Does freezing of Federal Aid affect our school

"Arguably yes" tells us that your head is far, far, up your backside. Plus, you're basically saying if you ignore the gunshot wound to your chest, you're quite healthy. Average YOY inflation was 5.2 percent under Biden. Nominal wage growth was below that. So, that means real wages decreased, and a lot of Americans felt it as they were sliding backwards during his presidency.

You must have missed the media and talking head bullshitters talking about the wonderful GDP growth and stupendous unemployment rate Bidenomics had given the country.

And gee whiz, you're predicting a swing at the mid-terms? Oh my! Took a lot of courage to venture out onto that sturdy limb. Get a Powerball ticket today!

You do realize that our GDP and economic output dropped in Trump's final year because of COVID...right? Nobody denies that liberals were part of the problem...but the Cheeto-in-Chief did not leave Biden with a roaring economy. It was good compared to how bad everyone else was....but that's the limit of what it was. And oh, yeah, it continued the Republican tradition of a recession occurring during the term of a Republican President.

Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Trump all presided over recessions in their tenure as President. Carter is the only Democrat who oversaw a recession in the same timeframe. Clinton, Obama and Biden all avoided a recession. You can bet that Trump V2 will include a recession with his moronic policies and attacks on the federal government. But hey, "short term pain for long term gain"....right?
Talk about ignoring gunshot wounds...Trump presided over the highest unemployment rate, jobs loss and gdp decline in...oh, I'd say 85 years. Other than that...yeah, great
You are correct in that unemployment under Trump DID hit about 15% due to covid. Of course, when he left office that number had rebounded to about 6%. Can you identify another point in time when UE declined by 9 percentage points in less than a year? Heck no. So apparently Trump performed Herculean miracles by doing that, right?

Well, of course the answer to that is no. I just wanted to get that out there before Flat jumps in with another comment about me licking Trump's taint. Look, we all know that the economy was going quite well under Trump. Unemployment was at very low levels, and real earnings were increasing for the first time in years. Then covid hit the UE numbers shot up drastically, and we all know that the primary cause to that was governors (especially in blue states) requiring social isolation forcing businesses to shut down or drastically decrease operations. Then as the businesses were able to begin re-opening and returning to normal operations that UE numbers dropped dramatically, getting back down to the 6% level I mentioned and continuing lower as Biden took over. Neither Trump nor Biden gets any particular credit for that drop in UE, it was simply the system returning to equilibrium.

I will note though how Mr Biden incorrectly took credit for millions of "Jobs Created" when reality was almost all of those jobs were people returning to jobs that existed prior to covid.
You do realize that our GDP and economic output dropped in Trump's final year because of COVID...right? Nobody denies that liberals were part of the problem...but the Cheeto-in-Chief did not leave Biden with a roaring economy. It was good compared to how bad everyone else was....but that's the limit of what it was. And oh, yeah, it continued the Republican tradition of a recession occurring during the term of a Republican President.

Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Trump all presided over recessions in their tenure as President. Carter is the only Democrat who oversaw a recession in the same timeframe. Clinton, Obama and Biden all avoided a recession. You can bet that Trump V2 will include a recession with his moronic policies and attacks on the federal government. But hey, "short term pain for long term gain"....right?
Clinton may have avoided a recession, but there was the tech stock/Dot Com crash under his rule. Obama did have a decent overall rating on his economy, but I recall it was reported how the recession recovery was the slowest recovery though.
I don't need to. That wasn't part of any assertion on my part. Again, you read (more like "read in") poorly.

Now, if you're asking ME if I think there is clear-cut consensus on the risk/benefit part among researchers...I'd say probs not. Taihtsat
You really ought to put on some underwear. And again, you're acknowledging that you're raising nonsense.
You are correct in that unemployment under Trump DID hit about 15% due to covid. Of course, when he left office that number had rebounded to about 6%. Can you identify another point in time when UE declined by 9 percentage points in less than a year? Heck no. So apparently Trump performed Herculean miracles by doing that, right?

Well, of course the answer to that is no. I just wanted to get that out there before Flat jumps in with another comment about me licking Trump's taint. Look, we all know that the economy was going quite well under Trump. Unemployment was at very low levels, and real earnings were increasing for the first time in years. Then covid hit the UE numbers shot up drastically, and we all know that the primary cause to that was governors (especially in blue states) requiring social isolation forcing businesses to shut down or drastically decrease operations. Then as the businesses were able to begin re-opening and returning to normal operations that UE numbers dropped dramatically, getting back down to the 6% level I mentioned and continuing lower as Biden took over. Neither Trump nor Biden gets any particular credit for that drop in UE, it was simply the system returning to equilibrium.

I will note though how Mr Biden incorrectly took credit for millions of "Jobs Created" when reality was almost all of those jobs were people returning to jobs that existed prior to covid.
Yes, of course I know this. I dont actually blame trump for the economic collapse just as I don't blame Biden for the inflation. 90 pointed all that out. And trump did inherit a pretty sound economy where we'd had something like 77 straight months of job growth...which i think was a record. Taihtsat
What was inflation around the world? As if this was just a US problem.

