Hey Ed!

Loyal Coug1

Hall Of Fame
Aug 24, 2022
As we mourn Jen Greenys passing, as a post mortem how about you talk to our buddy in Pullman and find out what was the rift between her and Charlie Chan?

Brand X - It's no secret around Pullman that she and athletic director Pat Chun, for reasons publicly unclear, aren't atop each others' Christmas card list - as we have read.

f it is no secret someone ought to be able to ferret it out. I don't have anyone in the know over there anymore.

And P.S. Board - I'm calling him Charlie Chan until we get rid of the little runt. If that paints me as a racist tough shit. He should be budget cut #1 for Sgt Shulz.
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As we mourn Jen Greenys passing, as a post mortem how about you talk to our buddy in Pullman and find out what was the rift between her and Charlie Chan?

Brand X - It's no secret around Pullman that she and athletic director Pat Chun, for reasons publicly unclear, aren't atop each others' Christmas card list - as we have read.

f it is no secret someone ought to be able to ferret it out. I don't have anyone in the know over there anymore.

And P.S. Board - I'm calling him Charlie Chan until we get rid of the little runt. If that paints me as a racist tough shit. He should be budget cut #1 for Sgt Shulz.
You are a racist. At least own it.
Yes, you are choosing to be a racist piece of shit.

Nothing else you say matters.
Oh F both of you. from Wikipedia:

"The benevolent and heroic Chan was conceived as an alternative to Yellow Peril stereotypes and villains like Fu Manchu. Many stories feature Chan traveling the world beyond Hawaii as he investigates mysteries and solves crimes."

A Honolulu detective. How exactly does calling Chun that make me a racist? I suppose calling Schulz Sgt Shulz makes me an anti German fascist.

You PC pussies slay me.
You are a racist piece of shit.

By choice.

Nothing else you say matters.
You had better be careful. If you truly believe that, then you are quite the bigot. Even a racist, or a husky, or a gay, or a woman, or a child, or a democrat, or a Republican could have something interesting/valuable/wise to say. Do not let one trait that you dislike from someone eliminate them from offering good things to say.
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If calling out a proud projecting racist spewing their racism makes me a closed minded bigot, (don’t know where you pulled that from Stretch)

I’m comfortable with that.
You had better be careful. If you truly believe that, then you are quite the bigot. Even a racist, or a husky, or a gay, or a woman, or a child, or a democrat, or a Republican could have something interesting/valuable/wise to say. Do not let one trait that you dislike from someone eliminate them from offering good things to say.
No one is going to continue to watch a TV program they watched ten minutes before and deemed a ridiculous waste of time waiting for that gem!!
You had better be careful. If you truly believe that, then you are quite the bigot. Even a racist, or a husky, or a gay, or a woman, or a child, or a democrat, or a Republican could have something interesting/valuable/wise to say. Do not let one trait that you dislike from someone eliminate them from offering good things to say.
Hey Stretch - I think you are sticking up for me, if so thanks.

Relative to another thread, I looked up George Raveling. He used to have a website, with interviews, some of which that were WSU reminiscing. He truly loves us. Anyway, I linked his NCAA Hall of Fame induction speech. Kinda long, but it had me crying and laughing at the same time. Towards the end he told a story something about telling his wife that in his wildest dreams he never imagined this. His wife apparently said "in my wildest dreams you never appeared". At the end, he asked the A-list crowd - Barkley, Phil Knight, Walton, Klay's dad, etc. - to pray for him, because he needed the prayers. "And looking at this audience, you need the practice". Absolutely hilarious.

You had better be careful. If you truly believe that, then you are quite the bigot. Even a racist, or a husky, or a gay, or a woman, or a child, or a democrat, or a Republican could have something interesting/valuable/wise to say. Do not let one trait that you dislike from someone eliminate them from offering good things to say.
Making repeated derogatory remarks about a persons race is an immediate disqualifier of credibility. It would be bad in a social/general setting, but we're talking about racial remarks directed at our Athletic Director. The fact that others on this board give it a pass is ridiculous, particularly in light of his numerous other offensive comments and death threats on here.
Making repeated derogatory remarks about a persons race is an immediate disqualifier of credibility. It would be bad in a social/general setting, but we're talking about racial remarks directed at our Athletic Director. The fact that others on this board give it a pass is ridiculous, particularly in light of his numerous other offensive comments and death threats on here.
F you too, Who and when did I ever threaten death, except maybe to Yaki, who deserved it. 5 or 6 years ago.

