It's also important to remember that Minshew grew up as a fan of the Air Raid and really embraced it. I have no idea if Franks is a good fit for the Air Raid, but he got benched at Florida and they were better without him. East Carolina was just a hot mess all around and was bad whether or not Minshew as in there. As mentioned above, he was playing in a system that wasn't the one he signed up for as well.
Minshew has created an addiction for our fans where we are always looking for the next GM II. Gubrud ended up demonstrating that just being a grad transfer doesn't mean that Leach is going to sprinkle fairy dust on them and they lead the country in passing. He might have....but it's just as easy to say that WSU wasted that scholarship this past season.
If Leach sees the right guy, hell yes he should go after him. If he's really concerned about the ability of our young QB's to handle the situation, we should look at a new guy. At some point, it becomes a point of concern if we never get any young QB's that we can develop into starters. We aren't there yet, but based on this desperate desire to land every QB that enters his name in the portal, it sure looks like our fans don't respect Leach's ability to recruit and develop young quarterbacks.....and the bullsh!t excuse about "never turn down depth" doesn't make sense when we will have at least five quarterbacks on the roster in 2019. A sixth dude isn't going to make a material difference when it comes to "just for depth". At that point, you're saying that you don't think Leach is doing his job well.