Leaving early

James Williams jeopardized his family by leaving early. That’s a fact.

A bachelor’s degree can get him an entry position of 40k+ in a lot of places around the country no matter what.

He threw that away.

The NFL is not a guarantee. It is nothing more than 1 possibility. That’s all it is. One possibility.

It’s like playing the lottery. In fact it is a lottery that’s why there is a draft.

Would anyone play the lottery with their families well being? No. No you wouldn’t.

All you prove when you go into the draft is.

- You are an opportunist
- You don’t finish what you start
- You are interested in money over education

That’s exactly what it says.

This blame other people for YOUR poor decision is bullsh*t.

This instant gratification society we live in is bullsh*t

This I’m not going to finish what I start and want to roll the dice before I secure future employment for my family for the rest of our lives is bullsh*t

Yeah that sounds like James. One to cut corners . He is a take the easy road and I’ll live in my families car, you know the easy life.

You are judgmental fool. Yes tell me how your story is like his . Sometimes school isn’t for everyone . Maybe he struggles in school cause he has a learning disorder we don’t know about . Maybe he saw athletics as a way to get out from his situation .

How many family members before him have their degree?

Heck , our coach went with his passion and ditched his law degree to pursue his passion Making I think I read 7k a year .

I hope for james it works out . That Andy Reid finds a spot and he is one of those great stories. Even though Leach doesn’t deserve any criticism in the handling of this, it is simply noise. Just like when a kid tells their parents in a fit of anger that he/she hates them.
James Williams jeopardized his family by leaving early. That’s a fact.

Williams made his own choices. Let him be fully responsible for his own choices. I wish him well at KC.

Tron - that is a typical hateful comment from you. You should go say that to Boobie' s face. Or his soon-to-be wife. You are just not a nice person.

That said, who pushed him into declaring early? No one knows. Maybe it was his "family"...……?
Tron - that is a typical hateful comment from you. You should go say that to Boobie' s face. Or his soon-to-be wife. You are just not a nice person.

That said, who pushed him into declaring early? No one knows. Maybe it was his "family"...……?

I have no problem saying it to his face.

I would go on indeed and print out the jobs that require a college a degree and those that don’t and show him the difference and say is it worth it to throw that away for your family.

You aren’t doing anyone any favors by lying to them. In fact not telling him the truth is not being a decent person.
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Yeah that sounds like James. One to cut corners . He is a take the easy road and I’ll live in my families car, you know the easy life.

You are judgmental fool. Yes tell me how your story is like his . Sometimes school isn’t for everyone . Maybe he struggles in school cause he has a learning disorder we don’t know about . Maybe he saw athletics as a way to get out from his situation .

How many family members before him have their degree?

Heck , our coach went with his passion and ditched his law degree to pursue his passion Making I think I read 7k a year .

I hope for james it works out . That Andy Reid finds a spot and he is one of those great stories. Even though Leach doesn’t deserve any criticism in the handling of this, it is simply noise. Just like when a kid tells their parents in a fit of anger that he/she hates them.

The coach finished school Ed. He didn’t drop out to chase his coaching dream. He finished what he started.

He’s making decision that could result in his family going back to that park bench.

You want to break the cycle of poverty then actually break it. Not waltz right back into the world without a degree.

It is criminal to advise someone who doesn’t have a college degree to quit. Especially if it is paid for.

But than again your brother is a flunkie dropout so your family obviously is one of quitters and losers.
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Two non-drafts in a row may be enough to dissuade someone next year.

I dont have a beef with anyone leaving early for reasons Ive already stated. You would like to think this is an eye opener for kids though. I prob wouldnt let ED in the building though...
I’m interested in knowing how close he is to finishing his degree though.

On the question about finishing his degree......this article from late last year made it sound like he's close.

While I selfishly would have liked to see Williams stay, I don't begrudge any player who makes the choice to leave.

