As usual, we have at least two threads going in one. I have a thought for both.
As for CML, any kid raised in a town the size of Cody is unlikely to harbor a lot of illusions of grandeur. That would be very inconsistent from a cultural standpoint. For those that prefer people who put their pants on one leg at a time, CML is a pretty good guy. Harbaugh (who was brought up in the thread) and some others I could name DO suffer from illusions of grandeur. I really dislike arrogance and I know which I prefer to be around.
As for travel, most folks I know start their professional lives enjoying travel and then gravitate over the decades to not being big fans of it. My methods for coping after 35 years of professional travel include always checking my luggage (the laptop bag goes under the seat and I never have to fight the overhead bin battles), always bringing my pillow from home, and since I'm checking my luggage I overpack. I have an extra of everything and every possible drug store item that might prove useful (needed them all over the years).
On those rare occasions when there is a luggage foul up, I've learned that you just show up in your travel clothes and plead airline luggage issues. I have my laptop and I have my notes
nothing else is crucial. Showing up unruffled and being competent trumps the clothes you wear every time.