Mike Leach on the fate of the human race


Hall Of Fame
Jan 1, 2012
from ESPN top 10 quotes of the year:

Mike Leach wants you to stop reading this on your phone
"I'm not really good with technology. All this button pushing and whatnot. I mean, you can just imagine based on what's happened in the last 15 years. Conversations won't happen 10 years from now. There aren't going to be people to talk to, it's going to be this [mimics pushing buttons]. 'Do you want to go out on a date with me?' 'I don't know, what do you look like?' 'Well I look kind of like this.' 'OK, what are your interests?' 'Well, what do you think my interests are? Looking to this thing and typing into this just like yours are.' 'Yeah, no kidding, that's what everybody's doing.' 'Well, where do you want to go?' 'Well, what difference does it make? Because all we're going to be doing is looking into machines anyways.' Well, that's true and in the end, it's going to be tough to perpetuate the species. There's no question about that. So we're all going to look in this box and eventually be extinct. That's how it ends." -- Mike Leach on the fate of the human race

just for fun
The day anyone takes advice on conversations from Mike Leach WILL be the end of the human race. Since the idiot kiffin left sc he is the worst interview of any of the conference coaches I have seen. I know he fancies himself a cerebral guy, and he just may hate the media, but I don't see him as much of a conversationalist.

BTW, others have quoted his quote before, and it still sounds like "In the Year 2525" to me!
Originally posted by SCglory:
The day anyone takes advice on conversations from Mike Leach WILL be the end of the human race. Since the idiot kiffin left sc he is the worst interview of any of the conference coaches I have seen. I know he fancies himself a cerebral guy, and he just may hate the media, but I don't see him as much of a conversationalist.

BTW, others have quoted his quote before, and it still sounds like "In the Year 2525" to me!
I've said before, I'll have more patience for these marginally interesting sound bytes when he starts winning. When the wins start piling up, he'll be a lovable crank. Until then he's just a crank.

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