As far as the kerfuffle with Dickerson and Leach, Williams may have sealed the deal for Leach when he picked Dickerson as an agent. The more I think about it, the worse that particular decision looks. I did a quick look and it doesn't look like Dickerson has a single meaningful athlete associated with him and the a-hole is a teammate of Craig freakin' James. I can imagine Leach thinking, "WTF!" when he saw that Williams agreed to having Dickerson as his agent. There was never any rumors or grumblings between Leach and Williams before the NFL draft, so I put absolute zero weight on this being meaningful. It's too bad that Boobie made the poor choice to retweet Dickerson's tweet, because that was just a bad choice.

For anyone who thinks that Williams got snubbed for some reason associated with Leach, it's important to note that Alex Barnes, the leading rusher in the Big 12 last year........went undrafted.
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Boobie is just showing some immaturity. He got bad advice. His agent is telling him who to blame and it’s Leach. That one tweet he tweeted and deleted just shows how implosive people are. Just live you should never send the first draft when you’re pissed. Boobie was pissed. I’ll assume that somebody like Mele reached to him right after than and told him that crap he’s tweeting isn’t true and he knows it. Hence why he deleted it.

I think everybody is rooting for Boobie, even Leach but Leach puts a lot of pressure of graduating and academics. Dude has a post graduate degree. His daughter is a doctor. Education is numero uno, as it should be. Even Dillard said it was important for him to graduate. That’s his plan B. Dillard probably could have been a 3rd round pick if he went out early.

I get why Boobie went. We all did, but it’s not Leach’s fault his name wasn’t called. I really hope he gets his degree too because that’s important. I really hope he makes it on the Chiefs as well. I hope Boobie gets all the great things he deserves because he’s earned that, but Dickerson was just being petty because he couldn’t deliver on a promise.
Boobie is just showing some immaturity. He got bad advice. His agent is telling him who to blame and it’s Leach. That one tweet he tweeted and deleted just shows how implosive people are. Just live you should never send the first draft when you’re pissed. Boobie was pissed. I’ll assume that somebody like Mele reached to him right after than and told him that crap he’s tweeting isn’t true and he knows it. Hence why he deleted it.

I think everybody is rooting for Boobie, even Leach but Leach puts a lot of pressure of graduating and academics. Dude has a post graduate degree. His daughter is a doctor. Education is numero uno, as it should be. Even Dillard said it was important for him to graduate. That’s his plan B. Dillard probably could have been a 3rd round pick if he went out early.

I get why Boobie went. We all did, but it’s not Leach’s fault his name wasn’t called. I really hope he gets his degree too because that’s important. I really hope he makes it on the Chiefs as well. I hope Boobie gets all the great things he deserves because he’s earned that, but Dickerson was just being petty because he couldn’t deliver on a promise.
Boobie is just showing some immaturity. He got bad advice. His agent is telling him who to blame and it’s Leach. That one tweet he tweeted and deleted just shows how implosive people are. Just live you should never send the first draft when you’re pissed. Boobie was pissed. I’ll assume that somebody like Mele reached to him right after than and told him that crap he’s tweeting isn’t true and he knows it. Hence why he deleted it.

I think everybody is rooting for Boobie, even Leach but Leach puts a lot of pressure of graduating and academics. Dude has a post graduate degree. His daughter is a doctor. Education is numero uno, as it should be. Even Dillard said it was important for him to graduate. That’s his plan B. Dillard probably could have been a 3rd round pick if he went out early.

I get why Boobie went. We all did, but it’s not Leach’s fault his name wasn’t called. I really hope he gets his degree too because that’s important. I really hope he makes it on the Chiefs as well. I hope Boobie gets all the great things he deserves because he’s earned that, but Dickerson was just being petty because he couldn’t deliver on a promise.

The film doesnt lie. Dickerson does. Why be accountable and take blame when you can push it onto someone else???
Boobie is just showing some immaturity. He got bad advice. His agent is telling him who to blame and it’s Leach. That one tweet he tweeted and deleted just shows how implosive people are. Just live you should never send the first draft when you’re pissed. Boobie was pissed. I’ll assume that somebody like Mele reached to him right after than and told him that crap he’s tweeting isn’t true and he knows it. Hence why he deleted it.

I think everybody is rooting for Boobie, even Leach but Leach puts a lot of pressure of graduating and academics. Dude has a post graduate degree. His daughter is a doctor. Education is numero uno, as it should be. Even Dillard said it was important for him to graduate. That’s his plan B. Dillard probably could have been a 3rd round pick if he went out early.

