Mark Rypien arrested...


Hall Of Fame
Gold Member
Nov 19, 2008
4th degree domestic assault in Spokane. His wife is the alleged victim.
Police called to an intersection in Spokane. Wife is laying on the grass of a nearby bank. She's checked out by medics but given no treatment and not transported. The cops interview them both for 45 minutes then arrest Mark for 4th degree assault.
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Mark has gone through a lot personally. Very sad.

Yep....and i would imagine it goes to the blows to his head . What I just read Gale Sayers, Tony Dorsett and several others are going through.
Yep....and i would imagine it goes to the blows to his head . What I just read Gale Sayers, Tony Dorsett and several others are going through.
Seen an interview with Jim McMahon recently? Beyond sad.
Update on Rypien from the Spokesman.

Couple of things. First, why is the picture of him sitting there in jail gear released publicly? That is BS. There is no reason to do that, unless some public information request was filed (HIGHLY doubtful - Oh I request pictures of Mark in his jail outfit). Even then, what public right to know is there. I get sick of cops and prosecutors telling and showing the papers crap voluntarily. That's not their job.

Second, I very much understand why the mandatory arrest law for domestic calls is in place. Guy beats wife, wife calls 911, by the time the cops show up she has been cajoled, scared or sweet talked into saying nothing happened. I get it. But in this case a 3rd party called the cops, his wife did not, and she repeatedly said he shouldn't be arrested. So how does that become a mandatory arrest situation?

If I recall, a few years back a sort of similar law went into effect relative to other (barroom?) fights, where the cops had to make an arrest (attorneys, correct me if I'm wrong). I think that is kind of BS too. While I do not advocate for that type of violence either, scuffles do happen, and they don't always need to end up with someone in jail, and subsequently smeared all over the paper if they are public figures.

Not that I trust your typical cop to reasonably apply discretion, but some leeway should be available to the guys on the scene......

Best of luck Mark.
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Update on Rypien from the Spokesman.

Couple of things. First, why is the picture of him sitting there in jail gear released publicly? That is BS. There is no reason to do that, unless some public information request was filed (HIGHLY doubtful - Oh I request pictures of Mark in his jail outfit). Even then, what public right to know is there. I get sick of cops and prosecutors telling and showing the papers crap voluntarily. That's not their job.

Second, I very much understand why the mandatory arrest law for domestic calls is in place. Guy beats wife, wife calls 911, by the time the cops show up she has been cajoled, scared or sweet talked into saying nothing happened. I get it. But in this case a 3rd party called the cops, his wife did not, and she repeatedly said he shouldn't be arrested. So how does that become a mandatory arrest situation?

If I recall, a few years back a sort of similar law went into effect relative to other (barroom?) fights, where the cops had to make an arrest (attorneys, correct me if I'm wrong). I think that is kind of BS too. While I do not advocate for that type of violence either, scuffles do happen, and they don't always need to end up with someone in jail, and subsequently smeared all over the paper if they are public figures.

Not that I trust your typical cop to reasonably apply discretion, but some leeway should be available to the guys on the scene......

Best of luck Mark.
Couple things.

Regarding the picture, that's from court. Rypien was in one room, the judge is in another and the court room is a public space where cameras are allowed. So the reporter took a picture of the defendant before the judge. Whoopty skip. Cops or prosecutors didn't do squat.

Second, I believe the incident happened in public. She was unconscious on the side of the road, when the police arrived. If someone DIDN'T call the police, I'd be beside myself. Both parties have admitted publicly that Mark Rypien beats her. He says it's because of CTE. SHE says it's because of CTE. That doesn't change the assault. Police are doing their jobs.

Basically, she's willing to take the beatings because she believes MR's CTE is causing his outbursts and odd behaviors and she apparently loves him enough to deal with this.
Crappy situation, though. No one is winning here.
Yep....and i would imagine it goes to the blows to his head.

