Hayden and there’s no question what territory you are in- although beautiful country everywhere out there I suspect the locals will continue to get squeezed out by wealthy
Not sure I would consider the racist element in the area the Old Guard. A very large number of them are transplants themselves starting to arrive in the 80’s with Richard Butler and his clowns, continuing right to today. My dad past away last year, he was from St Maries area and it always bothered him that the racist movement was considered local. Unfortunately they picked the area for many of the same reasons other transplants have , hopefully they get pushed out or better yet educated out.
First an apology : I abhor racism and racists.

But this just doesn't sound right and reeks of Jussie Smolet. It sounds like what someone who thinks what N Idaho racists would be like would make up. Revving engines and N bombs?

I hate that my mind goes there, and my heart goes out to them if this is real as I've experience bigotry and it sucks. But if there was a truck there was a license plate. And a police report. Why aren't we hearing about that?
I can say that Idaho has a reputation for a reason, but they are not alone. Whitman county is bad as well. I am a white guy, but my fiancé is not. We see and hear this crap all the time. I fully believe the events described, as they have happened to us.
Not sure I would consider the racist element in the area the Old Guard. A very large number of them are transplants themselves starting to arrive in the 80’s with Richard Butler and his clowns, continuing right to today. My dad past away last year, he was from St Maries area and it always bothered him that the racist movement was considered local. Unfortunately they picked the area for many of the same reasons other transplants have , hopefully they get pushed out or better yet educated out.
Semantics, I’d consider 40 years of history old guard. I’m not trying to paint a broad brush and say everyone’s the same, but you can’t deny the contrast in CDA. It’s fairly normal for people to go to their darkest places when they feel pushed out of their environments by “outsiders”. In my opinion this is on full display when you spend enough time in the CDA area.
a follow up news article today stated that CDA PD chief and the FBI are involved.

While I abhor, hate racist like those racist pigs that used to sponsor do those racist parades in CDA, being racist, or saying racist things, can not be illegal, depending on what they say, etc.

Driving by and calling them N word, an or having those types occasionally driving by me, while I walking home from grocery store with grocery bags, yelling, screaming out "Bleep", whatever annoying thing they say(because they think I'm homeless, because they hate homeless, etc, hate whatever they think I am, etc), while is bad, mean, annoying, stupid, etc, it isn't illegal.

Perhaps it might be disorderly conduct, or disturbing the peace, and maybe it could be harassment, but if it's a 1 time, drive by thing it usually either can't be enforced, or won't be enforced.

Now if they do more then a drive by, and start following, and start constantly doing that, and won't stop after doing it once, etc, then they are clearly doing more then exercising free speech by using profanity, racist N word, F word, etc, and are clearly disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, harassment, breaking the law, etc, and only then should the police get involved.

If police were involved, every time a racist used the N word, called someone the N word, then there would be more problems with police.

As much as I wanted to shut down the white supremacist, neo nazi skinhead parade, they did have the constitutional free speech right to have the parade, etc.
Update -

Right decision, based on constitution, free speech. What was done was very bad, may have been borderline, close to or just barely crossed legal free speech, illegal line, but can't prosecute people throwing the N word, F word, profanities, obscenities, etc, around, as it violates there free speech.

That kind of behavior should be fought against appropriately, and there are ways to fight against, stop, condemn, etc, that kind of bad, inappropriate, wrong, evil, etc, speech, etc, without charging, arresting, etc.

If they had been arrested, charged, etc, there is no way that a court would convict, sentence, etc, or if a court, jury, judge would, it would be inappropriate, successfully appealed, overturned by higher courts, and if went to USA Supreme Court, USA Supreme Court would rightfully overturn it.
1. Loyal is a tool bag, he proves it with his OP.

2. The outcome was expected, wtf were they going to do anyway? Just some kid being dumb, hopefully he learns from it and grows from it.
1. Loyal is a tool bag, he proves it with his OP.

2. The outcome was expected, wtf were they going to do anyway? Just some kid being dumb, hopefully he learns from it and grows from it.
First off - GFY justin. My KKK post about the press conference participants was at least half in jest. You must be from CDA and/or Idaho. And it was not "some kid" being dumb, it was multiple people engaging in this behavior on 2 occasions. The fact that they are reported (and I believe that it is accepted as fact) that this GROUP hung around the restaurant to abuse these BB players a second time is unconscionable.

The fact that only one was identified, and then not prosecuted, is abhorrent. F whether he gets convicted or not. At least make the F-er go to jail and appear in court. And the fact that there was video of these jacked up vehicles tells me that the CDA authorities could have tracked them all down and done something - like arrest them all.

"Just some kid being dumb"? Tell that to the victims. No, it was a bunch of racist punks threatening and flinging abuse at a team(s?) of young women. On two related occasions. This is CDA and Northern Idaho. Always has been, always will be. $5 sez that if similar shit would have been flung at white women, these punks would have faced some real legal repercussions. And just imagine if the abusers had been black - Oh my.
First off - GFY justin. My KKK post about the press conference participants was at least half in jest. You must be from CDA and/or Idaho. And it was not "some kid" being dumb, it was multiple people engaging in this behavior on 2 occasions. The fact that they are reported (and I believe that it is accepted as fact) that this GROUP hung around the restaurant to abuse these BB players a second time is unconscionable.

The fact that only one was identified, and then not prosecuted, is abhorrent. F whether he gets convicted or not. At least make the F-er go to jail and appear in court. And the fact that there was video of these jacked up vehicles tells me that the CDA authorities could have tracked them all down and done something - like arrest them all.

"Just some kid being dumb"? Tell that to the victims. No, it was a bunch of racist punks threatening and flinging abuse at a team(s?) of young women. On two related occasions. This is CDA and Northern Idaho. Always has been, always will be. $5 sez that if similar shit would have been flung at white women, these punks would have faced some real legal repercussions. And just imagine if the abusers had been black - Oh my.

Blah blah blah. Not true whatsoever. You're full of shit.
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Blah blah blah. Not true whatsoever. You're full of shit.
I'm quoting news reports and the press conference itself (multiple incidents, multiple people/vehicles involved). How is that "not true whatsoever"? And how extensive was the investigation when they had video of the vehicles involved? How hard did the cops press the one 18-year-old that they did identify? Were the victims ever interviewed? Go back and watch the initial press conference where this is all laid out and get back to me.
Go to court for what exactly? Saying something stupid he probably (hopefully) regrets heavily? I don't understand what you think he could be arrested for.
Go to court for what exactly? Saying something stupid he probably (hopefully) regrets heavily? I don't understand what you think he could be arrested for.
Ok you racist POS. You got me on this one - I can't lay my hands on a specific state or federal law that your son(?) and his buddies could be prosecuted for in Idaho. I guess that intimidating young black women athletes multiple times on the street and telling them that you would F them in the butt even though they are ******s is A-OK in the eyes of CDA, Idaho, and you.