I get why Boobie went. We all did, but it’s not Leach’s fault his name wasn’t called. I really hope he gets his degree too because that’s important. I really hope he makes it on the Chiefs as well. I hope Boobie gets all the great things he deserves because he’s earned that, but Dickerson was just being petty because he couldn’t deliver on a promise.

What I don’t get is the sensitivity about what Eric D tweeted. He is a none factor. It is noise, nothing more.

Maybe a scout asked Leach can Williams play special teams and maybe Leach said I don’t know .

If Wilson got drafted after the drama that he created Williams would have been drafted if they felt he was ready. And my guess is even if he a legit round 5/6 guy I wouldn’t put it past the nfl to send notice to underclassman don't come out if you don’t have the round two or higher grade .

As far as Mele or anyone else getting to Williams and telling him to take down the tweet, watching him play, knowing what he has endured I don’t think he had to have anyone tell him. The dangerous thing about today’s media avenues is that it doesn’t give someone time to cool off before it is published.

I would venture to say he was angry, heard something from Dickerson and then after it went up he pulled it down after thinking about it in the overall context, IE Leach staying with him after his acl surgery
The film doesnt lie. Dickerson does. Why be accountable and take blame when you can push it onto someone else???

It doesn’t make sense for Leach to lie in that direction. Makes more sense in saying he is the best. Draft him in the first two rounds. Then after saying that it is Leach so what he says can be the wild card, but I couldn’t imagine Leach damaging a player because he left early.
What I don’t get is the sensitivity about what Eric D tweeted. He is a none factor. It is noise, nothing more.
It's the "train wreck" factor. Everyone reading it and going, "Awwwwww, fight! fight! fight!"

I think the part that has made this more than just static was Williams responding (then deleting it) and then also retweeting Dickerson's tweets. Makes people jump to conclusions regarding player/coach relations. Remember, CML has been and always will be a target, in some fashion, for player/coach relationship speculation... especially if it can be negative.

Also, Mata'afa kinda started getting into the fringe of the whole thing, as well. So that adds fuel to the whole thing.
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The coach finished school Ed. He didn’t drop out to chase his coaching dream. He finished what he started.

He’s making decision that could result in his family going back to that park bench.

You want to break the cycle of poverty then actually break it. Not waltz right back into the world without a degree.

It is criminal to advise someone who doesn’t have a college degree to quit. Especially if it is paid for.

But than again your brother is a flunkie dropout so your family obviously is one of quitters and losers.

Well well well. Love the attempt at the personal attack. First I would match my families education up against yours anytime. We were fortunate that since we were conceived we were told college is an extension of high school and that we didn’t have the choice but to go to college .

Second, mike leach could have got the 7k job without a degree, and could have worked on it at a later date .

Third I don’t believe leach had any kids when he made the decision. Did he have a fall back plan like help from parents or in-laws ? Williams may not have that support system .

Fourth, Williams can go back and get his degree. Is it ideal, nope. But it can be done. For anyone to judge a kid like you knowing his background isn’t honesty , it is bs.

Fifth, when I was down in Indio in the area you raved about Coachella I was staying in a house my friend just purchased two days before I got there . He finished high school .

Sixth, we have three woman in my office who have degrees from UW , and the work they do they could have got that job at 18 and not have student debt. And within 5 years they will be making six figures plus.

There is more than one way to skin a cat . And as someone pointed out, Williams was thinking about his family and the income from athletics to help support his family.

How much did Herc make last season ? Travis Long several years ago ?
It's the "train wreck" factor. Everyone reading it and going, "Awwwwww, fight! fight! fight!"

I think the part that has made this more than just static was Williams responding (then deleting it) and then also retweeting Dickerson's tweets. Makes people jump to conclusions regarding player/coach relations. Remember, CML has been and always will be a target, in some fashion, for player/coach relationship speculation... especially if it can be negative.

Also, Mata'afa kinda started getting into the fringe of the whole thing, as well. So that adds fuel to the whole thing.

