All the while, an Ol Miss charter plane is in GEG... Sounds like something is off. If CML is in Arkansas, they wouldn't fly him out of GEG/Pullman. And vice versa that Arkansas wouldn't be flying him out of GEG/Pullman if he's already in the south.
No logistical sense, here. At the very least, one of these stories is fabricated. Either to get a reaction out of WSU fans or their fans. Maybe this is a way to test waters for various admin's. See what the fans think, kind of thing. But CML can't be in 2 places at 1 time.
The plane that went from Spokane to Ole Miss went this morning at 9:20. It got to Spokane yesterday, on a route from Wichita. The same plane was also in Spokane last week - when it went from Springfield, MO to Spokane to Wichita. And, it was there twice the week before that, coming from San Jose and from College Station. On today's flight, 2 hours after it landed at Ole Miss, the plane headed for Lubbock...which is where it is right now.
Oh, and I'm sure this has nothing to do with that plane being at Ole Miss, but the Rebels' women's hoops team plays at Texas Tech tomorrow night.
My point is that, yes, it's possible Leach got on it to go talk to Ole Miss. But more likely, it's a plane that flies around a lot - including periodic trips to Spokane - and is also used by Ole Miss.
One more thought - the plane used to ferry a basketball team, coaching staff, trainers, etc., is probably not the same plan an AD and a handful of boosters are going to use to try and lure a new coach. The planes this airline has set up for more...comfortable...trips seem to spend a lot of their time traveling between Amarillo-Laughlin-Portland-Spokane, and doing an east coast swing between Baltimore and Florida.
Anyway...I don't think the supposed "Ole Miss charter" is worth worrying about...if for no other reason than even if it is true, there's not a damn thing any of us can do about it.
Frankly, I'm less concerned about Leach leaving for the fishbowl that almost any SEC program is, and there's no way you're going to convince me that Arkansas and Ole Miss won't have a vocal group of entitled donors who think their coach should answer their calls 24/7.
I'm more concerned that Leach will one day decide he doesn't need the big money, but still likes the challenge, and takes the job at South Florida...which isn't far from his summer home, and is also vacant right now. If I'm their AD, I'm making damn sure that Leach knows the door is open.