Both parties have admitted publicly that Mark Rypien beats her. He says it's because of CTE. SHE says it's because of CTE ... Basically, she's willing to take the beatings because she believes MR's CTE is causing his outbursts and odd behaviors and she apparently loves him enough to deal with this.

Good points by both Ed and 95man2.

Wonder how these medical circumstances could affect legal proceedings (if there even end up being any)? Maybe some expert medical help could alleviate these issues.

TBH, wish there was a different headline on this post. Ryp is a WSU legend for a reason.

Prefer the positivity of CougZone over the typical negativity and finger-pointing at both Brand X and Brand Y, but that's just my 2 cents.
Update on Rypien from the Spokesman.

Couple of things. First, why is the picture of him sitting there in jail gear released publicly? That is BS. There is no reason to do that, unless some public information request was filed (HIGHLY doubtful - Oh I request pictures of Mark in his jail outfit). Even then, what public right to know is there. I get sick of cops and prosecutors telling and showing the papers crap voluntarily. That's not their job.

Second, I very much understand why the mandatory arrest law for domestic calls is in place. Guy beats wife, wife calls 911, by the time the cops show up she has been cajoled, scared or sweet talked into saying nothing happened. I get it. But in this case a 3rd party called the cops, his wife did not, and she repeatedly said he shouldn't be arrested. So how does that become a mandatory arrest situation?

If I recall, a few years back a sort of similar law went into effect relative to other (barroom?) fights, where the cops had to make an arrest (attorneys, correct me if I'm wrong). I think that is kind of BS too. While I do not advocate for that type of violence either, scuffles do happen, and they don't always need to end up with someone in jail, and subsequently smeared all over the paper if they are public figures.

Not that I trust your typical cop to reasonably apply discretion, but some leeway should be available to the guys on the scene......

Best of luck Mark.

Here's the thing, it APPEARS, SEEMS like Mark HIT, BEAT up, HURT his wife.

If that is true Mark probably should, and probably DESERVES to be ARRESTED, unless it was self defense by Mark.

Doesnt matter if a 3rd party called it in or not, or if his wife asked that he not be arrested, or not.

And doesnt matter whether it should be a mandatory arrest or not. Should there be a mandatory arrest? I dont know. But even if no mandatory arrest, cops either do an or should have the right to arrest a man who beats up his wife, whether called by wife, or by a 3rd party.

Also Mark may or may not be affect by brain, head trauma that may or may not have affected, caused this or not. Is that true? I dont know. None of us do. And if it did. That's sad.

But regardless of whether it did or not, it is not acceptable for Mark to hit, beat his wife, and as such, should be arrested.

If it is a head problem that caused problem, that should be diagnosed by a competant doctor, and presented at trial, Mark found not guilty, Mark gets treatment, help.

If its not a head problem that caused this, not only should Mark be arrested, but he should probably be convicted, go to jail, get some help, and MAYBE, maybe not should have his wife leave, divorce him.

And if it wasnt a head problem, what Mark did was, is NOT acceptable, ok, and shouldnt make excuses for him, just because he is a coug.

If Mark was a Husky, cougs would probably wouldnt be as understanding, lenient, etc.

Also I am not saying Mark doesnt deserve understanding, etc.

What I am saying, is that there is a lot we dont know, and that will have to wait and see, and that IF IF a problem with his head, then deserves understanding, leniecy, treatment, etc, but IF IF no problem with head, probably doesnt deserve leniency, understanding for beating his wife.
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If Mark was a Husky, cougs would probably wouldnt be as understanding, lenient, etc.

What's that got do with the price of tea in China?

Ryp is deservedly a Coug hero. People want the best for him and his wife. Why try to disparage WSU fans for being "understanding, lenient, etc?"

Not sure why ducks or zags or huskies are worth mentioning here.
Couple things.

Regarding the picture, that's from court. Rypien was in one room, the judge is in another and the court room is a public space where cameras are allowed. So the reporter took a picture of the defendant before the judge. Whoopty skip. Cops or prosecutors didn't do squat.

