Ava: lest you forget, you recently were wholeheartedly defending the Bone regime against any and all dissenters.? How you can so blasely transform into a Kent?supporter?defies credulity.? Somewhere, somehow, you need to learn detachment and nuance, putting aside?unrestrained ebullience until it is demonstrably evident.??
You also thought Bone was good,ok the first 2,3 years. After his first bad year 1,2 years ago, it was apparent Bone was a bad coach, and after the last horrible season, Ava also thought that Bone was bad, deserved to be fired. In the early Bone years, there were logical, reasonable, factual reasons to defend Bone. Later on there was logical, reasonable, factual reasons to Fire Bone.
Same now goes for Kent. There are logical, reasonable, factual reasons, that show, prove, that Kent SHOULD,WILL PROBABLY be a good coach for WSU, unless strange, bizarre happens to cause him to fail at WSU. Also if Kent cant get it done at WSU, then Tony's 2 awesome years, and Bone's good,almost great 2nd year, Kelvin Sampson's good years, are, were lighting in a bottle years, and that WSU cant even semi consistently have good winning years, no matter who the coach is.
Ava is just looking at the logic, reason, facts,that show why Kent is a good,great coach, and see's that Kent is a good, great coach.
As for me I thought that Kent would be a just ok coach, and there were 5 to 10 coaches, I wanted as WSU's coach more then Kent.
But now after looking at all the logic, reason, facts,etc, of other posters, on, about Kent, I can logically see that Kent should, will probably be,is a good,great coach for WSU.
Instead of being dogmatically, broken recordly, brick wall like, against Kent, how about you look at all the logic, reason, facts, proofs, etc, and be able to see, be convinced, persuaded, by the logic, reason, facts, proofs, etc, that Kent is a good,great coach.
And even if you cant see that, at least understand why other people see that.