Do you keep a log of every post by every poster so you can reel them out after 5 or 10 or 15 years?

And what derogatory remarks? Calling an Asian guy by another Asian guys name is derogatory to his race? Explain that to me.

And what offensive comments and to who?

Some of you guys just make me want to puke.
F you too, Who and when did I ever threaten death, except maybe to Yaki, who deserved it. 5 or 6 years ago.

Do you keep a log of every post by every poster so you can reel them out after 5 or 10 or 15 years?

And what derogatory remarks? Calling an Asian guy by another Asian guys name is derogatory to his race? Explain that to me.

And what offensive comments and to who?

Some of you guys just make me want to puke.

It's the same as calling an African American Buckwheat. It's bad form. Tell an Asian woman what she thinks of it.

You threatened to shoot dgibbons. Those incidents aren't hard to remember .

But feel free to double down and tell everyone to F off.
F you too, Who and when did I ever threaten death, except maybe to Yaki, who deserved it. 5 or 6 years ago.

Do you keep a log of every post by every poster so you can reel them out after 5 or 10 or 15 years?

And what derogatory remarks? Calling an Asian guy by another Asian guys name is derogatory to his race? Explain that to me.

And what offensive comments and to who?

Some of you guys just make me want to puke.
Yo...David Duke....(I mean really, what's in a name) Personally I think you want to puke because you got hammered last night...or maybe already started up. You know the only thing that bugs me more than a dude driving around hammered, (BTW last night at 6 in my hometown we had a guy doing just that. I followed him, called the police and they took care of it from there) is a dude who drives around hammered and makes what he concedes could be thought of a racist remarks.

Let me make it easier for you...I know I will get an F-You. So just cut and paste because you have no other comeback. And feel free to call me woke or PC. If it really bothers you go to my mothers grave site and tell her to F you as well. My mother would shake her head and ask me what is wrong with me. So it was the way I was raised. It was how I was taught to respect others. So if your late mom, your daughters give you a "that a boy Loyal Penis", by all means keep on saying it. I am almost tempted to ask, where does that line go where it is just a bunch of pussy's being PC versus "I am an a hole. "Charlie the Slope?" Does that bother your senses?

As to my friend, why don't you just call his ex wife since she (L)Royal penis and she could tell you.

And no I won't call him because you are curious. You know enough people in the town. But I could tell you Chun is viewed as an outsider. Similar to how Paul Graham was and how he wasn't respected and people bitched cause he wanted to change the culture and change it to how it was done for Eddie Sutton.

Many locals were cast out of the department by "Jerry Lewis" Chun and he brought in his own people. That is how big time athletics work. Also, the Rolo situation didn't sit well with a lot of towns people.

One more time for a comeback...just copy and paste "F-you Ed, I thought we were friends"
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It's the same as calling an African American Buckwheat. It's bad form. Tell an Asian woman what she thinks of it.

You threatened to shoot dgibbons. Those incidents aren't hard to remember .

But feel free to double down and tell everyone to F off. calling someone Adolf offensive because it is just calling one white guy another white guys name.
F you too, Who and when did I ever threaten death, except maybe to Yaki, who deserved it. 5 or 6 years ago.

Do you keep a log of every post by every poster so you can reel them out after 5 or 10 or 15 years?

And what derogatory remarks? Calling an Asian guy by another Asian guys name is derogatory to his race? Explain that to me.

And what offensive comments and to who?

Some of you guys just make me want to puke.
You know exactly what you meant and why it's a derogatory remark. Make that comment in any business today and you're immediately dismissed. I don't understand why you're playing the victim for getting called out for it.
You know exactly what you meant and why it's a derogatory remark. Make that comment in any business today and you're immediately dismissed. I don't understand why you're playing the victim for getting called out for it.
Put it in easier terms for Royal Penis to understand. He is out on a date....and he talks about the athletic director to his date whose parents came over from Vietnam. Do you believe for one minute he says that in front of her? Then if he does and asked him to leave does he call her PC?
Put it in easier terms for Royal Penis to understand. He is out on a date....and he talks about the athletic director to his date whose parents came over from Vietnam. Do you believe for one minute he says that in front of her? Then if he does and asked him to leave does he call her PC?
Unfortunately, I think it's highly possible that he would say that in front of her. Your point is valid though.
It's the same as calling an African American Buckwheat. It's bad form. Tell an Asian woman what she thinks of it.

