Motum set to make final Jazz roster?...

Three Cougs in the NBA? Absolutely crazy. Hopefully we can get them involved with WSU, having 3 players in the NBA is amazing. I don't know what Weaver is up to, but he was trying to bounce around the NBA too. That's awesome for him tho, he could score, but didn't know if he had the strength to be in there. He might not get a lot run, but he gets an NBA check to start the season. Go Cougs!

And man, what a waste of the 2010-2011 season.
wait... I was told by nawligable poaster on this bored, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, he had no talent.

I wonder what the Jazz see that the wazzu watch nawligable poaster missed?

In any case, GREAT JOB BROCK!
We were also told that you can't recruit to WSU...and that Bennett-ball was too boring to bring in top players. I think Motum was originally recruited under Tony's regime and he committed to Tony, correct? Ava?

Three NBA players with one superstar to be...all played at WSU. That is truly amazing.
That's right. Tony Bennett recruited Thompson, Baynes, and Motum. You can add Kyle Weaver to the mix of another Bennett recruit (Dick) who logged in some serious minutes in the NBA. Boring ball or not, these players have done well.

Glad Cougar
Yes it proves that good coaches can recognize talent, So ,some fans say "how can you rate certain players above players with more stars" Well the good coaches know what to look for. I believe that Kent is a good coach and his recruited players will be m much better than fans here give him credit for.