Bat Signal

Fitzpatrick would be one of the biggest wr gets in the Mike Leach era. Plus he has two visits to Pullman set up.
How about the coaches and team (and interns) just stay the hell off Twitter and focus on their jobs? Commits don't mean shit until they sign.

If a recruit wants to play the social media game that is their prerogative.

Sincerely, Negative Nancy :confused:

P.S. Tulsi Gabbard is hot...…..
How about the coaches and team (and interns) just stay the hell off Twitter and focus on their jobs? Commits don't mean shit until they sign.

If a recruit wants to play the social media game that is their prerogative.

Sincerely, Negative Nancy :confused:

P.S. Tulsi Gabbard is hot...…..

Twitter is part of their job.
How about the coaches and team (and interns) just stay the hell off Twitter and focus on their jobs? Commits don't mean shit until they sign.

If a recruit wants to play the social media game that is their prerogative.

Sincerely, Negative Nancy :confused:

P.S. Tulsi Gabbard is hot...…..

Gibs is right, nowadays twitter is a game you have to play in recruiting. If you don't, you fall behind because the recruits expect it..
Twitter is part of their job.
Gibs is right, nowadays twitter is a game you have to play in recruiting. If you don't, you fall behind because the recruits expect it..

Oh fine.

And he is communicating with who? The recruit? No, he knows. The competition? Maybe, like they care. They'll keep recruiting. Other recruits? OK, I can dig that. The fans? Ahhhh, yes we need to know the big things. Like the CML talking bobblehead.

More importantly, no opinion on Tulsi?
Oh fine.

And he is communicating with who? The recruit? No, he knows. The competition? Maybe, like they care. They'll keep recruiting. Other recruits? OK, I can dig that. The fans? Ahhhh, yes we need to know the big things. Like the CML talking bobblehead.

More importantly, no opinion on Tulsi?
Her skin needs work
Oh fine.

And he is communicating with who? The recruit? No, he knows. The competition? Maybe, like they care. They'll keep recruiting. Other recruits? OK, I can dig that. The fans? Ahhhh, yes we need to know the big things. Like the CML talking bobblehead.

More importantly, no opinion on Tulsi?

The main purposes are to feed the recruit's ego and to show other recruits that the coach "gets it" and is cool with playing the game of feeding recruits' egos. Many will say that's unnecessary or counterproductive, but it's what all the other staffs are doing, so it has become part of the job. None of these coaches other than some extreme outliers (e.g., Tosh) really want to be tweeting eye emojis at 17-year olds.
Oh fine.

And he is communicating with who? The recruit? No, he knows. The competition? Maybe, like they care. They'll keep recruiting. Other recruits? OK, I can dig that. The fans? Ahhhh, yes we need to know the big things. Like the CML talking bobblehead.

More importantly, no opinion on Tulsi?

Tulsi has declined since 2012. Still pretty for politics though.
Oh fine.

And he is communicating with who? The recruit? No, he knows. The competition? Maybe, like they care. They'll keep recruiting. Other recruits? OK, I can dig that. The fans? Ahhhh, yes we need to know the big things. Like the CML talking bobblehead.

More importantly, no opinion on Tulsi?

Gabbard is the best candidate by far. Really impressed by her she checks all the boxes I want.

- anti interventionist
- presidential character and demeanor
- Medicare for all
- has a green energy plan (it’s called the OFF Act)
- She’s pro legalizing marijuana

Really we could use some calm in the White House for once and I think she’d be great at calming things the f.uck down.

I like her she’s got my vote for now.
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The main purposes are to feed the recruit's ego and to show other recruits that the coach "gets it" and is cool with playing the game of feeding recruits' egos. Many will say that's unnecessary or counterproductive, but it's what all the other staffs are doing, so it has become part of the job. None of these coaches other than some extreme outliers (e.g., Tosh) really want to be tweeting eye emojis at 17-year olds.

This and other things.

Also there is this thing about PERCEIVED Momentum.

What that is:

If you are committing, building a class between about 43% to 53% semi full, semi filled up with semi top ranked highest ended 3 stars to 4 stars to low end 5 stars, and is becoming a semi top ranked recruiting class that goes along with great coaches, players, already on team, that goes along with a winning program, that will make other top recruits want to commit, sign.

Its a way of saying "Hey look at the awesomeness that is going on here, come join in on it, before you miss your chance"

Nobody wants to see, join in on nothing good going on.


Doba, He who not named classes with either nobody committed, or nobody committed worth talking about.

So yeah it technically means nothing until commits sign.