You threatened to shoot dgibbons. Those incidents aren't hard to remember .

But feel free to double down and tell everyone to F off.
This is getting bizarre. Link the post where I threatened to shoot Gibby. If I did post something stupid in a drunken stupor, I don't recall him condemning me. So why are you?

Oh but my now ex-wife flirted with you for an hour at an RV lot gathering. What a crock of shit. In your dreams buddy. What a lie.

And your brother can F-off as can you.

So, in the interests of world peace, I will back off and call Chun by his real name. Happy?

And it's not the same. How the F you can bring up the little rascals from before any of us were born blows my mind. Should we talk about the racist connotations of Little Black Sambo next?

And for your brother - when have I ever talked about driving around shit-faced, except for possibly some WSU story when I was 21 years old?

You f-ers just kill me.

Charlie Chan, as I posted earlier, was a well-revered detective. More than I can say about Chun. And you F-ers turn that into some racist BS?

I suppose I could throw out a few very racist black jokes if that would help. A few years ago in Spokane, my neighbor was a half black young guy. He not only enjoyed my off color jokes, but had a bunch of his own. So get a grip you f-ers.
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This is getting bizarre. Link the post where I threatened to shoot Gibby. If I did post something stupid in a drunken stupor, I don't recall him condemning me. So why are you?
It was pretty bizarre but maybe take a look back on Thanksgiving day or maybe the day before? Believe it was around being "on the edge"? Christmas is around the corner.
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I really have never come across with somebody so unaware . Let me help you out… how do I know you own a glock and you have five total hand guns

How do I know you drove through Montana drunk … you said so in a post .

There are several answers here… one you post and come close to blacking out or you have early onset of dimentia. You absolutely talked about your gun and DGibs. Personally I would never threaten anyone in social media, and makes it doubly dumb to do it to an attorney.

Telling black jokes …. was calling Chun Charlie Chan an attempt at humor ? There are certain stereotypes that comedians can use and people laugh . For example Dave Chappelle in a skit called trading places when he says white people don’t use wash cloths or black men don’t go below the boarder so to speak.

But what you did is calling him a name that you even acknowledge might sound racist and you don’t care , it was not in humor but derogatory because of the job you don’t think he has done well.

So yeah you have said you drive around drunk .. and if I recall the response “so what”.

You have threatened a member of the board .And your reprobate is “maybe while I was drinking” Maybe that is the problem .
I really have never come across with somebody so unaware . Let me help you out… how do I know you own a glock and you have five total hand guns

How do I know you drove through Montana drunk … you said so in a post .

There are several answers here… one you post and come close to blacking out or you have early onset of dimentia. You absolutely talked about your gun and DGibs. Personally I would never threaten anyone in social media, and makes it doubly dumb to do it to an attorney.

Telling black jokes …. was calling Chun Charlie Chan an attempt at humor ? There are certain stereotypes that comedians can use and people laugh . For example Dave Chappelle in a skit called trading places when he says white people don’t use wash cloths or black men don’t go below the boarder so to speak.

But what you did is calling him a name that you even acknowledge might sound racist and you don’t care , it was not in humor but derogatory because of the job you don’t think he has done well.

So yeah you have said you drive around drunk .. and if I recall the response “so what”.

You have threatened a member of the board .And your reprobate is “maybe while I was drinking” Maybe that is the problem .
I don't own a Glock, My pistols are Rugers. And I only own 3 pistols. Plus my sawed off 20 gauge and a .22 rifle. So there.

So f-your self righteous Seattle BS. How do you "know" I own a Glock when I don't? You guys make me sick, and no it isn't because I am drunk or hung over.

None of you have any sense of humor or levity. I always say, if you can't have a reason to laugh or smile, why get out of bed?

