Arizona, UCLA, USC, Colorado, Stanford are in NCAA
At least thats what either ESPN, Sports Media, the LAST FOUR IN thing said on TV, when I saw it on DIRECT TV.
Stanford, they said was a NCAA bubble team.
Oregon is a NCAA bubble team.
Arizona, they said was in NCAA, so why cant Arizona go?
But even without Arizona, and Stanford, Oregon, there is still USC, UCLA, Colorado, and 1 of either Stanford or Oregon, as 3,4 NCAA bids at extreme minimum, and 5,6 NCAA bids at extreme max, who make it in the NCAA, so not sure where, how the Pac 12 only getting 2 NCAA bids comes in.
Pac 12 is very good, deep this year.
The Pac 12 colleges have extremely good winning records.
According to what you said, even WSU as the about 10th place team, is RIGHT NOW 15 WINS AND 11 LOSSES.
How many P5 conferences have their 10th place or worse team with 15+ wins, etc.
Also the NIT, doesnt necessarily go by conference finish. They also go by TOTAL WINS, whether conference or non conference.
The NCAA tourny follows Pac 12 finish more then NIT does, but even the NCAA tourny would take the 4th, 5th place team in the Pac 12, over the 3rd place team in Pac 12, if the 5th place Pac 12 team had say 21 wins TOTAL wins, and the 3rd place team only had 17 wins, but had a better Pac 12 conference record.
The only way the Pac 12 could only have 2,3 bids, is if a 7,8,9 place, etc, pac 12 team won the Pac 12 tourny.
And thats not likely to happen.
Arizona, USC, UCLA, Colorado go to the NCAA Tourny for sure
None or 1 or 2 or both of Stanford, Oregon either get in NCAA, or dont.
NIT gets Stanford, Oregon, if they dont goto NCAA,
NIT gets Utah
ASU is on NIT bubble
WSU is either on NIT Bubble or gets in or doesnt depending on whether WSU wins either 0, 1,2,3 wins in Pac 12 tourny.
If WSU wins 3 in Pac 12 tourny, and have 18 wins, then WSU would likely get in NIT, unless something like the 11th place Pac 12 team wins the Pac 12 tourny.
If that happened, WSU would be out of NIT, even with 18 wins in a Covid Shortened Season.
So 4,5,6 NCAA bids for Pac 12.
And 3,4,5 NIT bids for Pac 12.
And 1,2,3 CBI bids for Pac 12.
UW is the only team in Pac 12 that no get NCAA, NIT, CBI.
Thats how good the Pac 12 has been, especially in NON CONFERENCE.
The NCAA, NIT, CBI selection committee's know that the Pac 12 has a LOT of PARITY within the Pac 12 conference record itself, beating up on each other, while beating non conference opponents, and that despite that, that almost all pac 12 teams have winning records.
Thats what a stronger Bball conference looks like.
Pac 12 is NOT weak in BBALL THIS YEAR.
If you think Pac 12 only gets 2 NCAA bids, then your full of it, illogical, etc.