Hold the line Patriots. We got this.
Trump's not winning, and won't win unless the court rules that there was supposedly some voting errors, recount errors, and because of that, rules, gives him a state or states like Nevada, etc, and that's probably not gona happen either
The biggest reason Trump is losing is because of the massive amounts of voter fraud. Fixed if for ya lil feller. The truth will set you free.
The Massive amounts of Voter Fraud thing is a MYTH in THIS Election.
Yes there are, is some Voter Fraud/Mistakes/Miscounts, etc.
These are typically ballots being wrongfully sent out to NON eligible voters, like illegal aliens, the Dead, animals, pets, etc.
Those typically happen in places like CA, states, that Trump would not win, no matter how many mistakes, miscounts, fraud, etc.
In Key states like Florida, Ohio, Wisc, MI, Georgia, NC, PA, Nevada, Arizona, etc, with the exception of Michigan, these, those states largely, usually dont have problems with lots of mistakes, miscounts, fraud; etc.
And if they do, its usually small enough to not make a difference in outcome.
I'm not saying there is absolutely no fraud, mistakes, miscounts, etc.
Just correctly saying that the very little there MIGHT be isnt, wont make a difference.
Also there is a HELL OF A LOT OF EVIDENCE from many, lots of credible sources that there is either very little or non such fraud, etc, and that there is no effect on this election.
But Trump and most Trump supporters(not me(only voted Trump because of how extremely bad Biden is), wrongfully insist, ignore evidence, stupidly say the Election was stolen.
Also Trump and his supporters calling the election, declaring victory early, and saying election stolen, trying to STOP LEGAL MAIL IN BALLOTS FROM BEING COUNTED, and launching court battles, ETC, is horribly irresponsible, disenfranchises voters, bad sportsmanship, whining, crying, behaving like Gore did, behaving like the SNOWFLAKES, and adds fuel to the fires of concerns that Trump might not accept the results if he loses and may try to declare martial law, steal the election, try to remain president, try to not leave office, become a dictator, etc
Such unreasonable fears are wrong of course because the country, militiary, secret service, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc, would forcibly remove Trump if it was necessary. But it wouldnt be necessary.
But Trump's, and his followers behavior is making groups like the Black Panthers, Acorn, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, scared of a theoretical Trump Coup, etc; and might start riots, and maybe a theoretical mini Civil War, fighting, etc.
Trump and his supporters really need to behave themselves, shut up, stop whining, crying, accept the results of the election, etc.
If Trump doesnt do that, he is going to make it harder in the future for conservatives, Republican Party, and will give them a bad nane, reputation, and make it harder in the future for them to get elected. And will make it easier fkr future Biden Types to win, ruin country in future.
But Trump doesnt seem to care about that, and is coming off as SELFISH, WHINER, ETC.