I'm going to just go to the UNLV board and hang with them. Sick of this Board's judgmental BS when all I want to do is have some light hearted and occasionally serious chitter chatter about my Cougs. Sorry if I offended your f-ing overly sensitive minds.

And PS - I wasn't that drunk in Montana until after I was pareked off of the highway. So F-you again.
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Remember that Viagra won't protect you from STDs.
Gibby, you are a horrible human being. Not a big stretch for a blood sucking leach lawyer. I'm just telling you right now - I know who and where you are. Just shut the **** up, don't ever respond to my posts again. Ever. I've got shit going on in my life. Bad shit. Bad. So unless you want me to show up in your office and blow your smarmy head off with my 9mm, leave me the **** alone. Got it? Don't even respond. I am on the f-ing edge. I'm not kidding. And go ahead and call the cops. You worthless POS. Don't f with me.
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Gibby, you are a horrible human being. Not a big stretch for a blood sucking leach lawyer. I'm just telling you right now - I know who and where you are. Just shut the **** up, don't ever respond to my posts again. Ever. I've got shit going on in my life. Bad shit. Bad. So unless you want me to show up in your office and blow your smarmy head off with my 9mm, leave me the **** alone. Got it? Don't even respond. I am on the f-ing edge. I'm not kidding. And go ahead and call the cops. You worthless POS. Don't f with me.
Oh, you found it. So what exactly is your problem with this? I can't even remember what shit post of his I was replying to. Clearly something shitty and inflaming, and catching me in a bad moment.

Get off your hard on for me, put me on ignore, and GF yourself.

Gibby, you are a horrible human being. Not a big stretch for a blood sucking leach lawyer. I'm just telling you right now - I know who and where you are. Just shut the **** up, don't ever respond to my posts again. Ever. I've got shit going on in my life. Bad shit. Bad. So unless you want me to show up in your office and blow your smarmy head off with my 9mm, leave me the **** alone. Got it? Don't even respond. I am on the f-ing edge. I'm not kidding. And go ahead and call the cops. You worthless POS. Don't f with me.
Terrible thing to say Patrol....LOL!
Oh, you found it. So what exactly is your problem with this? I can't even remember what shit post of his I was replying to. Clearly something shitty and inflaming, and catching me in a bad moment.

Get off your hard on for me, put me on ignore, and GF yourself.
Threatening to kill people, endless cringey sexual posts, racist remarks. It's just too much for you to reflect and make personal conduct changes, isn't it? Easier to tell people who push back to GF themselves.
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Threatening to kill people, endless cringey sexual posts, racist remarks. It's just too much for you to reflect and make personal conduct changes, isn't it? Easier to tell people who push back to GF themselves.
Dude for the tenth time, F-you. "Endless" cringy sexual posts? Go back and find some of those. Sorry if I occasionally made reference to women. I like women. I said I would quit that. You prefer goats? Since you seem to have a library of my posts, lay it on me. Racist remarks? The Charlie Chan thing? it's not racist at all. Tell us why it is.

Your degree, if you actually have one from WSU, must have been some warm and fuzzy liberal arts shit. So just put me on ignore, AND LEAVE ME THE F ALONE.
Patrol doesn't need to find any post. Anyone that visits this board knows what he is talking about. You are a creepy old dude. I work in correction and am around some crazy sex offender all day. You creep me out. Your gun threat is way over the top too. You need help but it's on you. Maybe I will see you soon.
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Patrol doesn't need to find any post. Anyone that visits this board knows what he is talking about. You are a creepy old dude. I work in correction and am around some crazy sex offender all day. You creep me out. Your gun threat is way over the top too. You need help but it's on you. Maybe I will see you soon.
Oh now I am a crazy creepy sex offender too? I'll add you to the F-you list. I mean really. Geezus Christ. And you have no idea how old I am. And sorry that I creep you out, you f-ing pussy. Exactly what have I said that creeps you out? Occasional references to all the gals I've known, which I promised to refrain from talking about? And have not. You just jealous? Believe me you would be. So F-off and go jack off limp dick.

You will never see me f-head, unless it is in some back alley. I am not creepy except in your mind. I have plenty of platonic (and otherwise) gal pals who can attest to that. Calling me a sex offender pisses me off. That is such complete BS. F-you. Oh and F-you. I don't need any help, especially from some POS like you appear to be.

