In your dreams. Let's let the "multiple" people confirm your BS. know the nice thing about getting older is...what we remember sometimes doesn't match with reality. You know who I know, and they don't remember this Don Juan in HS. Or years post high school.
Also, there is a beauty of anonymity so people can say certain things without consequence.
There are several things I can confirm and also things I can say I have observed with sort of a disbelief in what has been posted.
When you divulge personal info that has zero biz being on this board of course you will get a ration of crap. And you have several options in response. One, a more mature way of dealing with the ration of crap is suck it up and maybe get a good laugh. Or whine about it and say "I am a victim, leave me alone."
I will make the observation that a picture you paint, especially on your way to CSU is that you drank too much, passed out and have no idea what happened. I get that by your comment that you had been drinking before the police officer came to see what was up. And if the picture is half accurate, that you were driving through Montana drinking all I can think of is kids my daughters ages ....early 20's, being on the wrong side of an accident because you were drinking. I certainly hope the impression I got from your posts is incorrect. But if you were sober, didn't get in a fight, and all of a sudden you don't remember anything, I feel bad cause there may be something medically wrong with you.
It is strange from 20 years ago you remember my weight and my brothers. Any idea how strange that is? But with that said, Sponge nor I are close to 300. If I knew how to upload a picture from when you met me I would have zero problem doing so. I would match my health with yours....
With regards to your wife or I guess ex wife now, she sat and talked to the "300 pounder" for close to an hour, one on one. It was there in the RV parking lot next to Beasley in the western part of the lot.
I don't know what they talked about for an hour, I don't know why you didn't notice. I do know one thing, she didn't know anyone in that crowd, and you were busy doing other things.
I know who you are thinking about and being on the heavy side, but he was too busy chatting with one of the local females.
But again, bizarre that you even care if someone is fat or skinny. Sponge is healthy as am I...knock on wood.