So...I regularly criticize the politics and failures of the ratings gurus. Time to put up or shut up.
If a kid is relatively fast for his position...measured in his 40 time.
If his first 2 or 3 steps are quick...visible in his film.
If his height and frame make sense for his position.
If he looks at least somewhat graceful...not a ballet dancer, but able to run without tripping over blades of grass.
And if he hits people and they stay hit, and he doesn't just collide, but then follows up with what ever makes sense...wrapping up, continuing the block, regaining feet and position...depends on the circumstances, but in every case follows through.
Then that kid is worth probably at least 2 serious looks. If he has all the above, you need to approach him as though you want to close the sale, and you want to stay on him to find out if he studies, if his attitude is good, and if his team chemistry is an asset. Because if he scores out well on all the above, he is a legit recruit.
I think this kid passes the tests, from what I can see. That does not mean that a personal visit and some up front eyeballing is not in order...that is better than film. But certainly the staff has to look at him as someone who is worth their time....other P5 offers, or not.