Second, I believe the incident happened in public. She was unconscious on the side of the road, when the police arrived. If someone DIDN'T call the police, I'd be beside myself. Both parties have admitted publicly that Mark Rypien beats her. He says it's because of CTE. SHE says it's because of CTE. That doesn't change the assault. Police are doing their jobs.

Basically, she's willing to take the beatings because she believes MR's CTE is causing his outbursts and odd behaviors and she apparently loves him enough to deal with this.
Crappy situation, though. No one is winning here.

OK, couple of things here. I get your explanation of the picture. Looks like, if accurate, the reporter was in the courtroom with the judge and snapped a picture of the monitor. Kind of odd though - was the reporter sitting on the judge's lap? Do reporters typically hang around the courtroom all day waiting for come celebrity to have their hearing? So you are probably right, but I'm not 100% convinced it wasn't released by prosecutors/court employees.

Where do you get "unconscious on the side of the road"? KHQ, on the scene, said she was sitting in the grass complaining of stomach pain.

Point being, Mark had to have stopped to let her out, she was sitting there, a 3rd party calls cops (I'm OK with that part). Cops come, wife says it's fine, they arrest him anyway. That's my beef.

Also - "willing to take the beatings"? So you have evidence that he beats her frequently? Unless you are a neighbor or a friend (if so some friend), I don't know why you would know that.

Anyway, enough from me.
Cops come, wife says it's fine, they arrest him anyway. That's my beef.

Loyal, can't remember if you have a law degree or not, but do you think they send Ryp to the slammer if he's just Joe Sixpack and NOT a former Super Bowl MVP?
What's that got do with the price of tea in China?

Ryp is deservedly a Coug hero. People want the best for him and his wife. Why try to disparage WSU fans for being "understanding, lenient, etc?"

Not sure why ducks or zags or huskies are worth mentioning here.

Look if there is reason for being lenient, understanding, such as Mark having a head problem that caused what happened, then we as cougs can, should be understanding, lenient.



Until that time we should neither throw the book at him, or be lenient, understanding, but should be NEUTRAL, guarded.

Also do you think his wife getting beat up by her husband, is whats BEST for his wife?

Do you think Mark beating up his wife is whats best for him and his wife both?


Then being lenient, understanding now, before we know whether a head problem caused this or not is NOT doing whats best for Mark an or his wife, and is not just hoping for the best for Mark, his wife.

As to the if Mark was a husky comment.

We on the board tend to make excuses for cougs, then, while throwing the book at husky players who do the exact same thing
OK, couple of things here. I get your explanation of the picture. Looks like, if accurate, the reporter was in the courtroom with the judge and snapped a picture of the monitor. Kind of odd though - was the reporter sitting on the judge's lap? Do reporters typically hang around the courtroom all day waiting for come celebrity to have their hearing? So you are probably right, but I'm not 100% convinced it wasn't released by prosecutors/court employees.

Where do you get "unconscious on the side of the road"? KHQ, on the scene, said she was sitting in the grass complaining of stomach pain.

Point being, Mark had to have stopped to let her out, she was sitting there, a 3rd party calls cops (I'm OK with that part). Cops come, wife says it's fine, they arrest him anyway. That's my beef.

Also - "willing to take the beatings"? So you have evidence that he beats her frequently? Unless you are a neighbor or a friend (if so some friend), I don't know why you would know that.

Anyway, enough from me.

While your right that we dont know if there were regular beatings.

What we do know is that there was a alleged, suspected incident where it APPEARED, SEEMS LIKE Mark alledgedly, suspectedly seemingly hit, beat up his wife.

Mandatory Arrest law or not, Cop is not or shouldnt be arresting unless there is some kind of evidence that Mark hit, beat up his wife.

Now does that mean Mark REGULARLY beat up his wife?

No we dont know that or not.

All we do know is that it is ONE SEEMINGLY BAD INCIDENT so far.

