Any guesses?

All reports coming from Madison have Aranda staying after meeting with the new coach. He made $480,000 and supposedly will get a raise. He was said to be going to OSU but decided to stay at Madison after talks with his old coach.
Clearly, the new DC is currently staff at Oregon, tOSU or an NFL playoff team. This is hire is gonna be a headline grabber for sure.
Originally posted by chinookpirate:

Clearly, the new DC is currently staff at Oregon, tOSU or an NFL playoff team. This is hire is gonna be a headline grabber for sure.
Does this post ^^^ need a sarcasm emoticon? Or are you serious?
Originally posted by Observer11:

Originally posted by chinookpirate:

Clearly, the new DC is currently staff at Oregon, tOSU or an NFL playoff team. This is hire is gonna be a headline grabber for sure.
Does this post ^^^ need a sarcasm emoticon? Or are you serious?
Well, Rex Ryan is out of a job, so I EXPECT the announcement by the end of today.

Nookie is doing what nookie does, stir the pot.
You of course, are free to offer up an opinion as to why Leach is silent on hiring any of the other coaches on the planet who are interviewing throughout the football world.
Originally posted by chinookpirate:

You of course, are free to offer up an opinion as to why Leach is silent on hiring any of the other coaches on the planet who are interviewing throughout the football world.
We're disbanding the program. So, no need to hire a DC.
Inane response, but, predictable.

It could be that we're hiring on the cheap (again) and Leach doesn't want the underwhelming name to be used against us in recruiting.
Originally posted by chinookpirate:
Inane response, but, predictable.

It could be that we're hiring on the cheap (again) and Leach doesn't want the underwhelming name to be used against us in recruiting.
Sorry. I've been busy digging my own grave because we're all going to die after the program is disbanded and the facilities are burned to the ground. This is all occurring because of the failure to hire a DC within some nonexistent timeframe and the lack of recruits from the state of Washington in this recruiting class. Darn those state legislators straight to heck!
Here is the problem...expectations....

And in the end it won't matter, but Moos said it should go quickly. Quickly in this biz is less than 10 days. I think if Moos said we are going to go at our own speed and if it takes 60 days to get our guy, it takes 60 days.
Re: Here is the problem...expectations....

Originally posted by CougEd:

And in the end it won't matter, but Moos said it should go quickly. Quickly in this biz is less than 10 days. I think if Moos said we are going to go at our own speed and if it takes 60 days to get our guy, it takes 60 days.
Feel free to call into Moos' radio show on Monday and ask him what's up.

Doesn't matter what is up. He set expectations, and some fans that is a problem.
Re: Why?

Originally posted by CougEd:
Doesn't matter what is up. He set expectations, and some fans that is a problem.
Feel free to call in and ask about why he set expectations for a quick hire. Since you seem to be the one pointing up failure to reach expectations, I'm pointing out a very easy way for you to inquire into why expectations were set. Not exactly rocket science.
Originally posted by chinookpirate:

Clearly, the new DC is currently staff at Oregon, tOSU or an NFL playoff team. This is hire is gonna be a headline grabber for sure.
Because those are the only teams left to play?
If I felt it was such a big deal to ME I would

but it isn't. But thanks for giving me great tips in case I ever feel the need.
Re: If I felt it was such a big deal to ME I would

Originally posted by CougEd:
but it isn't. But thanks for giving me great tips in case I ever feel the need.
Dgibs does not seem to think that not having a DC named at this time is a big deal. It appears that you do not either. Why exactly are you arguing?
Originally posted by chinookpirate:

I'd get a kick out of Choate taking over. He seems ready to me.
He was my guess a week or two ago. Huskies still haven't played their bowl.
Great question...maybe you should ask him.

He wrote about some "non-existent" time frame. I simply said "some" fans would feel like expectations haven't been met because Moos set the expectations. If Moos said in early December that it will take as long as it will to get the right guy, that would be under promising and over delivering.
Re: If I felt it was such a big deal to ME I would

Originally posted by Coug1990:
Originally posted by CougEd:
but it isn't. But thanks for giving me great tips in case I ever feel the need.
Dgibs does not seem to think that not having a DC named at this time is a big deal. It appears that you do not either. Why exactly are you arguing?
Sky- blue. Water- wet.
Originally posted by chinookpirate:
Inane response, but, predictable.

It could be that we're hiring on the cheap (again) and Leach doesn't want the underwhelming name to be used against us in recruiting.
You're a lowlife husky 'fan' troll that is horribly predictable. At what point do you get bored of this? Grow up!
Re: Great question...maybe you should ask him.

Originally posted by CougEd:
He wrote about some "non-existent" time frame. I simply said "some" fans would feel like expectations haven't been met because Moos set the expectations. If Moos said in early December that it will take as long as it will to get the right guy, that would be under promising and over delivering.
You jumped into this thread, even though you're not concerned about the DC hire to espouse your wisdom about expectations. If you're concerned about it, feel free to call into to Moos' radio show on Monday.