Bottom line .... it is noise for two days . Nothing more. This isn’t Theranos getting a bad write up and next thing you know they are in court for fraud.
Bottom line .... it is noise for two days . Nothing more. This isn’t Theranos getting a bad write up and next thing you know they are in court for fraud.

So, the next time Leach tweets something you don’t like, we should consider it noise that should be ignored, right?
So, the next time Leach tweets something you don’t like, we should consider it noise that should be ignored, right?

Sorry you don’t see the difference . One is the leader of a university, one is a fledgling agent and a 21 year old kid .

But in terms of “damage” to the program not a lot he (Leach) can tweet that Would be damaging . I may not like what he tweets and he may cause short term unnecessary pain , but over time I have learned in today’s reality what a leader tweets is yesterday’s old news.
Tron - that is a typical hateful comment from you. You should go say that to Boobie' s face. Or his soon-to-be wife. You are just not a nice person.

That said, who pushed him into declaring early? No one knows. Maybe it was his "family"...……?

Says the hypocrite who once disparaged JW's wife for supposedly having a child out of wed lock. Guess your booze-soaked brain couldn't retrieve that before you put up this post?
The film doesnt lie. Dickerson does. Why be accountable and take blame when you can push it onto someone else???

Dickerson and Craig Dumsh!t James helped their school get the death penalty. Losers for life, those two.
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It doesn’t make sense for Leach to lie in that direction. Makes more sense in saying he is the best. Draft him in the first two rounds. Then after saying that it is Leach so what he says can be the wild card, but I couldn’t imagine Leach damaging a player because he left early.

FWIW, I wouldn't be surprised if Leach said something along the lines of, "James is a great kid with a lot of talent but he really could have used another season as a starter to hone his skills". To Williams and his agent.....that's Leach saying negative things about Williams. To's a statement of facts. You don't have to lie to have someone mad at you.
Sorry you don’t see the difference . One is the leader of a university, one is a fledgling agent and a 21 year old kid .

But in terms of “damage” to the program not a lot he (Leach) can tweet that Would be damaging . I may not like what he tweets and he may cause short term unnecessary pain , but over time I have learned in today’s reality what a leader tweets is yesterday’s old news.

Your post is noise.
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Says the hypocrite who once disparaged JW's wife for supposedly having a child out of wed lock. Guess your booze-soaked brain couldn't retrieve that before you put up this post?

Aren't you the little stalker. Why don't you go scroll back 6-9 months and see what I actually said and see how that compares to your "disparaged" characterization? And maybe it is right on - but I don't really give a shit either way, creepy little stalker.
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Well well well. Love the attempt at the personal attack. First I would match my families education up against yours anytime. We were fortunate that since we were conceived we were told college is an extension of high school and that we didn’t have the choice but to go to college .

Second, mike leach could have got the 7k job without a degree, and could have worked on it at a later date .

Third I don’t believe leach had any kids when he made the decision. Did he have a fall back plan like help from parents or in-laws ? Williams may not have that support system .

Fourth, Williams can go back and get his degree. Is it ideal, nope. But it can be done. For anyone to judge a kid like you knowing his background isn’t honesty , it is bs.

Fifth, when I was down in Indio in the area you raved about Coachella I was staying in a house my friend just purchased two days before I got there . He finished high school .

Sixth, we have three woman in my office who have degrees from UW , and the work they do they could have got that job at 18 and not have student debt. And within 5 years they will be making six figures plus.

There is more than one way to skin a cat . And as someone pointed out, Williams was thinking about his family and the income from athletics to help support his family.

How much did Herc make last season ? Travis Long several years ago ?

I hope he finishes his degree. Most people that leave early do not finish. I wish Williams well regardless.
Bottom line .... it is noise for two days . Nothing more. This isn’t Theranos getting a bad write up and next thing you know they are in court for fraud.
Hopefully for a couple days. But looking at motivation, I doubt someone like Dickerson is spouting off like this so it disappears in a couple days. I wouldn't be surprised to hear rumblings off and on for a while.