As such we should neither throw book at, neither be understanding, lenient, and instead be NEUTRAL, guarded.
Mik, nowhere does it say he allegedly beat up his wife!!!

And 95, nowhere does it say that she was unconscious!
Mike -

You talk a great game about being guarded and neutral but then casually throw out speculation and veiled allegations like candy. You don't know these people or what goes on in their home or what extenuating circumstances surround this incident.

So, please. Just STFU.
Mik, nowhere does it say he allegedly beat up his wife!!!

And 95, nowhere does it say that she was unconscious!

Like I said, as has been said,he was arrested for 4th degree assault.

4th degree assault is where you hit, beat somebody up.


Mandatory arrest or not, whether called in by wife, or by a 3rd party, a cop either normally wont, shouldnt be arresting someone on charges of 4th Degree Assault(hitting, beating up), UNLESS they have at least a little tiny bit of EVIDENCE, PROBABLE CAUSE to arrest on charges of 4th degree assault(hitting, beating up)

So because of that, it was said in a way that Mark was alledgedly arrested alledgedy for hitting, beating up his wife.
Mike -

You talk a great game about being guarded and neutral but then casually throw out speculation and veiled allegations like candy. You don't know these people or what goes on in their home or what extenuating circumstances surround this incident.

So, please. Just STFU.

What I do know, like I said

Is that Mark was alledgedly arrested for alledged 4th degree assault(alledgedly hitting, beating up his wife)

Thats a fact, what we do know.

Also the cops are probably not going to arrest someone on charges of 4th degree assault unless there is at least a little tiny bit of evidence, probable cause.

Also like I said we dont know if there is EXTENUATING circumstances like head problems that might or might not have caused this, or not.

As such we should be neutral, guarded, and should both NOT throw book at him, and not be understanding, lenient, make excuses, etc.

So instead of you telling me, others to F OFF, YOU F OFF A HOLE
What I do know, like I said

Is that Mark was alledgedly arrested for alledged 4th degree assault(alledgedly hitting, beating up his wife)

Thats a fact, what we do know.

Also the cops are probably not going to arrest someone on charges of 4th degree assault unless there is at least a little tiny bit of evidence, probable cause.

Also like I said we dont know if there is EXTENUATING circumstances like head problems that might or might not have caused this, or not.

As such we should be neutral, guarded, and should both NOT throw book at him, and not be understanding, lenient, make excuses, etc.

So instead of you telling me, others to F OFF, YOU F OFF A HOLE

To be accurate, I told you to STFU.

Which still stands.
Mik, look up the definition of 4th degree assault in Washington.
Why are you defining it as "hitting, beating up"?
I'll try to tread lightly here, but I hope people wait for the facts the emerge before they label Rypien a wife beater. 4th degree assault is an extremely minor, misdemeanor charge.

If he's guilty, then he deserves to be sentenced, but lets at least consider the multitude of possible scenarios here. Did he get violent and hit her? Possibly. Was she following him around, getting aggressive herself, and he pushed her down? Also possible.
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Mik, look up the definition of 4th degree assault in Washington.
Why are you defining it as "hitting, beating up"?

Beat me to it. 4th degree assault can be any "unwanted touching" that a reasonable person would find offensive. If I pinch your butt it is 4th degree assault. I also believe (could be wrong) that contact isn't even necessary - if someone feels threatened it can be 4th degree assault.

So yeah mik, know WTF you are talking about before shooting off your mouth.

And where are you lawyers to explain all of this when we need you?
Mik, look up the definition of 4th degree assault in Washington.
Why are you defining it as "hitting, beating up"?

Umm newflash 79, 2 incidents:

1. A abusive roommate attacked me, I defended myself, gave him a black eye.

Altho the charges were eventually dismissed, on grounds of self defense, I was arrested on charge of 4th Degree Assault Domestic Violence

2. A store manager was overcharging, trying to steal from me. Sign said a 28 to 32 oz cup was $1.29. He charged $2.00 dollars, 71 cents too much.

