Biggs, Sponge and Ed, "but they would deny it." You might as well throw me in there, and everyone who is sick and tire of the Huskies kicking our arses. 7 straight double digit losses. As for 95man2's assertion that every was "all right" last year, 11-2 and everyone is happy. What! No it wasn't. It was a bitter sweet season. It brought home the sobering fact that best Cougar team under Leach, with a once in a generation QB, lost by double digits, at home to the Dawgs, that the chance we will ever get back to the promised land, with Leach, are slim.
Let's be clear, the minimizing of the importance of actually beating the Huskies, in football, is very new. It is recent and sad construct of Leach first fans, obfuscating the fact that no Cougar coach has fared worse in our most important annual game. I could understand it happening to Wulff, the man was worse than incompetent, he was corrosive, but it happening to a coach the calibre of Leach is mind blowing. Its worse, Jimmie Lake has provided us a bulletin board full of disdain for the air raid, and we still keep firing blanks. 11-2 has an * attached.
Isolated gimmick plays and sets, and trying to exploit gaps in pass coverage by running center screens (shovel pass) et al, isn't a change in offensive scheme, even you called it "adjustments." which it is. That isn't what we, the non-Leach above all crowd, are talking about. Adding some of the following: the RP option, six man lines, both wide and tight gaps, fullback leads, roll outs, QB draws, etc etc on a regular basis, to try to keep defenses off balance throughout a season is a scheme change.
No, we don't need a more diverse offense against teams with weak pass defenses. In fact, running in those instances would only slow the us down. But, we must, to be ready. For what? Every year there are games when you need versatility on offense to counter a quality pass defense/coverages, and we can't, like the Apple Cups. There is a reason why a coach like Leach, who frankly can out coach someone like Mike Price, using half a brain, has always been the bridesmaid. He has no plan B, its "the napkin" or nothing. Because of that you get video game numbers against ordinary opponents, but key game, and Apple Cups wins, have been elusive. Elusive despite the fact that 9 Pac-12 teams have won their division and played in the Championship game since Leach took over. Only Cal, OSU, teams that have struggled, and the one dimensional Cougs, who have had success, but shot blanks on offense at key times, have not.