But it kind of does mean something in the recruiting game of SHOWING OFF, in order to get more recruits to commit, and in order to affect the PERCEPTION of the program, recruiting, etc, by recruits, others, etc.

Also if enough recruits commit, yeah a couple, few, some, might not sign, but some to semi almost semi most to enough will sign. So getting a LOT of QUALITY commits is a good thing
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How about the coaches and team (and interns) just stay the hell off Twitter and focus on their jobs? Commits don't mean shit until they sign.

If a recruit wants to play the social media game that is their prerogative.

Sincerely, Negative Nancy :confused:

P.S. Tulsi Gabbard is hot...…..
Tulsi Gabbard might look nice but she's almost as much of a national security threat as Agent Orange
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Not to get too political, but since some here asked.

My view is that IF IF the Democrat Party were to choose a CENTRIST Blue Dog Candidate like a Joe Lieberman, a Biden type, instead of National Security, Terrorist threats like Keith Ellison, or those in favor of Sanctuary cities, counties, states, and BREAKING IMMIGRATION LAWS(should be ARRESTED, CHARGED, CONVICTED, instead of being allowed to run for president(Inslee(LAW BREAKER)(Immigration Law Breaker, OBSTRUCTIONIST), or those in favor of a $100 Trillion dollar FREE EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY green new deal, or those in favor of giving MURDERERS the right to vote in Prison, on DEATH ROW, Tthe right to vote(Crazy Bernie),

THEN me, and other Libertarians, independents, constitutionalist, semi conservatives to semi moderates, republicans, rhino republicans, would vote for a Lieberman, a Biden, a CENTRIST BLUE DOG DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE for President OVER Trump.

But if choose Keith Ellison, etc, then me, others will vote Trump, even tho there are things I dont like about Trump, just because it would be the LESSER OF 2 EVILS and would keep the democrat crazy snowflake far left extremist, SOCIALIST, MARXIST, COMMUNIST, DICTATOR, LIBTARDS from DESTROYING USA, turning USA into VENEZUELA.

So want people to vote democrat?

Choose Lieberman types, Biden types, BLUE DOG CENTRIST DEMOCRAT types, instead of SHET for presidential candidates.

Also problem with Biden, is he would be good if not for his PROBLEMS, like the crazy, stupid things he says, his inability to shut his mouth at times, his beliefs, if he is racist, and if he has touched inappropiatly, and if he cant stop touching inappropiatly.

So I would vote for Biden, but wont, cant, etc, because of his problems.
Not to get too political [...]

Also problem with Biden, is he would be good if not for his PROBLEMS, like the crazy, stupid things he says, his inability to shut his mouth at times, his beliefs, if he is racist, and if he has touched inappropiatly, and if he cant stop touching inappropiatly.

So I would vote for Biden, but wont, cant, etc, because of his problems.

Wait, so these are the reasons you would vote for Trump over Biden?
These traits are practically the defining characteristics of president trump.
(...aside from the, “being good” part.)

You sound like your mind is made up, no need to boast about your, “Centrism”.
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Wait, so these are the reasons you would vote for Trump over Biden?
These traits are practically the defining characteristics of president trump.
(...aside from the, “being good” part.)

You sound like your mind is made up, no need to boast about your, “Centrism”.

Part of the reason why Biden wont win the Democrat Nomination, is because of his problems.

Also Biden's problems have been established as true problems.

Accusations, that have not been proven true about Trump, is different then established.

Also there is a thing called "Locker Room Talk" where guys in locker rooms, sometimes make stuff up to look cool to other guys in locker rooms.

"Like yeah man, I grabbed her an....", is typical crap guys make up in locker rooms, and not just stuff that only Trump has said.

I myself have heard guys say the kind of things trump has said in locker rooms.

Also IF those things were established as true about trump, trump woukd have been arrested, put on trial, instead of being elected.

As to who I would vote for, if it was between Trump, and Biden, it would be 50/50, or neither of them, because of both of their problems

Only reason I voted for trump, against hillary, was Hillary was SOOO CORRUPT, what with PIZZA Child Sex Ring Gate, Clinton Foundation Gate, Ben Ghazi Gate, deleting 33k Emails, that were subpaoenaed, after she was subpaoenaed, being in Collusion with Comey, Obama, the Attorney General to wrongly get her off, instead of IN JAIL where she belonged, is that I would have voted for JACK THE RIPPER over Hillary, in order to try and stop Hillary, and Glad that Jullian Assange, and Wiki Leaks, and Anonymous, and Russians HACKED her computers, 33k Emails, she ILLEGALLY deleted, to reveal the TRUTH about her, that WE THE VOTERS HAD THE RIGHT TO KNOW.
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Part of the reason why Biden wont win the Democrat Nomination, is because of his problems.