You’re doing the same thing as those who blamed Covid and the crashing of the economy on Trump.

There’s plenty of arguments to be made that both guys could have handled things better. Although only one of us is arguing that that one of these guys is some sort of economy miracle worker. He’s not. He’s a small cog in the giant wheel of the global economy and he’s done nothing special for the U.S. Hell he surfed Obama's economic wave for the first couple of years.
Please identify who is "arguing that that one of these guys is some sort of economy miracle worker."?
You really ought to put on some underwear. And again, you're acknowledging that you're raising nonsense.
I know you're never gonna back down from - once again - overextending your argument. You're just stubborn that way.

Can you even articulate what "nonesense" i supposedly raised?
Clinton may have avoided a recession, but there was the tech stock/Dot Com crash under his rule. Obama did have a decent overall rating on his economy, but I recall it was reported how the recession recovery was the slowest recovery though.
2nd slowest recovery, I believe. Understandable coming off the 2nd worst economic downturn. Taihtsat
Talk about ignoring gunshot wounds...Trump presided over the highest unemployment rate, jobs loss and gdp decline in...oh, I'd say 85 years. Other than that...yeah, great
You're proving the brainwashing has really taken hold. You won't even look things up before spewing.

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I know you're never gonna back down from - once again - overextending your argument. You're just stubborn that way.

Can you even articulate what "nonesense" i supposedly raised?
You've also crossed into CougEd level laziness. Let's just go with all your posts in this thread.
You are correct in that unemployment under Trump DID hit about 15% due to covid. Of course, when he left office that number had rebounded to about 6%. Can you identify another point in time when UE declined by 9 percentage points in less than a year? Heck no. So apparently Trump performed Herculean miracles by doing that, right?

Well, of course the answer to that is no. I just wanted to get that out there before Flat jumps in with another comment about me licking Trump's taint. Look, we all know that the economy was going quite well under Trump. Unemployment was at very low levels, and real earnings were increasing for the first time in years. Then covid hit the UE numbers shot up drastically, and we all know that the primary cause to that was governors (especially in blue states) requiring social isolation forcing businesses to shut down or drastically decrease operations. Then as the businesses were able to begin re-opening and returning to normal operations that UE numbers dropped dramatically, getting back down to the 6% level I mentioned and continuing lower as Biden took over. Neither Trump nor Biden gets any particular credit for that drop in UE, it was simply the system returning to equilibrium.

I will note though how Mr Biden incorrectly took credit for millions of "Jobs Created" when reality was almost all of those jobs were people returning to jobs that existed prior to covid.
100% agree with your last couple of points. Trump didn’t miraculously decrease unemployment after Covid, and Biden didn’t “create’ millions of jobs. It’s almost like all presidents take credit for shit they had no part in.

That said, no acknowledgement that the economy was in great shape when Trump took his oath the first time? Imo there’s a 18 month to 2 yr lag for when a president’s actions have a meaningful impact on the economy. That said Biden’s story hasn’t been fully written yet. If the economy goes to shit in ‘25 a large part of the blame should be placed on Biden. We shall see. I think the assessment of both of their work when we look back will show a couple of pretty average to below average presidents who both made their share of mistakes.
100% agree with your last couple of points. Trump didn’t miraculously decrease unemployment after Covid, and Biden didn’t “create’ millions of jobs. It’s almost like all presidents take credit for shit they had no part in.

That said, no acknowledgement that the economy was in great shape when Trump took his oath the first time? Imo there’s a 18 month to 2 yr lag for when a president’s actions have a meaningful impact on the economy. That said Biden’s story hasn’t been fully written yet. If the economy goes to shit in ‘25 a large part of the blame should be placed on Biden. We shall see. I think the assessment of both of their work when we look back will show a couple of pretty average to below average presidents who both made their share of mistakes.
You are misusing the term "great." Look up some economic indicators for 2016 and explain why they were "great."

You are misusing the term "great." Look up some economic indicators for 2016 and explain why they were "great."

A better argument might be providing some evidence to the contrary rather than a dictionary definition of great. Again, this is probably where we can skip ahead to your cutest of quips.
A better argument might be providing some evidence to the contrary rather than a dictionary definition of great. Again, this is probably where we can skip ahead to your cutest of quips.
If you don't want to back up your post, just say so.
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You do realize that our GDP and economic output dropped in Trump's final year because of COVID...right? Nobody denies that liberals were part of the problem...but the Cheeto-in-Chief did not leave Biden with a roaring economy. It was good compared to how bad everyone else was....but that's the limit of what it was. And oh, yeah, it continued the Republican tradition of a recession occurring during the term of a Republican President.

Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Trump all presided over recessions in their tenure as President. Carter is the only Democrat who oversaw a recession in the same timeframe. Clinton, Obama and Biden all avoided a recession. You can bet that Trump V2 will include a recession with his moronic policies and attacks on the federal government. But hey, "short term pain for long term gain"....right?
So did Biden. 2022 Q1 and Q2 GDP decreased.
100% agree with your last couple of points. Trump didn’t miraculously decrease unemployment after Covid, and Biden didn’t “create’ millions of jobs. It’s almost like all presidents take credit for shit they had no part in.
This is the first rational comment in this thread in many, many posts. Good job 90.... :)

To add, all presidents take the blame for (economic) shit that they had no control over.