Can you really not see that nookie is just here stirring the pot? And why are you helping him do it?
This post was edited on 1/2 12:05 PM by dgibbons
Ah...the old pot stirring. Must be the over 700 posts I have

on Dawgman. Yes, I jumped into it giving it context. Just as others have jumped into many threads I have posted over the years offering opinions and context. . Again, I gave context for those who would be concerned about not having a DC signed up. It really isn't all that tough to get.
This post was edited on 1/2 12:25 PM by CougEd
You're aware, the post total thing...'s literally right there, under your name. I mean, you make it seem like you need to make a FOIA request, and get presidential approval to have that info... when it's just moving your eyes a half inch. Its the same at other sites, too.
Choate would be extremely underwhelming.

Maybe Chip Kelly wants to coach defense...he's trying to get outta Philly.
**** you, trollDesciple. Is that what you live for?

Seriously, if you really can't stop perpetuating lies about me, drink a Drano/Prestone cocktail. I mean this with all sincerity.

You and the 1/2 dozen other so called Cougar fans on this site that join you in your endless, baseless bashing of me because you can't comprehend anything outside of your Stepford style group think, need to grow up.
This post was edited on 1/2 1:29 PM by chinookpirate
Stop breaking the rules.

That kind of language isn't allowed here.
But those of us who go after your dubious football wisdom... we're still OK, right?
Clarity on Fishie

Originally posted by chinookpirate:
**** you, trollDesciple. Is that what you live for?

Seriously, if you really can't stop perpetuating lies about me, drink a Drano/Prestone cocktail. I mean this with all sincerity.

You and the 1/2 dozen other so called Cougar fans on this site that join you in your endless, baseless bashing of me because you can't comprehend anything outside of your Stepford style group think, need to grow up.
This post was edited on 1/2 1:29 PM by chinookpirate
Come on, man… don't go there. I know you consider me among the half dozen you hate. But don't go there. That's waaaaay overboard.

And ALSO, to be clear, I have done a little investigation on what you were doing over at Dawgman. You started there on January 1, 2012, and the last post was Sept. 2012. Over 700 posts in those 9 months. BUT for the most part, it appears you were in the political site of Dawgman, NOT THE FOOTBALL site. To be clear, the search is quite incomplete but you and LA Coug were there quite a bit, it seems. But man… I gotta ask… why in the world would you do so in a site for our ultimate rival? Are you a Doogy? Hells Bells, I don't know. Why a Coug would go there except to egg them on or make fun of them, or whatever, I don't know. But I'll be open and honest… I'm taking a step back on my stance of Fishie… just a step back no ultimate decision for whatever that's worth.

But dude… this stuff isn't going to help you in any way, shape or form.

This post was edited on 1/2 1:48 PM by Coug95man2

This post was edited on 1/2 2:02 PM by Coug95man2
Originally posted by chinookpirate:
**** you, trollDesciple. Is that what you live for?

Seriously, if you really can't stop perpetuating lies about me, drink a Drano/Prestone cocktail. I mean this with all sincerity.

You and the 1/2 dozen other so called Cougar fans on this site that join you in your endless, baseless bashing of me because you can't comprehend anything outside of your Stepford style group think, need to grow up.
This post was edited on 1/2 1:29 PM by chinookpirate
This post is for preservation only.
I take what Moos says with a grain of salt and suggest others do the same. He is selling the program- the sizzle and not the steak. For all I know he may have implied a quick agreement with a DC in order to continue interest in the program. Or maybe aliens abducted the new DC. Who knows? Like it or not, we just have to sit here like a bunch of dummies and wait for the announcement.

I don't know who the next DC will be or if we even have one. But, I would bet that this has been in the works for some time and not just since Breske was let go. I seem to recall when Leach was hired quickly after Wulff was terminated that Moos said something to the effect of "I like to have my next wife halfway down the aisle before I divorce the current one." Even we bozo board posters would see that the defense had some serious problems midway through the previous season. It would be logical for Moos to discuss this with Leach at that time and start vetting potential replacements. Unless something has gone considerably wrong we have someone lined up and have had so for some time. If something has indeed gone wrong then the current panic is justified.

I do not know any more about it than you and, apparently, you do not know any more than me. We just have to wait for it.

The current DC situation withstanding: Enjoy the holidays, my fellow Cougs.
Re: Stop breaking the rules.

...and thanks for reminding us you're one of them, Brent.


Britton, check your inbox please.
95...while I agree with you in principle...and agree overboard I am not

sure what Chinook retorted is any more offensive than being called a Husky troll.
You must be a carpenter...

inch, 1/2 inch. same difference. Yes, thank you for clearing that up.
Re: 95...while I agree with you in principle...and agree overboard I am not

Being called a "low life Husky troll" vs. wishing 6 people would commit suicide via drinking antifreeze (and was meant "with all sincerity) and to F*** off, is the same in your world? I would STRONGLY disagree with you that these are anywhere near equally offensive statements. While being considered a Doogy is one of the most unpleasant things I can imagine calling someone, these are completely different worlds, my friend.
As several of the attorneys on this board would point out

He never used the word suicide. He merely wished them to drink enough where they weren't feeling well.

And to some, being called a husky is almost as bad. And yes 95, there is some hyperbole in my last two posts.

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