James Williams releases by Chiefs...


Hall Of Fame
Oct 17, 2012

Rookies I think get $145 dollars per day for the seven weeks of minicamp so that’s about $7500 for a couple months.

But now he’s looking for somewhere else, and obviously there are moving costs associated.

So just doing the math on tuition for the fall it is 26k that he had for free that he threw away.

So basically James threw away finishing his degree in a timely manner for free for 7,500 bucks that was probably eaten up on moving fees and food.

And threw away something worth 25k that opened career entry positions.


Honestly it’s criminal to advise a student to drop out of school.

He’ll be paying for it for the rest of his life. The people who wanted to profit off his talent advising him to leave school will not pay anything for his mistake.
Dickerson can blame Andy Reid now. I hope Williams get's picked up by someone, I thought the Chiefs were a good fit for him, guess not. Canada might be the answer, since coming back to WSU isn't.
I get it that Dickerson was an influence. But I'm sorry. Williams made this decision. He owns this. If he didn't do his "Due Diligence" on evaluating his worth, that's on him. Sucks and I don't mean this in a bad way but life is about risk vs. reward. He evaluated and thought the risk was worth it. He's an entrepreneur in the purest form. Now is when he needs to pick himself up, dust off, put his head down and be the Williams we all know that can run through just about anything.

I'm sorry it went this way for him.
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I get it that Dickerson was an influence. But I'm sorry. Williams made this decision. He owns this. If he didn't do his "Due Diligence" on evaluating his worth, that's on him. Sucks and I don't mean this in a bad way but life is about risk vs. reward. He evaluated and thought the risk was worth it. He's an entrepreneur in the purest form. Now is when he needs to pick himself up, dust off, put his head down and be the Williams we all know that can run through just about anything.

I'm sorry it went this way for him.

I believes he thinks he DID do his “due diligence”? He just ended up listening to the wrong opinions.

He listened to Dickerson, who over-inflated his value and position, instead of paying heed to NFL evaluations and Mike Leach’s advice. Dickerson convinced him Leach was the one acting solely out of self-interest. He had Booby convinced that Leach was actively bad-mouthing him, to influence NFL evaluators.

Leach never bad-mouthed him. He just gave his honest assessment that Williams should stay in school, in part based on where the NFL had rated him. The NFL only cares about their measurables, film, and a little bit on personality evaluation - at least as far as draft position.

If you’re an athletic freakazoid, they will draft you on that potential, though there are cases of players dropping due to “character issues”. If you’re kind of a smallish RB, who doesn’t really have elite speed........well, sometimes UDFA is about as good as you’re going to get.

When you then wash out in mini-camp........... At least you got a shot to prove yourself.

It doesn’t have to be the end of the dream. Keep working. Look for other opportunities to show them they were wrong. In the meanwhile, if there’s a chance to finish your degree somehow, DO IT.

Good luck to him. He will always be appreciated for what he did during his WSU career.
Dickerson can blame Andy Reid now. I hope Williams get's picked up by someone, I thought the Chiefs were a good fit for him, guess not. Canada might be the answer, since coming back to WSU isn't.
If he's lucky. But what does being a 1st or 2nd stringer in the CFL pay? And what is the run those guys have?

I remember when I lived in Seattle and visiting BC and seeing Lions season tix for sub-$1k. Can't be a huge cash cow?

Rookies I think get $145 dollars per day for the seven weeks of minicamp so that’s about $7500 for a couple months.

But now he’s looking for somewhere else, and obviously there are moving costs associated.

So just doing the math on tuition for the fall it is 26k that he had for free that he threw away.

So basically James threw away finishing his degree in a timely manner for free for 7,500 bucks that was probably eaten up on moving fees and food.

And threw away something worth 25k that opened career entry positions.


Honestly it’s criminal to advise a student to drop out of school.

He’ll be paying for it for the rest of his life. The people who wanted to profit off his talent advising him to leave school will not pay anything for his mistake.
Totally agree. No way was he that good. A good college D1 back, but certainly not a head turner at the next level. Very sad that he quit school. Is it at all possible he comes back and finishes up? If so, at who's expense?
Totally agree. No way was he that good. A good college D1 back, but certainly not a head turner at the next level. Very sad that he quit school. Is it at all possible he comes back and finishes up? If so, at who's expense?

Yes ... the schools .
Yes ... the schools .

No. His expense.

The school offered him a scholarship which is related to athletics. He is no longer eligible to play.

The only way it is if WSU expense is if he is given an academic scholarship (and considering how unimportant school seems to James it is doubtful he will qualify for an academic scholarship)

So James will have to enroll as an out of state student to finish his degree at WSU. Which tuition is 25k plus.

The school per NCAA rules can’t give him any of the privileges he was granted for athletic scholarship.
No. His expense.

The school offered him a scholarship which is related to athletics. He is no longer eligible to play.

The only way it is if WSU expense is if he is given an academic scholarship (and considering how unimportant school seems to James it is doubtful he will qualify for an academic scholarship)

So James will have to enroll as an out of state student to finish his degree at WSU. Which tuition is 25k plus.

The school per NCAA rules can’t give him any of the privileges he was granted for athletic scholarship.[/QUOTE

You are incorrect

No I am correct.

NCAA Athlete Rules
Maintaining Amateurism Status
Before Competing at the college level as part of the NCAA Eligibility Rules, potential student-athletes are asked to answer several questions regarding their sports participation, in order to ensure that all recruits meet NCAA Athlete Rules and compete on fair ground.