From my perspective, this is all about "saving face" for Dickerson. So whatever it takes for him to perceive he's doing that. Maybe it's over now. Maybe it'll be over in a year. He's in this drivers seat, unfortunately. That's the problem with "Squeaky wheel gets the grease" mentality. Loud idiots get attention until they are happy. OR we continue to hear from them.
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Hopefully for a couple days. But looking at motivation, I doubt someone like Dickerson is spouting off like this so it disappears in a couple days. I wouldn't be surprised to hear rumblings off and on for a while.

From my perspective, this is all about "saving face" for Dickerson. So whatever it takes for him to perceive he's doing that. Maybe it's over now. Maybe it'll be over in a year. He's in this drivers seat, unfortunately. That's the problem with "Squeaky wheel gets the grease" mentality. Loud idiots get attention until they are happy. OR we continue to hear from them.

I remember probably your era when it was "Black Wednesday". It was a slow news day in March and it was announced Phillip Glover, Ricky Austin and Daryl Jones were transferring. It was suppose to be the worse thing ever, Price lost control. He was losing his best three young players. People wrung their hands over the losses. Two years later they are in the Rose Bowl.

I don't think Eric Dickerson carries any weight to be honest, but I could be wrong. If a SoCal kid has one Pac 12 offer, and it is from WSU and the guy is a Dickerson guy, you think the kid doesn't go to WSU because of Dickerson and goes to San Joe State? Maybe I am being naive. gave Dickerson a Q&A interview as part of their crusade to hurt WSU athletics.

Does Clickbait work for the university? I thought they were in theory some sort of news organization. Why do you think they are trying to hurt the program? The faster this gets out the faster everyone moves on. If I were to bet without going there Dickerson will claim Leach told scouts he wasn't ready for the NFL.
I remember probably your era when it was "Black Wednesday". It was a slow news day in March and it was announced Phillip Glover, Ricky Austin and Daryl Jones were transferring. It was suppose to be the worse thing ever, Price lost control. He was losing his best three young players. People wrung their hands over the losses. Two years later they are in the Rose Bowl.

I don't think Eric Dickerson carries any weight to be honest, but I could be wrong. If a SoCal kid has one Pac 12 offer, and it is from WSU and the guy is a Dickerson guy, you think the kid doesn't go to WSU because of Dickerson and goes to San Joe State? Maybe I am being naive.
Wringing hands? Wut?! Did you read my post? Dickerson gets to be as loud as he wants. We all get to hear it. That's all I said. But I'll agree, since it's the off-season, it's a slow news MONTH.

And just as I said, Dickerson now has an interview... squeaky wheel. Idiots rule the roost.

Interesting how there are VERY recent pictures of Williams and a couple other players in the booth of that "". So at some point, Williams donated time or worked for Clickbait? Now they have an interview with Dickerson. Interesting stuff, there.

And the 95 in my name has nothing to do with WSU. That "era" isn't my era.
Wringing hands? Wut?! Did you read my post? Dickerson gets to be as loud as he wants. We all get to hear it. That's all I said. But I'll agree, since it's the off-season, it's a slow news MONTH.

And just as I said, Dickerson now has an interview... squeaky wheel. Idiots rule the roost.

Interesting how there are VERY recent pictures of Williams and a couple other players in the booth of that "". So at some point, Williams donated time or worked for Clickbait? Now they have an interview with Dickerson. Interesting stuff, there.

And the 95 in my name has nothing to do with WSU. That "era" isn't my era.

I didn't insinuate you are wringing your hands over the fake ED.Poor writing on my behalf if I tied the two events (95 and today) I do think some people do get worked up, even when the Wilson news of 2012 over time it was nothing. While not a good look for the first couple months on the job and you don't want that initial look, that is so far in the rear view mirror and probably was by season end.

I would hope a news org would get Dickerson to speak. Did he do it as a favor to Williams because he worked there, or did he do it because he thought it would get to the Cougar masses of what really went on.

I would rather they talk to him. Did you read the article? If I can summarize "nothing to see here". He was upset that Leach tweeted the stat of how many kids did not get drafted that declared, and Dickerson took exception because he wanted Leach's support because James has extenuating circumstances in that he has a child on the way. He states in the article he knew there was a very good chance he would not be drafted. If clickbait doesn't do what I think news is suppose to do I don't get various sides.

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