No argument here. Problem is, they won't be dismissed. It's the Peter Principle at work. Take WSU. I know some of those administrators personally. Nice people, but they personify the Principle.
"In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence." (And stay there) It's absolutely true. Public Higher Ed is the worst. No profit motive, steady flow of cash. President Rawlings said it best. "Money is like a river. It's just flow, and keeps coming". How the F I survived all those years in that environment, surrounded by ass kissing mooches I do not know.
So, no, no one will be dismissed. Chun and Schulz will continue to get their mega paychecks. All those VP's will get theirs too. Who will stop them? The Board of Regents? HAH! the only Regent that really tried to dig into the shit was an attorney out of Spokane. Didn't like him much, but he came in on a mission from God to root out some of this crap. Needless to say his term was not renewed.
Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset (1883–1955) virtually enunciated the Peter principle in 1910, "All public employees should be demoted to their immediately lower level, as they have been promoted until turning incompetent."
Peter got his PhD at WSU, for you non-boomers out there. And he inspired Scott Adams (Dilbert). Best and most true comic strip of all time. Followed by The Far Side. Gary Larson is also a Coug BTW.
Just keep funding my Social Security, 96. And keep that head buried in your phone.