He personally makes more money than each pac 12 school gets from the not so awesome Pac 12 network. Presidents need to get together and boot this arrogant fool. I despise him almost as much as UW.
He personally makes more money than each pac 12 school gets from the not so awesome Pac 12 network. Presidents need to get together and boot this arrogant fool. I despise him almost as much as UW.
Only in a monopoly,in a quasi government job, can a j**ckoff like Scott make that kind of money while doing a pi$$ poor job. Disgusting !!
I believe he is signed through 2022, so we are kind of in an Ernie Kent scenario. Too expensive to get rid of him.
Fire him now and bring in Direct TV as should have been done by now. The added revenue easily offsets and justifies the cost of firing his lame arse. Fvck Larry Scott and the horse he rode in on.
It's not that easy. If the Pac-12 cuts a deal for DirecTV, then it has to give the same deal to the other cable and satellite companies.
Then give the same deal and get the network accessible by as many people possible.
And then revenue drops.
I've had this rattling around in my mind that last week, so this thread seems as good as any...Then give the same deal and get the network accessible by as many people possible.
I don't know what you were reading but the Pac 12 Network is doing exactly what they were selling us, minus the Directv deal, obviously. The Network is making sure EVERY game is nationally broadcast. If ESPN passes, if Fox passes, if Speed (back in the day) passes, every game can be watched by anyone. Whether it be via web or pretty much any other provider, minus Directv. I don't know what you THOUGHT was going to be the deal... that the PAC was going to force other networks to air more Pac games? I get it that Larry hasn't gotten the Directv deal done. And he should take as much crap as needed for that. But ALSO, I certainly haven't been sitting in those rooms, sitting at those tables, to hear what's going on. Because if you think the little blurbs that have been put out there, I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona.I've had this rattling around in my mind that last week, so this thread seems as good as any...
all the bitching about Friday games, night games, etc comes down to TV money, and only TV money.
I was under the impression that the whole reason to create a P12 network was so that we could control our very valuable content. Instead, they did a half ass job, excluded over half the nation's tvs (and haven't revisited the dtv deal to my knowledge), and have granted prima nocture to ABC and Fox on our games in order to offset the crippling losses they're suffering from not having a dtv deal. That is NOT what the P12N is supposed to be or supposed to do. It wasn't supposed to be a "sellout to the largest national outlet and we'll carry all the crap games" network. Do anyone really think that a 7:30 friday night game is some type of win because we're not competing against the Iron Bowl? Or "the game"? Those people aren't staying up until 10:30 local to watch our game Friday, and it wouldn't matter if we were in the top 4 in the CFP.
Instead we take a few extra sheckels from our TV pimp because of a scarcity mentality. It sickening and Larry Scott and everyone involved on the tv side of the P12N should be ashamed.
And what is the deal with other conferences that provide as much as $10 million more per school than does the Pac-12? Given your acumen in business law, I certainly yield to your opinions here, dgibbons, so I'll stand aside on this point should you provide the anticipated explanations.
We still don't control our content?I don't know what you were reading but the Pac 12 Network is doing exactly what they were selling us, minus the Directv deal, obviously. The Network is making sure EVERY game is nationally broadcast. If ESPN passes, if Fox passes, if Speed (back in the day) passes, every game can be watched by anyone. Whether it be via web or pretty much any other provider, minus Directv. I don't know what you THOUGHT was going to be the deal... that the PAC was going to force other networks to air more Pac games? I get it that Larry hasn't gotten the Directv deal done. And he should take as much crap as needed for that. But ALSO, I certainly haven't been sitting in those rooms, sitting at those tables, to hear what's going on. Because if you think the little blurbs that have been put out there, I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona.
I guess I don't get your beef.
Use your critical thinking skills. DirecTV wants a discount. If the Pac-12 gives it to them, it has to cut the same deal for everybody else. The presidents have rejected that kind of deal. It's not hard.
Comcast has a much sway as DTV. It would seem logical that they are already getting as big of a discount as would seem appropriate.
Also, my understanding is that dtv wanted exclusivity for the networks (internet? phone? can't remember) on all p12 campuses and that was the hanging point of the dtv deal. I'm not sure where that is at right now.
