Cougs/Beavs to Big 12 ?

My best bud who live in Portland just called me to say he’s hearing on Portland radio that the Big-12 is gonna offer WSU & OSU for next year and it’s because ESPN wants it to happen. I hope something comes of this.
Yeah I’m hearing some smoke here too. Not sure if it’s legit or taking Twitter heads getting excited. I’m still hopeful.
Is anyone reporting this besides MHver? No one else credible or even non credible is talking about this.
My best bud who live in Portland just called me to say he’s hearing on Portland radio that the Big-12 is gonna offer WSU & OSU for next year and it’s because ESPN wants it to happen.

Would be quite the victory lap for Pres. Schulz and Ann McCoy
This guy has a reputation for spamming out tons of unreliable predictions. Get's it right once in a blue moon just by the sheer volume of crap thrown against a wall. He had us going to the B12 last year with ASU and Utah. I would not get my hopes up.
Am I the only Coug that could give a f about joining the big 12? That idea blows.

The Pac has been around longer than the B12. More history. More tradition. I guess you could call the B12 the successor of the B8, but not really--just a bunch of defectors leaving to form their own new conference.
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Am I the only Coug that could give a f about joining the big 12? That idea blows.

The Pac has been around longer than the B12. More history. More tradition. I guess you could call the B12 the successor of the B8, but not really--just a bunch of defectors leaving to form their own new conference.

What are the better options at this time or in the near future?

The Pac has been around longer than the B12. More history. More tradition. I guess you could call the B12 the successor of the B8, but not really--just a bunch of defectors leaving to form their own new conference.
If the options are:
-Stay in the P12, but it's G5, or​
-Join the BXII and play in the P4​
I'm definitely picking to play in the P4.

I don't love it either, but staying P4 before it becomes P2 should be the move.
If the options are:
-Stay in the P12, but it's G5, or​
-Join the BXII and play in the P4​
I'm definitely picking to play in the P4.

I don't love it either, but staying P4 before it becomes P2 should be the move.
Big picture, us turning into a G5 will completely flip our athletics on its head. We have already seen this with coaching salary cuts etc. programs will cease to exist, people will get let go and have to move their families. The repercussions will reverberate throughout the school.

It’s infinitely better for the university to stay P4, even if we struggle to compete. And for those of you who think we will be some powerhouse in the G5 I promise you we won’t. We have a really good research institution, but will be on par resource wise than most other MWC schools and will settle into the middle of the pack.

I’d be excited as hell if we joined the B12. We got the best places to visit from the old Pac in the AZ schools, Boulder, and SLC plus some pretty cool new college towns to check out. I’m pumped to go to Morgantown, always wanted to check that place out. It sure seems like most of the B12 have great cfb emvironments and I think Pullman and our fan base would fit right in.
My best bud who live in Portland just called me to say he’s hearing on Portland radio that the Big-12 is gonna offer WSU & OSU for next year and it’s because ESPN wants it to happen. I hope something comes of this.
There's basically nothing out there suggesting this, and the little bit of recent smoke all seems to connect back to the same Twitter troll who posts a ton of rumors.

Besides, we know that at the very least Arizona (and maybe ASU) would argue against including us.
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Snake Oil, (grow your thinning hair, receding hairline and bald spot NOW!)
Rumours (just ask Mick Fleetwood)
Wishful thinking (what do Brian Bosworth, Jayden de Laura and Cameron Ward all have in common?)
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Getting invited to the Big 12 is arguably our best case scenario. I don't believe it for a minute. My co-workers have never come to me saying that they are hearing anything with any weight at all and I live in Big 12 country.
My best bud who live in Portland just called me to say he’s hearing on Portland radio that the Big-12 is gonna offer WSU & OSU for next year and it’s because ESPN wants it to happen. I hope something comes of this.
Called it!

Nothing happens unless Fox/Espn bring there checkbooks and demand it happens.
Found this Seattle times article: Not gonna happen....right now

The summary of the article is: "Our advice: Ignore the scuttlebutt. “The Big 12 has no interest in them,” said an industry source familiar with commissioner Brett Yormark’s strategy."

