Shame on you, Crazy! What is wrong with you, waiting to evaluate the consequences of the tariffs until things shake out and we get to evaluate all of the pluses and minuses of them. Since it is all about Trump, it is important to immediately have a premature ejaculation in your pants and then start yelling that Orange Man Is BAD!
A few things for all of us to think about:
1. The US has used tariffs before.
2. Nothing says that the tariffs will be in place forever
3. Agree with his effectiveness or disagree, the fact is that Trump is a negotiator. These tariffs are simply the opening salvo.
4. A stated reason for the tariffs is to force Canada and Mexico to clamp down on the border, especially WRT the flow of drugs, in particular fentanyl. That seems like an admirable goal to me.
5. I have seen Kevin O'Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, say that he supports tariffs, especially with China. He said that Trump should do 50% or 100% tariffs with China to force them to be a better partner. I am quite sure that Mr Wonderful knows a Helluva lot more about business, international trade, etc than anyone here. Maybe more than all of us put together. He is a very smart guy and has made piles of money.
6. Larry Kudlow made an interesting point the other on the tariffs. He basically said the key is to not look at the tariffs in a vacuum, but to see what happens when all of Trump's economic agenda is implemented. This would include working to lower energy costs, reducing regulations, lowering taxes, etc.
I think it would be interesting to have a look at Flat's contractor's bid. He states that they jacked it way up in anticipation of material increases, but what happens if the tariffs are negotiated away in the next month or two? That could happen, maybe even before the job in contracted to start. Does the contractor then get to enjoy a windfall profit? Hmmmm.
Anyway, I know all you TDS infected folks here will wail and knash your teeth about the sky is falling and I am just licking an orange taint, but if you will just take a few deep breaths and maybe have a couple shots of Jose Cuervo to mellow out you get away from the tendency to look at tariffs with tunnel vision and TDS and just wait to actually understand the long term impacts.
And I will admit that I don't know what the long term effects will be, and how long it will take before we can make an educated evaluation. And the reality is that none of the rest of you guys here know right now what the effects will be either, but have fun pretending that you do. Premature ejaculation feels so good, right?