Also Biden's problems have been established as true problems.

Accusations, that have not been proven true about Trump, is different then established.

Also there is a thing called "Locker Room Talk" where guys in locker rooms, sometimes make stuff up to look cool to other guys in locker rooms.

"Like yeah man, I grabbed her an....", is typical crap guys make up in locker rooms, and not just stuff that only Trump has said.

I myself have heard guys say the kind of things trump has said in locker rooms.

Also IF those things were established as true about trump, trump woukd have been arrested, put on trial, instead of being elected.

As to who I would vote for, if it was between Trump, and Biden, it would be 50/50, or neither of them, because of both of their problems

Only reason I voted for trump, against hillary, was Hillary was SOOO CORRUPT, what with PIZZA Child Sex Ring Gate, Clinton Foundation Gate, Ben Ghazi Gate, deleting 33k Emails, that were subpaoenaed, after she was subpaoenaed, being in Collusion with Comey, Obama, the Attorney General to wrongly get her off, instead of IN JAIL where she belonged, is that I would have voted for JACK THE RIPPER over Hillary, in order to try and stop Hillary, and Glad that Jullian Assange, and Wiki Leaks, and Anonymous, and Russians HACKED her computers, 33k Emails, she ILLEGALLY deleted, to reveal the TRUTH about her, that WE THE VOTERS HAD THE RIGHT TO KNOW.
This entire post is a Fox News inspired dream and every bit of is is wrong. I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton. However, knowing now what I didn't know then, I would have voted for Clinton in a heart beat. Because of him, I have moved further left since Trump has been president. He is a joke of a man, which makes what he is doing as a president all the more scary.
Please forgive me for interrupting this fine political discourse but to get back to the original thread, do any of you know who the bat signal is referring to?
Nope. Tried looking, but have no idea.
Part of the reason why Biden wont win the Democrat Nomination, is because of his problems.

Also Biden's problems have been established as true problems.

Accusations, that have not been proven true about Trump, is different then established.

Also there is a thing called "Locker Room Talk" where guys in locker rooms, sometimes make stuff up to look cool to other guys in locker rooms.

"Like yeah man, I grabbed her an....", is typical crap guys make up in locker rooms, and not just stuff that only Trump has said.

I myself have heard guys say the kind of things trump has said in locker rooms.

Also IF those things were established as true about trump, trump woukd have been arrested, put on trial, instead of being elected.

As to who I would vote for, if it was between Trump, and Biden, it would be 50/50, or neither of them, because of both of their problems

Only reason I voted for trump, against hillary, was Hillary was SOOO CORRUPT, what with PIZZA Child Sex Ring Gate, Clinton Foundation Gate, Ben Ghazi Gate, deleting 33k Emails, that were subpaoenaed, after she was subpaoenaed, being in Collusion with Comey, Obama, the Attorney General to wrongly get her off, instead of IN JAIL where she belonged, is that I would have voted for JACK THE RIPPER over Hillary, in order to try and stop Hillary, and Glad that Jullian Assange, and Wiki Leaks, and Anonymous, and Russians HACKED her computers, 33k Emails, she ILLEGALLY deleted, to reveal the TRUTH about her, that WE THE VOTERS HAD THE RIGHT TO KNOW.
Pizza gate? seek mental help as soon as possible, only your football analysis rivals this insane post
Please forgive me for interrupting this fine political discourse but to get back to the original thread, do any of you know who the bat signal is referring to?

Yes, but it's so much more interesting reading the rants of a right-wing nutcase and a sexually frustrated 60 something...
Please forgive me for interrupting this fine political discourse but to get back to the original thread, do any of you know who the bat signal is referring to?

I did read elsewhere that 2019 is in the books as McIntosh (ND RB) and Oscar D are both on scholarship.
Good for Oscar, pleased that ST are rewarded.
That signal went up again right before Hunter committed. Might be a sign that another commit is still unknown.
Please forgive me for interrupting this fine political discourse but to get back to the original thread, do any of you know who the bat signal is referring to?
The other guys not to be named here show us landing a 3-star safety, Hunter Escorcia
The other guys not to be named here show us landing a 3-star safety, Hunter Escorcia
Scott Hood was the first to report this behind the paywall. He beat both brand x and y. There may be another unknown commit, as there were two bat signals.
Scott Hood was the first to report this behind the paywall. He beat both brand x and y. There may be another unknown commit, as there were two bat signals.
I’m glad to know he’s out in front of those’s really the only reason I go there, to check the front page to see if any recruits have committed. Their posting of commits is that site’s only redeeming quality.

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