You're conflating so many issues. times lots will never be in full control of the conference or the P12N. The SEC isn't in control of their time slots, the ACC isn't, no one is. So why you think we should, actually makes you sound like Tron regarding the infamous 100K stadium in Ellensburg and "it just should work that way" mentality.We still don't control our content?
Whats the difference between a P12N game that gets 100k viewers and not having the game shown at all, revenue wise? Honestly, if someone knows please chime in.
P12N is not available ala carte - they signed in blood with their comcast et al. Way to make up for sh!tting the bed on the dtv deal, and again - we don't control our content.
The whole "oh, we've been picked nationally, we'll let you know which crap tv slot we'll plug you into" isn't exactly controlling our content.
So basically p12n gets the scraps from the big boys, who I'm sure bought the marquee games at a discount, I fail to see how this is much different than the deals we had previously. If you bring up all the p12 money that was handed out - that is over. That deal was front loaded on expectations that aren't being met and from what I've read the current model is not sustainable.
So you're fine with the current, unsustainable tv agreement. Got it.You're conflating so many issues. times lots will never be in full control of the conference or the P12N. The SEC isn't in control of their time slots, the ACC isn't, no one is. So why you think we should, actually makes you sound like Tron regarding the infamous 100K stadium in Ellensburg and "it just should work that way" mentality.
The beef regarding the bottom games being aired on the P12N and having bad ratings... well... yeah. Because if ESPN, Fox and the others pass on the games, then no one wants to watch them except the faithful... Seems like you are complaining about, not just spilled milk, but a drop of spilled milk. Do you really think Directv will increase ratings of Oregon State vs. UTEP, for example? Or Oregon state vs. Cal? Sorry man. what you're complaining about and not recognizing it, is East coast bias. Even if it's being aired on Directv, ratings will only be marginally better. Now if you are thinking that the P12N isn't prioritizing the best games to be on during primetime or the best slots, then you are truly high.
I don't know if that responds to your "control of content" or not. But I've got to say, regarding time slots and control... You negotiate, you get the best slot you can but if any producer thinks they have "control of their content" in that regard, they are either elite, elite (aka Ron Howard status) or delusional.
I didn't say that. But you're painting with such broad strokes, I can't tell what you're truly complaining about. Some of the issues have NOTHING to do with the contracts with the providers like Directv. It has to do with the ESPN contract or the Fox contract. Things like that. SO you're just all over the map. Hard to have a discussion with such unclear statements.So you're fine with the current, unsustainable tv agreement. Got it.
Not having ala carte is a huge loss. I'm assuming they forfeited their rights to do so. With the number of cable cutters there is a huge market for ala carte service. Instead they once again whore the service out for what I am sure is pennies on the dollar. I'm paying Sling $25 (for a shitty stream, btw) for what I would gladly pay P12N $10-$15 and probably not cancel my service at the end of football season.I didn't say that. But you're painting with such broad strokes, I can't tell what you're truly complaining about. Some of the issues have NOTHING to do with the contracts with the providers like Directv. It has to do with the ESPN contract or the Fox contract. Things like that. SO you're just all over the map. Hard to have a discussion with such unclear statements.
Yep. So here's the response to that. That completely undercuts the providers that you are saying the contracts aren't big enough. And that doesn't mean a big 'ol "no" but it turns into numbers. If contract with Dish is slashed by $x,00 dollars because P12N wants to do the ala carte thing, how do they reclaim that? And obviously the numbers aren't there. Ala carte, technically, is easy. They could do it immediately. But it obviously isn't worth it financially, or they'd do it. You can already stream on the P12N site (putting in your provider account info in to verify) so hooking up with sling or roku or Hulu isn't worth it financially. They're goal is to get money. If it's worth it, they'll do it. So I'd say, they have complete control. It just isn't financially worth it.Not having ala carte is a huge loss. I'm assuming they forfeited their rights to do so. With the number of cable cutters there is a huge market for ala carte service. Instead they once again whore the service out for what I am sure is pennies on the dollar. I'm paying Sling $25 (for a shitty stream, btw) for what I would gladly pay P12N $10-$15 and probably not cancel my service at the end of football season.
Is that concise enough on one issue? Does that explain "controlling our content" in a way that is specific enough?