As much as people want to will it into existence....we are freakin' hosed. We need to extract as much money as we can right now and then deal with the future in early 2026.
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Found this Seattle times article: Not gonna happen....right now

The summary of the article is: "Our advice: Ignore the scuttlebutt. “The Big 12 has no interest in them,” said an industry source familiar with commissioner Brett Yormark’s strategy."

As much as people want to will it into existence....we are freakin' hosed. We need to extract as much money as we can right now and then deal with the future in early 2026.
I agree with 2/3 of that. The big 12 isn’t going to call, no matter how long we sit by the phone. And, we need to get the money where we can as soon as we can.

But, we can’t wait until early 2026. If they haven’t already been talking behind the scenes, they need to start tomorrow. There needs to be a plan in place by this time next year. Maybe it can have some details left to figure until spring of 26, but the direction needs to be decided in fall 25.

Assuming that direction involves at least part of the MWC, as much as possible needs to be in place in order to have unity in media contract dealings. Otherwise we’ll end up with the same kind of last minute lowballing the PAC-12 got.
I agree with 2/3 of that. The big 12 isn’t going to call, no matter how long we sit by the phone. And, we need to get the money where we can as soon as we can.

But, we can’t wait until early 2026. If they haven’t already been talking behind the scenes, they need to start tomorrow. There needs to be a plan in place by this time next year. Maybe it can have some details left to figure until spring of 26, but the direction needs to be decided in fall 25.

Assuming that direction involves at least part of the MWC, as much as possible needs to be in place in order to have unity in media contract dealings. Otherwise we’ll end up with the same kind of last minute lowballing the PAC-12 got.

I do believe that there are discussions going on and I don't believe for a minute that the MWC has no interest in us. They have no interest in us the same that the traitorous ten were loyal to the Pac-12 last summer.
Found this Seattle times article: Not gonna happen....right now

The summary of the article is: "Our advice: Ignore the scuttlebutt. “The Big 12 has no interest in them,” said an industry source familiar with commissioner Brett Yormark’s strategy."

As much as people want to will it into existence....we are freakin' hosed. We need to extract as much money as we can right now and then deal with the future in early 2026.

"Not interested in WSU or OSU, " RIGHT NOW".

meaning that Big 12 not interested in WSU, OSU RIGHT NOW, but may change there mind once done with ACC, whether ACC stabilizes, FSU, Clemson, etc, stay put, ACC falls apart, etc. That's what those same industry insiders that know Yormack, etc, are telling Wilner in a article I might post later if I can.

Those Same sources, industry insiders, those that know Yormack, etc, are also telling Wilner, that WSU, OSU has in fact been talking to conferences and there leaders, the MWC, Big 12, ACC, AAC, etc, and that something might semi probably happen(Like WSU, OSU joining one of those conferences(ACC, Big 12 primarily, MWC as back up, in about 12 to 36 months), in about 12 to 36 months.

That seems to fit what Jim Williams of the Washington DC press corp said, saying that ACC has made a contingency, conditional plan semi offer to, about WSU, OSU, MWC, AAC teams joining ACC, if ACC teams falling apart.

That was in a Jim Williams DC Press Corp article I posted here.

There is Canzano, Wilner, Jim Williams, Greg Swaime, MHV3er, Sports Keeda, Locked on Big 12, Twitter Trail, insider sources, etc, that have talked to all these sources, that WSU, OSU are talking to conferences leaders, working hard behind the scenes, and that WSU either might semi probably either have MWC join PAC, or PAC might have AAC members, NDSU, join PAC, might join ACC, and might least likely might join Big 12, etc, in 12 to 36 months, etc.

Now any 1 of these sources all alone, by itself, etc, probably have debateable, Questionable credibility at times. But when ALL ALL, ALL these sources are saying the same insider industry sources are telling them same thing, then that probably means: WHERE THERE IS A LOT OF SMOKE THERE IS ALSO PROBABLY FIRE, meaning that there is probably between some to a semi lot of semi truth, facts, etc, in there somewhere, just like the situation before the PAC 12 fell apart.
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