A/P state team(s) released

He played in the state championship game. He's a 5-10, 180 pound power runner. He's not a Pac-12 guy.
Yeah, no way that kid runs a 4.4. The Georgia kid were after is way faster. He will be a solid FCS player at a school that runs a Stanford type power offense.
I live in the tricities and have a couple coworkers that are family members of his. From what I've heard he's a 4.7 guy, so that's why he hasn't gotten offers. He'll get picked up at a smaller school I'm sure.
Tough, tough kid who keeps moving forward. Terrific high school player and very deserving of the award. Size and foot speed is not a Pac 12 type player but make no mistake his year was one of the best ever recorded in the state and he put up those numbers at the 4A level. Should have won the award.

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