I had 28 to 32 oz cup. Store manager tried to lie, cheat, steal, said I had a bigger cup.

He told me to leave. I told him that I would leave when he either gave me 71 cents in change back, or took the cup back, gave me money back.

I then told him, that if I stole a candybar, I would, could get arrested. But its ok for you to steal 71 cents, about the price of a candy bar, from me.

Then he tried to force me to lwave by laying hands on, pushing me. When he did that, he would say "stop touching me, if you dont stop touching me, I am going to..." I told him, that he was iniating, starting, doing the contact .It happened again. He said " I warned you" He then threw punches that I ducked that would have plastered me on wall(BIG DUDE), then gave him a black eye.

Cowardly co workers snuck up behind me an body slammed me, held me until cops arrested me on charge of 4th degree assault domestic violence

Eventually charge was dismissed because of the store video, witnesses backed me up, that it was self defense.

Point is that while 4th degree assault domestic Violence can be for things other then hitting, beating someone up, (like technically can be charged for 4th degree assault if throw a water balloon that hits someone), USUALLY 4TH DEGREE ASSAULT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS USUALLY ALMOST ALWAYS FOR HITTING, BEATING SOMEONE UP.
Also there is a BIG difference between:

4th degree assault


4th degree assault DOMESTIC VIOLENCE

4th degree assault altho usually for hitting, violence, etc, as has been said can technically be for pinching, water balloon, extremely minor stuff.

But DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CHARGE(4th degree assault domestic violence)(What Mark was charged), that is usually more serious then 4th degree assault, and usually is almost always hitting, attacking, violence, beating someone up, more then just throwing balloons, pinching, little stuff, etc

Like I said before cops are not going to charge Mark or anyone else for on 4th degree assault DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, against his wife, unless they have at least a tiny bit of evidence, probable cause that he supposedly alledgedly at least semi likely, semi may have hit, attacked, beat up, did something VIOLENT VIOLENCE of some sort against his wife
Also like I said before, we dont know everything, the circumstances, etc, that is why I said that we should neither throw book at him, Mark, and why we should not be understanding, lenient, and instead should be NEUTRAL, GUARDED.
OK, couple of things here. I get your explanation of the picture. Looks like, if accurate, the reporter was in the courtroom with the judge and snapped a picture of the monitor. Kind of odd though - was the reporter sitting on the judge's lap? Do reporters typically hang around the courtroom all day waiting for come celebrity to have their hearing? So you are probably right, but I'm not 100% convinced it wasn't released by prosecutors/court employees.

Where do you get "unconscious on the side of the road"? KHQ, on the scene, said she was sitting in the grass complaining of stomach pain.

Point being, Mark had to have stopped to let her out, she was sitting there, a 3rd party calls cops (I'm OK with that part). Cops come, wife says it's fine, they arrest him anyway. That's my beef.

Also - "willing to take the beatings"? So you have evidence that he beats her frequently? Unless you are a neighbor or a friend (if so some friend), I don't know why you would know that.

Anyway, enough from me.
He did an interview with KHQ a year or 2 ago. He admitted to the 2017 beating as well as a more recent one. In the interview he talked about how he had been in some very dark places, she was standing by him while "her health was at risk". He says this at around the 19:30 mark but go back as far as you wish to get more context.

Look, I'm not trying to bad mouth him. He is battling depression and so many other affects.

Regarding the unconscious comment, I'll retract that. I can't find where I saw/read that.
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Also there is a BIG difference between:

4th degree assault


4th degree assault DOMESTIC VIOLENCE

4th degree assault altho usually for hitting, violence, etc, as has been said can technically be for pinching, water balloon, extremely minor stuff.

But DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CHARGE(4th degree assault domestic violence)(What Mark was charged), that is usually more serious then 4th degree assault, and usually is almost always hitting, attacking, violence, beating someone up, more then just throwing balloons, pinching, little stuff, etc

You are completely wrong here. Just stop commenting on this topic, OK?