Pivoting, I categorically disagree with anyone who agrees with Stretch on anything.
I’m not gonna define great for you, but do what you want with this I guess.

Please show me the 2016 economic indicators. You can do it. I believe in you.

This is an article manufacturing Obama's legacy. To put it into terms you would use, this author is slobbing Barry's knob.
I agree completely. The US is going to be the best economy in the world for the foreseeable future so the argument that Trump did something special was dumb. My other comment was that in terms of GDP growth (a big talking point of Trump in his first term), the economy was better under Bident than with Trump V1. Everyone who loves Trump would have ignored inflation if the Cheeto was in office instead.
Just like deficits don’t matter when an R is pres., egg prices no longer matter.
Please show me the 2016 economic indicators. You can do it. I believe in you.

This is an article manufacturing Obama's legacy. To put it into terms you would use, this author is slobbing Barry's knob.
Perhaps “final” is the word you are struggling with.

Let’s get to the good quips Gibbs, this one was settled quickly!
100% agree with your last couple of points. Trump didn’t miraculously decrease unemployment after Covid, and Biden didn’t “create’ millions of jobs. It’s almost like all presidents take credit for shit they had no part in.

That said, no acknowledgement that the economy was in great shape when Trump took his oath the first time? Imo there’s a 18 month to 2 yr lag for when a president’s actions have a meaningful impact on the economy. That said Biden’s story hasn’t been fully written yet. If the economy goes to shit in ‘25 a large part of the blame should be placed on Biden. We shall see. I think the assessment of both of their work when we look back will show a couple of pretty average to below average presidents who both made their share of mistakes.
Unless the crash is due to defaulting because of a temper tantrum by Trump.
Unless the crash is due to defaulting because of a temper tantrum by Trump.
I think the obvious things fall into a different category. If we invade Canada or Greenland all bets are off. Point taken though. 😬
2nd slowest recovery, I believe. Understandable coming off the 2nd worst economic downturn. Taihtsat
I think you are referring to #1 as the Great Depression recovery, correct? I should have been more clear in my post, since I did know that and the typical discussion of Obama's recovery was "The slowest SINCE the Great Depression". That mis-statement is on me. Thanks for correction.
This is the first rational comment in this thread in many, many posts. Good job 90.... :)

To add, all presidents take the blame for (economic) shit that they had no control over.

Pivoting, I categorically disagree with anyone who agrees with Stretch on anything.
You realize that that makes you wrong A LOT, right?
Perhaps “final” is the word you are struggling with.

Let’s get to the good quips Gibbs, this one was settled quickly!
No struggle for me. But perhaps you're struggling with your own post. Here is what you said:

"That said, no acknowledgement that the economy was in great shape when Trump took his oath the first time?"

The day Trump took the oath was January 20, 2017. Barry's final, eight year, economic record, means what exactly as of January 20, 2017? So, again, go ahead and explain why the economic indictors for 2016 showed the economy was great. I still believe in you.
What was inflation around the world? As if this was just a US problem.

You’re doing the same thing as those who blamed Covid and the crashing of the economy on Trump.

There’s plenty of arguments to be made that both guys could have handled things better. Although only one of us is arguing that that one of these guys is some sort of economy miracle worker. He’s not. He’s a small cog in the giant wheel of the global economy and he’s done nothing special for the U.S. Hell he surfed Obama's economic wave for the first couple of years.
We export inflation. Other countries have no choice but yo play along.
No struggle for me. But perhaps you're struggling with your own post. Here is what you said:

"That said, no acknowledgement that the economy was in great shape when Trump took his oath the first time?"

The day Trump took the oath was January 20, 2017. Barry's final, eight year, economic record, means what exactly as of January 20, 2017? So, again, go ahead and explain why the economic indictors for 2016 showed the economy was great. I still believe in you.
I'm in a giving mood.

I'm in a giving mood.

This is your mic drop?! 😂

Can we have our cute quips yet? My favorite are the endless questions that are completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.
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You're proving the brainwashing has really taken hold. You won't even look things up before spewing.

Good find. Okay, he presided over the 2nd biggest gdp decline? Can we accept that?

However, it did decrease by 31.4% in the 2nd qtr of 2020. That's probably the biggest. What a terrible economic president he was...

Is it yours?
I’m not even sure a mic drop is possible in refuting such a lame ass argument. The only thing left to debate is the definition of great.
Perhaps we can settle on solid, swell, above average even?

Or you could just continue being wrong and give us Gibbs greatest hits of quips.
I’m not even sure a mic drop is possible in refuting such a lame ass argument. The only thing left to debate is the definition of great.
Perhaps we can settle on solid, swell, above average even?

Or you could just continue being wrong and give us Gibbs greatest hits of quips and personal insults. That will be quite a list.

Fixed it for you.

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