Gawd why are some of you such f-ing assholes? You aren't Cougs.

Oh and edit - you are around crazy sex offenders all day? F you again. How dare you insinuate that I am a sex offender. Crazy, maybe. F-you you POS. I would smack your face if I found you for saying that. Hard. I am about to go back to the ledge reading this f-ing BS.
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You are a racist. At least own it.
" Law enforcement has also turned to social media to help in its operations. Broadly, law enforcement relies on social media as a tool for information sharing as well as for gathering information to assist in investigations."

Just let him keep talking.
Oh now I am a crazy creepy sex offender too? I'll add you to the F-you list. I mean really. Geezus Christ. And you have no idea how old I am. And sorry that I creep you out, you f-ing pussy. Exactly what have I said that creeps you out? Occasional references to all the gals I've known, which I promised to refrain from talking about? And have not. You just jealous? Believe me you would be. So F-off and go jack off limp dick.

You will never see me f-head, unless it is in some back alley. I am not creepy except in your mind. I have plenty of platonic (and otherwise) gal pals who can attest to that. Calling me a sex offender pisses me off. That is such complete BS. F-you. Oh and F-you. I don't need any help, especially from some POS like you appear to be.

Gawd why are some of you such f-ing assholes? You aren't Cougs.

Oh and edit - you are around crazy sex offenders all day? F you again. How dare you insinuate that I am a sex offender. Crazy, maybe. F-you you POS. I would smack your face if I found you for saying that. Hard. I am about to go back to the ledge reading this f-ing BS.
What is it that you think doesn't make us Cougs? Why would anyone be jealous of a guy on a message board? Do you think I am jealous?

Just one really don't see where you crossed the line and when you talked about your gun and taking it to Dgibs office? You believe that is fine? This is a serious question....
What is it that you think doesn't make us Cougs? Why would anyone be jealous of a guy on a message board? Do you think I am jealous?

Just one really don't see where you crossed the line and when you talked about your gun and taking it to Dgibs office? You believe that is fine? This is a serious question....
I think Sponge and Loyal outta change handle??
" Law enforcement has also turned to social media to help in its operations. Broadly, law enforcement relies on social media as a tool for information sharing as well as for gathering information to assist in investigations."

Just let him keep talking.
That scares me. Investigation into what? Give me a f-ing break. No one is beating down my door. Cops are too busy killing black people. Or in my town, sitting at the donut shop while the Hispanic gangs shoot each other and peddle drugs on the street corners. We had an incident about 2 blocks from where I used to live here in YakiVegas. In the "safe" section of town. Some wanna be gangster shot and paralyzed a guy in a drive by who was simply in his yard doing yardwork. Some sort of gang initiation I guess.

Oh and are you on the F-you list now too? Ok, F-you. And I apologized to Gibby for my drunken, obviously not real remark from months ago. WTF else do you want from me that will allow you a-holes to just move on?

I started my F-you list on a post it note. I had to shift to a full piece of paper after that got filled up.

And yes Ed, I crossed the line with my Gibby remark. I can own it. I was and still am in a bad place. I posted shit that I should not have after boiling over because of his constant insults. Let it f-ing go.
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That scares me. Investigation into what? Give me a f-ing break. No one is beating down my door. Cops are too busy killing black people. Or in my town, sitting at the donut shop while the Hispanic gangs shoot each other and peddle drugs on the street corners. We had an incident about 2 blocks from where I used to live here in YakiVegas. In the "safe" section of town. Some wanna be gangster shot and paralyzed a guy in a drive by who was simply in his yard doing yardwork. Some sort of gang initiation I guess.

Oh and are you on the F-you list now too? Ok, F-you. And I apologized to Gibby for my drunken, obviously not real remark from months ago. WTF else do you want from me that will allow you a-holes to just move on?

I started my F-you list on a post it note. I had to shift to a full piece of paper after that got filled up.

And yes Ed, I crossed the line with my Gibby remark. I can own it. I was and still am in a bad place. I posted shit that I should not have after boiling over because of his constant insults. Let it f-ing go.

Ever hear the saying if you run into one asshole(or said FU) you simply ran into an asshole...


if you run into a bunch of assholes(or need to say fu a lot) you're the asshole
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