He did an interview with KHQ a year or 2 ago. He admitted to the 2017 beating as well as a more recent one. In the interview he talked about how he had been in some very dark places, she was standing by him while "her health was at risk". He says this at around the 19:30 mark but go back as far as you wish to get more context.

Look, I'm not trying to bad mouth him. He is battling depression and so many other affects.

Regarding the unconscious comment, I'll retract that. I can't find where I saw/read that.

Got it, although (I didn't watch yet) I thought that in the 2017 one he pushed her onto the bed a couple of times. But OK.

And OK on the last part too. Peace. :)
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He did an interview with KHQ a year or 2 ago. He admitted to the 2017 beating as well as a more recent one. In the interview he talked about how he had been in some very dark places, she was standing by him while "her health was at risk". He says this at around the 19:30 mark but go back as far as you wish to get more context.

Look, I'm not trying to bad mouth him. He is battling depression and so many other affects.

Regarding the unconscious comment, I'll retract that. I can't find where I saw/read that.
The Spokesman article yesterday had the following:

"They found the former Washington Redskins quarterback standing near the Washington Trust Bank branch while his wife was lying in the grass. She was evaluated but did not need medical treatment."

Personally I didn't know what to make of the "lying in the grass" part but maybe that's where it sounded like she was unconscious? Very sad situation.
Update on Rypien from the Spokesman.

Couple of things. First, why is the picture of him sitting there in jail gear released publicly? That is BS. There is no reason to do that, unless some public information request was filed (HIGHLY doubtful - Oh I request pictures of Mark in his jail outfit). Even then, what public right to know is there. I get sick of cops and prosecutors telling and showing the papers crap voluntarily. That's not their job.

Second, I very much understand why the mandatory arrest law for domestic calls is in place. Guy beats wife, wife calls 911, by the time the cops show up she has been cajoled, scared or sweet talked into saying nothing happened. I get it. But in this case a 3rd party called the cops, his wife did not, and she repeatedly said he shouldn't be arrested. So how does that become a mandatory arrest situation?

If I recall, a few years back a sort of similar law went into effect relative to other (barroom?) fights, where the cops had to make an arrest (attorneys, correct me if I'm wrong). I think that is kind of BS too. While I do not advocate for that type of violence either, scuffles do happen, and they don't always need to end up with someone in jail, and subsequently smeared all over the paper if they are public figures.

Not that I trust your typical cop to reasonably apply discretion, but some leeway should be available to the guys on the scene......

Best of luck Mark.
The definition of "domestic violence" does not include location. If there's an instance of assault between husband & wife , it doesn't matter if it occurs in their home, someone else's home, the sidewalk, or the 50-yard line of Martin Stadium. The law allows the responding officer(s) to exercise discretion in who gets arrested, but someone's going to jail. Most of the time, it's going to be the husband/boyfriend...unless there's pretty convincing evidence that he was the victim. Also doesn't matter who calls. Report says husband hit wife. There are witnesses. Wife is in obvious pain/discomfort and/or has visible marks. Husband spends the night in jail. Period.

Doesn't matter if she says not to arrest him. Used to be that happened all the time - she said 'don't arrest him, it's ok, I made him angry, my fault, etc.' Then the cops leave and a couple hours later she's beaten to a pulp in the hospital or morgue. So the state removed that option, and cops are now required to separate the quarreling couple for the night.
In Washington any report of domestic violence to which police respond, requires that an arrest be made regardless of circumstances. I knew of a case a few years ago where a husband and wife got in a shouting match and ran out to the street. A third party who was driving by called the police. There was apparently physical contact, but no allegation of hitting. Not even clear who initiated the contact. Police were required to arrest someone so the husband took the arrest. All charges eventually dropped but husband spent night in jail.
Beat me to it. 4th degree assault can be any "unwanted touching" that a reasonable person would find offensive. If I pinch your butt it is 4th degree assault. I also believe (could be wrong) that contact isn't even necessary - if someone feels threatened it can be 4th degree assault.

