A guy (who, by the way, I think looks like a good candidate) should be paid what makes sense based on his resume. We are paying a respectable amount vis a vis his resume. If he does great, give him a raise. But at this point his compensation has taken a huge jump. Let's let him do something good before we give him more. Paying more is no guarantee of success...if it was, the blue bloods would all be successful...yet they are not. And certainly the less rich schools don't necessarily get what they pay for.
There are a lot of ways to evaluate a candidate. Just based on my own experience, I'd lean toward the younger guys with energy and some track record. Yes, experience matters. But so does capability and energy. I'm happy with the hire. Now I'm waiting to see what he decides regarding his OC.
So WSU, Anne the AD turns down, rejects Vigen, who wanted the WSU Job, who interviewed, who better then Roger's, because has more experience, more years as a better HC, at a better Montana St, with better results, with better staff, recruits, players, with better west coast recruiting, coaching ties, that is a better recruiter the Roger's, that has more All Americans, and 4 stars, and more players in NFL, and Drafted into NFL, then Roger's, and that's closer to WSU then South Dakotah St, that understands the challenges WSU faces, and how to deal with them better then Roger's, all because, I'm assuming that Vigen asked for 1.93 MIL to 2 mil to 2.15cmil to 2.25 mil to 2.33 mil to 2.5 mil to 2.65 mil, and then Anne probably, assumingly rejected Vigen, because he probably, assumingly, asked for too much, About 1.93 mil to About 2.65 mil, I would assume, and instead of negotiating counter offering, just turned him Vigen down cold, rejected, dismissed him, walked away, etc, all because WSU Admin were, are probably CHEAPSKATES, and didn't want to pay for about 1.93 mil to about 2.65 mil, and so chose Rogers so that they would, should only pay a candidate like Roger's 1.5 mil to 1.65 mil, so that they wouldn't have to pay a better coach like Vigen about 1.93 mil to about 2.65 mil, because they CHEAPSKATES, DONT WANT A BETTER HC LIKE VIGEN DONT CARE ABOUT FOOTBALL, WONT INVEST LIKE THEY SAID THEY WOULD, JUST EMPTY LIP SERVICE THAT THEY GONA INVEST, BUT THEN THEY DONT.
Either that or they are STUPID, or we're manipulated by search firm, or search firm incompetent, just like them.
That said, I do think Roger's is about, between a semi good and semi great HC, that will work out well at WSU.
So WSU leadership did not totally blow the hire.
They, WSU, just got lucky that Roger's was available as a decent, semi good option, HC, as a cheaper option, after they STUPIDLY rejected Vigen.