Miami coaching search candidates (Leach not mentioned)

That's a pretty... available... list of candidates. Really, Tim Brewster?
Well that's a relief. Interesting to see Strong there since he apparently already said he has no interest.

Also who the hell asks Uncle Luke for HC insight.
I cannot see Strong going there or anyplace else at this time. He is on the verge of getting that program turned around. Only two routs this year, Notre Dame and TCU, and there is nothing remarkably wrong with that. Both are very good. Also beat Oklahoma which should please the alumni.

Also don't see Leach being attracted by the opening. Or Miami attracted to him for that matter. Three wins in a row is great but not yet proof of our reemergence. After spending the last few years in a football wasteland and finally seemingly getting his and our heads above water, one would think he would want to stay awhile to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Uprooting his family and transporting them across the continent to start over does not sound very alluring to me.

The number of open HC spots at this stage of the schedule is truly astonishing, isn't it?