So yeah mik, know WTF you are talking about before shooting off your mouth.

And where are you lawyers to explain all of this when we need you?
You don't need to be a lawyer to go look up the RCWs, not to understand them, and not that this is saying much, but you'll know as much about that las as your average LEO.
In Washington any report of domestic violence to which police respond, requires that an arrest be made regardless of circumstances. I knew of a case a few years ago where a husband and wife got in a shouting match and ran out to the street. A third party who was driving by called the police. There was apparently physical contact, but no allegation of hitting. Not even clear who initiated the contact. Police were required to arrest someone so the husband took the arrest. All charges eventually dropped but husband spent night in jail.

Key Phrase:


If there is NO, ABSOLUTLY NO, NONE, evidence, probable cause the cops wont arrest anybody.

They will however, separate, make sure the situation, shouting match, etc, is either DIFFUSED, DESCALATED, AN OR GIVE ORDERS that they are to be separated.

Another example:

A roommate in Chewelah, went on a vacation. Somehow, I dont know how, but the roommates waterhose ended up tied, tangled up

I didnt do it. The roommate blamed me. And grabbed me, threw me on bed, proceeded to put his 78 year old knee, into either chest, neck, making it so that I either couldnt breathe, or hard to breath.

The proof that he did that, a mark that left, faded by the time the the cops got there, because they were called by his wife.

After listening to his wife's story, his story, my story, and seeing no physical evidence(faded, disappeared by time cops got there), the cops didnt arrest anybody, and gave separation orders, and since I did not have a car, ride, gave me a mandatory separation drive to someplace far enough away, ordered me not to go back, and that if I did go back, violated order, I would be arrested, if I did so.

I was lucky the crazy old man either didnt choke me to death, kill me, an or, since I was just about ready to punch him in face, give him a black eye, etc, if he hadnt stopped like he did, because if he hadnt stopped, and if I had hit, gave the old man a black eye, even in self defense, I would have been arrested, and likely convicted, because nobody would have believed me over the crazy old man and his wife.

That happen in 2011. So unless the law has changed between 2011, and now, the law is, that the cops wont arrest anybody for 4th degree assault domestic violence, unless there is evidence, PROBABLE CAUSE.

So that either applies, should apply to Mark's case, that the cops wouldnt have arrested Mark for 4th degree assault domestic violence unless the cops had probable cause, evidence.
Key Phrase:


If there is NO, ABSOLUTLY NO, NONE, evidence, probable cause the cops wont arrest anybody.

They will however, separate, make sure the situation, shouting match, etc, is either DIFFUSED, DESCALATED, AN OR GIVE ORDERS that they are to be separated.

Another example:

A roommate in Chewelah, went on a vacation. Somehow, I dont know how, but the roommates waterhose ended up tied, tangled up

I didnt do it. The roommate blamed me. And grabbed me, threw me on bed, proceeded to put his 78 year old knee, into either chest, neck, making it so that I either couldnt breathe, or hard to breath.

The proof that he did that, a mark that left, faded by the time the the cops got there, because they were called by his wife.

After listening to his wife's story, his story, my story, and seeing no physical evidence(faded, disappeared by time cops got there), the cops didnt arrest anybody, and gave separation orders, and since I did not have a car, ride, gave me a mandatory separation drive to someplace far enough away, ordered me not to go back, and that if I did go back, violated order, I would be arrested, if I did so.

I was lucky the crazy old man either didnt choke me to death, kill me, an or, since I was just about ready to punch him in face, give him a black eye, etc, if he hadnt stopped like he did, because if he hadnt stopped, and if I had hit, gave the old man a black eye, even in self defense, I would have been arrested, and likely convicted, because nobody would have believed me over the crazy old man and his wife.

