Cammon Cooper

The issue is people speaking from a position of authority and not knowing jack squat or having any experience... while shouting down or discrediting those that do.

Youve coached. I dont have a beef with you chiming in about depth chart decisions and telling someone theyre a dope.

I’ll spare you my opinion about basketball and baseball.

Well first you have to learn if the b-ball and baseball are pumped or stuffed
What Type Of “Coach” would Blow His Hot Shot Red-Shirt Freshman QBs 1st year of eligibility by making him “2nd string” when he just brought in a Grad Transfer familiar with the offense & who studied with his buddy and founding father of the Air Raid All spring? Oh by the way, you got 2 JC QBs in your program already.

Patrol you’ve decided to die on this hill.

Awful Choice
What Type Of “Coach” would Blow His Hot Shot Red-Shirt Freshman QBs 1st year of eligibility by making him “2nd string” when he just brought in a Grad Transfer.

Awful Choice

I wouldn’t burn it. That’s not what I said. You’ve now got 4 games to use before you even having to make that decision. If Cooper was 2nd string, he would have gotten the 2nd string reps. Minshew wasn’t brought in to hold a clipboard, and neither was Gubrud. That fact that we brought in another transfer says two things. 1) Neither Tinsley or Gordon are viewed as the guy, and 2) Cooper isn’t ready yet.

We’ll learn a lot about Cooper this Spring with Gubrud out.
I wouldn’t burn it. That’s not what I said. You’ve now got 4 games to use before you even having to make that decision. If Cooper was 2nd string, he would have gotten the 2nd string reps. Minshew wasn’t brought in to hold a clipboard, and neither was Gubrud. That fact that we brought in another transfer says two things. 1) Neither Tinsley or Gordon are viewed as the guy, and 2) Cooper isn’t ready yet.

We’ll learn a lot about Cooper this Spring with Gubrud out.

While I still disagree with your assertion that the labels on the depth chart were meaningful, I agree 100% that with Gubrud being injured, we'll get an opportunity to see if Cooper is still well regarded by Leach. In last year's spring game, it was obvious that Cooper was the QB of the future based on snaps.....we'll see if it looks that way this year.
Wow a lot of "much ado about nothing". I can't wait until the season starts....or at least the spring game.

I don't think we can at all reasonably conclude anything about Cooper's future or what Leach thinks right now. We have no proof that he is far behind Tinsley and Gordon.
The fact that we had 4 games to use Cooper doesn't really matter when you consider that neither Tinsley nor Gordon got much PT either. Tinsley threw NINE passes the entire season. Gordon 6. They were there for insurance. Do you really think 9 passes would have significantly helped Cooper's long term development?
In last year's spring game, it was obvious that Cooper was the QB of the future based on snaps.....we'll see if it looks that way this year.

I sure as Hell hope so. I’d love for either Cooper or Cruz to emerge this year or next and take the position over.
Meh. This whole thread has an air of "we have concern and doubt in the position". While I have no doubt that CML thinks that the older, the better (there is no replacement for experience), I wouldn't be surprised if it's more about how CONFIDENT he is in the young QB's and what he has at his disposal.

"Hey, I've got a boatload of young, talented guys. I like what I see from all of them. The future is bright. Why not bring in another Grad Transfer and watch the competition elevate ALL of them?! No skin off my nose. Won't really hurt my depth because everything I have at my disposal is quality. And whomever wins the battle, wins the battle! Age be damned, whomever is the best, gets the job! Be it Grubrud, Cruz, Neville, Cooper, Tinsley, Gordon, Bledsoe or The Cat in the Hat?"

I'm seeing it much differently that all of you. I see that CML is confident in the young guys. That's why he's willing to have a "hole" in the recruiting process and not bringing in a high school QB right now. He likes what he see's.

And he might be showing his cards a bit on a relationship in a 2020 QB situation, as well.

All I see is confidence. I'm done being a chicken little. There's something else brewing and it isn't concern over the position.
I'm glad to see that WSU has agreed to let him go with no strings attached. While it should be a no brainer....every once in a while that gets screwed up.

This is the only thing I could find on this "run off" waiver", and it is over 4 years old. Don;t know if the recent transfer rule changes affected this definition or not. Bad as the term sounds, if a school can use it to benefit the student-athlete then I like it.
To reopen the original post here, Leach said definitively in an interview that Tinsley and Gordon were the front runners for the starting job. No mention of Cooper from him.

Is that gamesmanship on his part? I don’t think so. Cooper just doesn’t sound ready yet. We’ll see.
To reopen the original post here, Leach said definitively in an interview that Tinsley and Gordon were the front runners for the starting job. No mention of Cooper from him.

Is that gamesmanship on his part? I don’t think so. Cooper just doesn’t sound ready yet. We’ll see.


Good Hell

Why "good hell"? I think Leach's actions are always transparent. Take Bruggman for example, he was his top recruit, maybe ever, and the kids was gone in a year. While I agree that we will know more after spring and if Patrol is reading too much into it, but Leach has a pretty good idea early how a player will fit or not fit into his system...and team.
Why "good hell"? I think Leach's actions are always transparent. Take Bruggman for example, he was his top recruit, maybe ever, and the kids was gone in a year. While I agree that we will know more after spring and if Patrol is reading too much into it, but Leach has a pretty good idea early how a player will fit or not fit into his system...and team.

Do you prefer bad hell?

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