It's rather complicated, what it boils down to is TV rights for, ESPN has a lot of stuff locked up right now, which doesn't work to college football's benefit, well it works for the SEC. If you look at the NFL, the bidding is between CBS, Fox, NBC and for the playoffs and Superbowl. In College with ESPN having the playoffs through 2025 and the SEC through 2030, there is no bidding for the playoffs for a few years, and this alliance could delay expansion, since the other networks can't bid on it until 2026. All the conferences were quick to sign contracts, the pac 12 being one, and it didn't work out too well, with the alliance there will be more of a coordinate effort to maximize income and exposure. In the long run it's a good idea, just might take a while. And the of course there is number two, the scheduling between conferences, they could lock out the SEC, but I think that would do more harm than good, but they can pick and choose and just not schedule certain teams. However if everyone went to an 8 game conference schedule you can get some good non conference games with P5 schools.