Yes polling stations are still a thing in many states, but not Washington. It's sort of a local issue... the 15th amendment guarantees equal access to voting and so if localities aren't doing this then it would be a federal violation. While it happens at the local level it's really a national issue.
One of the big pieces of legislation passed in the civil rights movement was the 1965 Voting Rights Act. This piece of legislation had been successful in reducing discrimination in administration of voting practices, however, since the 2013
Shelby County v. Holder decision, no legislation has been successfully passed at the federal level to fully restore or strengthen the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to its pre-2013 strength.
After this decision, which was viewed as a product of the Supreme Court’s conservative majority at the time, several Republican dominated states have passed restrictive voting laws that would have previously been blocked under the VRA. This includes reduced access to polling stations.
A deep partisan divide is "responsible" for the way things have evolved since 2013, including a conservative majority supreme court, and blockage by the Republican party of any subsequent legislation meant to fix the perceived issues with the VRA. While voting happens at the local level, equal access to voting is guaranteed by the constitution and should be federally enforced if localities are not meeting the bar. You may remember this: States and localities only have so much influence on the rules and regs of voting unfortunately. What do you think?