Once an athlete is registered with the NCAA eligibility center, the recruit will be given a NCAA ID number that will be used by DI or DII college coaches recruiting the athlete in order to officially be offered an NLI Division III amateurism is completed individually by the college or university the potential recruit is interested in attending.

Maintaining Eligibility
After being recruited to play college sports this is where athletes will hear the terms “continuing eligibility” and “progress toward degree” which means that student-athletes need to stay on track in order to maintain progress toward a baccalaureate or equivalent degree to stay eligible to at the NCAA level.

Student athletes at the NCAA division I and division II level are required to complete a certain percentage of their degree each year they are enrolled in college. If requirements are not met the student-athlete will be in violation of NCAA Scholarship Rules and could be in jeopardy of losing their athletic scholarship.

By being paid James Williams Amateur status is now void and he is not eligible for an athletic scholarship.
No I am correct.

NCAA Athlete Rules
Maintaining Amateurism Status
Before Competing at the college level as part of the NCAA Eligibility Rules, potential student-athletes are asked to answer several questions regarding their sports participation, in order to ensure that all recruits meet NCAA Athlete Rules and compete on fair ground.

Once an athlete is registered with the NCAA eligibility center, the recruit will be given a NCAA ID number that will be used by DI or DII college coaches recruiting the athlete in order to officially be offered an NLI Division III amateurism is completed individually by the college or university the potential recruit is interested in attending.

Maintaining Eligibility
After being recruited to play college sports this is where athletes will hear the terms “continuing eligibility” and “progress toward degree” which means that student-athletes need to stay on track in order to maintain progress toward a baccalaureate or equivalent degree to stay eligible to at the NCAA level.

Student athletes at the NCAA division I and division II level are required to complete a certain percentage of their degree each year they are enrolled in college. If requirements are not met the student-athlete will be in violation of NCAA Scholarship Rules and could be in jeopardy of losing their athletic scholarship.

By being paid James Williams Amateur status is now void and he is not eligible for an athletic scholarship.

You are incorrect . There has been a waiver where a school can pay for someone to get their degree. Think about it, not graduating goes against a schools APR. They want these players to come back and get their degree
You are incorrect . There has been a waiver where a school can pay for someone to get their degree. Think about it, not graduating goes against a schools APR. They want these players to come back and get their degree

And what rule is this. I know it exists for Basketball, but not for football.

He would have to be awarded a scholarship if the school is paying and that scholarship would have to be publicly known
You are incorrect . There has been a waiver where a school can pay for someone to get their degree. Think about it, not graduating goes against a schools APR. They want these players to come back and get their degree
Bottom line, odds are Williams would have a 5% chance (thats my guess) of coming back on a signed around waiver.

It just isn't going to happen, short of receiving major favor and an unprecedented miraculous return.
Bottom line, odds are Williams would have a 5% chance (thats my guess) of coming back on a signed around waiver.

It just isn't going to happen, short of receiving major favor and an unprecedented miraculous return.

Do I think he will go back and get his degree.. probably not . Nearby Glascow from the UW went back and got his degree many years later . Ray Horton I believe as well, and if my memory serves me correct not on their dime . The achool wants them to get their degrees .
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There is a degree completion program. The school pays, but basically puts the former student athlete to work as an intern in the athletic department. So, he’d have to be in Pullman.

Why does the school pay? Because it’s the right thing to do for everyone.

They essentially get a tuition waiver. The athlete still has to cover their living expenses . Which probably makes it more unlikely for an athlete that goes to school in Pullman than in Seattle or La because of the proximity to the job market to help pay for those living expenses .

Nice find Gibby. Amazing how factual information adds to the conversation. :)

Couple of things - first the application due date is April 1 - so forget this year (apparently). Second it isn't a given - doesn't speak to an athlete leaving for the draft. AND leaving his Spring 2019 scholarship behind to do so. Third, does he have 90 credits and a 2.0 GPA......probably but who knows.
Nice find Gibby. Amazing how factual information adds to the conversation. :)

Couple of things - first the application due date is April 1 - so forget this year (apparently). Second it isn't a given - doesn't speak to an athlete leaving for the draft. AND leaving his Spring 2019 scholarship behind to do so. Third, does he have 90 credits and a 2.0 GPA......probably but who knows.

In addition the ncaa since I think 1989 has set millions aside to help fund athletes to get their degree.
I believes he thinks he DID do his “due diligence”? He just ended up listening to the wrong opinions.
Agreed. And that is my point. If you aren't doing your "due diligence" accurately, it's just noise. I think he was justing getting noise. "Due Diligence" requires it to be unpartisan, unbiased, etc. To look at something from all angles. And I don't think he did that. And unfortunately, that is on him. Instead of just taking Dickerson's word, he needed to actually listen to others, including CML, to see if there was validity in what was being said or what he was evaluating.
I believes he thinks he DID do his “due diligence”? He just ended up listening to the wrong opinions.

Agreed. And that is my point. If you aren't doing your "due diligence" accurately, it's just noise. I think he was justing getting noise. "Due Diligence" requires it to be unpartisan, unbiased, etc. To look at something from all angles. And I don't think he did that. And unfortunately, that is on him. Instead of just taking Dickerson's word, he needed to actually listen to others, including CML, to see if there was validity in what was being said or what he was evaluating.

I'm kind of curious as to what the conversation at the kitchen table was prior to making this decision. Since such a big deal was made about providing for the family.

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