That happen in 2011. So unless the law has changed between 2011, and now, the law is, that the cops wont arrest anybody for 4th degree assault domestic violence, unless there is evidence, PROBABLE CAUSE.

So that either applies, should apply to Mark's case, that the cops wouldnt have arrested Mark for 4th degree assault domestic violence unless the cops had probable cause, evidence.

God would you stop? YOU ARE WRONG. And the law has been in place since way before 2011. Who the F cares what some cop in podunk Chewelah did or didn't do in your weird little scenario. You sure as hell have a lot of human interaction issues based upon your many strange stories.

Ok, now I'm done with this thread. I think it has been intelligently vetted enough. Good luck Mark and wife.
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The definition of "domestic violence" does not include location. If there's an instance of assault between husband & wife , it doesn't matter if it occurs in their home, someone else's home, the sidewalk, or the 50-yard line of Martin Stadium. The law allows the responding officer(s) to exercise discretion in who gets arrested, but someone's going to jail. Most of the time, it's going to be the husband/boyfriend...unless there's pretty convincing evidence that he was the victim. Also doesn't matter who calls. Report says husband hit wife. There are witnesses. Wife is in obvious pain/discomfort and/or has visible marks. Husband spends the night in jail. Period.

Doesn't matter if she says not to arrest him. Used to be that happened all the time - she said 'don't arrest him, it's ok, I made him angry, my fault, etc.' Then the cops leave and a couple hours later she's beaten to a pulp in the hospital or morgue. So the state removed that option, and cops are now required to separate the quarreling couple for the night.

Exactly, this.

The key part in what you said is:

"The law allows the cop discretion in who gets arrested"

The only part that is not right about what you said, is that IF there is NO probable cause, no evidence, they cant, an or wont an or shouldnt arrest anybody.

Once there is evidence, probable cause, the cops have to arrest somebody, and somebody will be arrested.

This, that is why if the cops arrest Mark, they have to have probable cause to arrest him, meaning that there was evidence, probable cause Mark hit his wife, and that that is why he Mark was arrested.

And its not just that.

Cougman95 said that the police, media reports state that Mark hit his wife.

And that in past interviews Mark has come out, said he has either hit, abused wife, because he Mark was in a bad, dark place

So when you combine that, with the police, media report that Mark hit his wife, combined with Cop no arrest unless probable cause evidence that Mark hit his wife.

That probably likely means that Mark alledgedly hit his wife.

But that said that is a alledged accusation.

He Mark is technically innocent until proven guilty.

And we still dont know the entire story.

So still should either NOT throw book at Mark or NOT be understanding, lenient, but instead should be NEUTRAL, GUARDED towards Mark.
He did an interview with KHQ a year or 2 ago. He admitted to the 2017 beating as well as a more recent one. In the interview he talked about how he had been in some very dark places, she was standing by him while "her health was at risk". He says this at around the 19:30 mark but go back as far as you wish to get more context.

Look, I'm not trying to bad mouth him. He is battling depression and so many other affects.

Regarding the unconscious comment, I'll retract that. I can't find where I saw/read that.

Exactly this.

When you combine this, with the Cops arresting Mark on charge of 4th degree assault domestic violence, combined with how thevcops wont do that without PROBABLE CAUSE, EVIDENCE, that means that Mark probably, likely, alledgedly hit his wife.

Anybody who disagrees with this is as Spock would say is ILLOGICAL.

Also like I said:





Mikalas, can you fully elaborate on what you mean by "NEUTRAL, OBJECTIVE, GUARDED" when we're talking about a WSU Cougars and Washington Redskins legend?

What's wrong with people wanting the best for the Rypien family and for this unpleasantness to be put to bed once and for all?
Mik, try not to stumble while you're backpedaling...
Now you're throwing the word "usually" in there when before you weren't.
Why is it so hard to admit you erred when saying "hitting/beating someone up" is THE definition of 4th degree assault? Why is that so hard to see for you?

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