So, Nero sits on his throne fiddling


Hall Of Fame
Oct 2, 2007
while the heads of his assistants roll.

Sorry, but for a guy who is a supposed offensive genius, color me not impressed.

4 weeks ago Coug Nation was convinced that, considering his past track record of plug and play underclassmen, Leach would be able to have Falk ready and be a servicable qb by at least Apple Cup.

This is a guy who is supposed to be able to do more with less, remember? Well, from everything I've seen he's done less with less. The run game is nonexistent, the offense looks like the one Rosie and Wulff ran, and the D and special teams just plain stink.

While I do acknowledge the inherent limitation of our program, both current and past, the complete lack of accountability from the top man is wearing thin with me. The mentality of "the players are 100% responsible for the outcome of the game, either because they did or didn't execute" is garbage. Peterson had his very average team ready to come out and kick our a$$es up and down the field yesterday; Leach's team came out and did the exact same thing they've done all season - same plays, same mistakes, same lack of fire.

I will always support my team, my Cougs. However, CML was brought in here to win. I don't think its unfair to say that at most colleges he would be on the hotseat for next year, and this years seat would have already been VERY hot.

This year's result is 100% unacceptable. Why is it unacceptable? I'll give you 2.5 million reasons why. And now this... this bloodletting to appease the masses. The biggest impact that this is going to have is setting our D back another 2 years. Breske has his players, and they aren't going to adjust to the new coach; it happens all the time. So we'll lose them to attitude, or transfer, or dismissal, thinning out the depth chart even further.

Do I think Breske needed to go? I don't know. The D showed flashes at times, but I don't know what that meant. Were they coached well one week, but not the next? Was Breske given orders to run his D a certain way by Leach? Had he lost his players? Who knows? What I do know is that this coaching carousel and lack of cohesiveness is never good for a team.

This post was edited on 11/30 9:43 PM by BleedCrimsonandGray
"Breske has his players, and they aren't going to adjust to the new coach; it happens all the time. So we'll lose them to attitude, or transfer, or dismissal, thinning out the depth chart even further."

Really don't agree.
And the Breske has his guys thing might be part of the problem.

Leach/Mastro put Mason and Caldwell at the bottom of the depth chart.
How do you want Leach to be accountable?

You want him out or what?
Originally posted by M-I-Coug:
Question? How many on this year's roster did Leach personally recruit? How many were from Wulff?
I'll answer your question with a question:

You're telling me that there was not enough talent to get more than 2 wins out of this team?

Follow up: Looking at this team up and down, would you say that they were only "better" than 2 other teams, talent wise?

Final statement - that old argument is wearing thin as well. Not every player Wulff recruited was a steaming pile on manure. Further, coaches are there to coach them up.
Seriously, he just ran the DC, and the ST guy was fired a month ago. Those two areas were far worse than the offense, and he did OK getting the most out of less last year. What accountability would you like?
Really don't think it's fair to say Petersen has an "average" team. They have a minimum of 4 draft picks on their defense, 2-3 of whom will be high-rounders. They've also recruited the hell out of skill players on offense, though that wasn't showing up in the stat line--at least until they played us. We've got some talent in the receiving corps, but even that looks better because of the system. In truth they're playing with twice the talent we have on both sides of the ball, with pretty decent coaching.

That's not to say Saturday's effort was respectable; it was an embarrassment. But I still expected an uphill battle given the talent gaps.
a quick look at the depth chart says Leach recruited 16/22 of the starters in the AC and 32/41 listed in the 2 deep roster.

Originally posted by M-I-Coug:
Question? How many on this year's roster did Leach personally recruit? How many were from Wulff?
all those collective reps should start to pay big dividends over the next three seasons.

This post was edited on 12/1 8:07 AM by chinookpirate

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