Private sector insurance interference seems like an entirely new topic, one I have not considered. What are you referring to?
I don't know about "personally affected by", but I do have opinions on the subject. I am more personally affected by tax rates, food costs, fuel costs, government rules and regulations, and the weather than I am by the "existential threat of climate change". I have always acknowledged that the climate DOES change. It gets warmer and it gets cooler, as has been documented by the scientific community. It goes in cycles, up and down, up and down in hundreds, thousands, probably millions of years. It has been warmer than now in the past, and yet there were no evil SUV's back then to cause the warmer climate. Hmmmm, I wonder how that ever happened?
The thing is, politicians and do gooders and tree huggers seem to feel that they can control and change Mother Nature, and I don't buy into that. The computer models have been wrong, the bombastic forecasts from the likes of Gore, Thunberg, AOC, Kerry, etc have continually been wrong. The costs for what they want to do do not provide a reasonable return on investment. They want to push the US to totally eliminate the use of all fossil fuels, yet the effect of doing that on the Earth's temperature is negligible.
Much of the left is trying to do WRT climate change seems to boil down to power and control without proven benefits. The elites want to control what all of us great unwashed out here can and cannot do while the elites blithely disregard THEIR own negative effects on the environment. I am a fan of nature, the wonderful views and opportunities to be in nature, but we also need to progress as a civilized society. Just because I question what they are feeding us does not make me a "climate denier", a term simply invented to try to shame those of us that fail to follow their instructions. I categorically reject the characterization of that term applied to me. If you want to refer to me as a "climate skeptic", go right ahead.