Cute—hyperbolic, hysterical, and name calling to boot.We have fans trying to say this is a "kids will be kids" thing, when in reality, we all know it's drunk a$$holes showing a complete disrespect for other people. If this crap happened to you and'd be losing your mind. I agree with the thoughts that making this a felony is over the top, but this isn't something that should be blown off as "just roll 'em for a bit and it's ok". I already said that I'm not sold on jail time, but If they get kicked off the team or go to jail, perhaps they should have thought of that before they went around jumping on hoods.
Now, the evidence is flimsy and they might get away with it, but if some jackass jumped on the hood of my car and someone followed them and reported it, I would hope that they didn't get away without penalty. Then again, you've always been a jackass who is willing to make excuses for our players who commit crimes. Here's your jersey.
Tell you what—when you’re done with your immature rant, find a single post where I’ve made an excuse for one of our players criminal behavior and you will never get another response from again.