
Getting drunk on the beach isn't the problem, it's the bars and whatever goes on in the hotel rooms that are.

That stuff is much safer on New Year's Eve than on Spring Break. For sure.
WHO says no more lockdowns.

King Inslee, either wont like this an or wont listen to that, an or will continue to lockdown.

Culp needs to make this, that the centerpiece of his campaign, and needs to cite the WHO, and needs to circumvent the lamestream media, by sending the WHO anti lockdown info to every washingtonian's email, mail box, multiple times, and to the media multiples times, until every washingtonian gets, knows, understands that:


This will either lead to KING INSLEE either losing to Culp, or KING INSLEE stopping the Lockdown, and opening things up, or at the very least SUING KING INSLEE, RECALLING KING INSLEE, IMPEACHING KING INSLEE, or at a very minimum people rightfully refusing to obey KING INSLEE on the grounds of what the WHO is saying, and using that as a defense against KING INSLEE in courts.

Time for Culp, the Courts, The voters, etc, to use this to PUT KING INSLEE IN HIS PLACE.
Canceling spring break is probably a good idea, kids will want to travel, go someplace sunny with thousands of other kids, travel is the biggest spreader of any virus.

The WHO is doing a 180 here, and is basically stating that lock downs cause more harm than the virus itself, and should only be used short term or as a last resort. People need to be prudent, wear a mask, keep your distance limit your exposure were ever possible, but the lock downs probably did more harm than good. The WHO is saying what many Doctors and health experts have said, but have been silenced by the media, because the media's goal seems to be instilling fear. Talk to any first responder, teacher, health professional, finance expert. There are repercussions to the lock downs, unemployment for one, so people have trouble paying bills, for food, rent and so forth. Schools being closed has had a tremendous impact many kids, on poor children that relied on schools for food, they are now under nourished. The lack of social interaction which is very import to growth in children, Suicides and attempted suicides are up, drug abuse and overdoses are up, mental health issues get magnified in time like this. Child abuse is up, school and their friends was the only escape for these kids, now that they are home all day, their homelife is miserable. Spousal abuse is up, once again locked up a home and no place to go, parents are out of work., tempers flare. If you run into a EMT, Firefighter or Police officer, ask anyone of them about any of these issues and they can verify this information. I have spoken to over 1/2 dozen of them in King, Snohomish and Pierce County, and Kitsap county, their calls for all of these issues are up significantly.

People criticized Sweden, and Sweden will admit they made mistakes with the elderly, but after 7-8 months of this their approach may end up having been the best approach. If you research what they did, it wasn't just a matter of saying we aren't locking down. They have a lot of science behind why they did what they did, they looked at reports from health experts, did statistical analysis, hired mathematicians that specialize in statistical probabilities with pandemics and how best to respond, there is a lot of Science behind what they did.

The jury is still out on all of this, lock downs initially for 30 days, to get people to think about distancing, masks and hygiene, was probably a good idea, however beyond that we will most likely find, the effectiveness it limited, and the damage is much greater.

I am not suggesting we just go back to life as normal, but we do need to safely open as many things as possible, schools for one should be open, I can assure you most teachers under 40 agree, those that are over 50 probably don't. If you can have movie theaters at 25% capacity indoors, why can't a stadium that is outdoors have 25% capacity, based upon the science we keep hearing about, that one seems to defy science.

King Inslee, either wont like this an or wont listen to that, an or will continue to lockdown.

Culp needs to make this, that the centerpiece of his campaign, and needs to cite the WHO, and needs to circumvent the lamestream media, by sending the WHO anti lockdown info to every washingtonian's email, mail box, multiple times, and to the media multiples times, until every washingtonian gets, knows, understands that:


This will either lead to KING INSLEE either losing to Culp, or KING INSLEE stopping the Lockdown, and opening things up, or at the very least SUING KING INSLEE, RECALLING KING INSLEE, IMPEACHING KING INSLEE, or at a very minimum people rightfully refusing to obey KING INSLEE on the grounds of what the WHO is saying, and using that as a defense against KING INSLEE in courts.

Time for Culp, the Courts, The voters, etc, to use this to PUT KING INSLEE IN HIS PLACE.

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