OT POLITICAL THREAD(Jan 6 riots, etc)

I love it.... The only response you and all the other leftwing nut jobs here offer up when there are legitimate concerns about some of the shady sh!t that goes on within our government is that its MAGA RIGHTWING CONSPIRACIES HATCHED BY FOXNEWS (now imagine a purlple-haired fat faced moron fire breathing that sentence out their mouth as you read it). Yet, every time we get further into the "scandal" it ends up being true. No one is worshipping Trump here. You have been compromised and are incapable of thinking for yourself at this point. We get it, you hate this country. People who do think for themselves see what is happening within the FBI as a dangerous precedent being set. How can you possibly breathe with your head lodged so far up your anus?
Always coming up with a new scapegoat of compromised corrupt people and conspiracy theories instead of using your eyes and ears to your benefit is the very definition of worshipping. Trump can do no wrong in your world so anyone who “goes after” him is corrupt, compromised, etc. Maybe the guy who defrauded a charity, scammed people with a fake university, paid off a porn star he raw mushroomed, tried to overthrow the government after losing the election, told us Covid was a hoax, then told us to get vaxxed after he almost died from it, then told us to drink bleach, then told us it was a hoax again, isn’t on the up and up? And maybe the FBI, still led by his hand picked appointee, is just doing their jobs? Nawwww…couldn’t be!
You know this is probably the most logical statement I've heard so far. To answer your question, so far the information and evidence out there suggests that this was a political hit job. Not only that, but the FBI hasn't had the best track record as of the last 6-7 years not being able to hide its obvious bias'. But that's just my opinion based on their proven history. Like leftists do so often, I haven't made any determinations as to exactly why things went down the way they did.
Wait, aren't you the same chap who said THIS in post #321?:
... Fast forward to what just happened recently and one has to believe by now that the FBI is being run by partisan hacks that need to be gutted from service. Garland is such a POS as well. He is on a warpath wreaking havoc on anyone affiliated with preventing him from being a Supreme Court judge. Thank God he isn't because this man is absolutely destructive. Telling FBI to classify parents who voice their concern over school curriculum to label them as domestic terrorists? I mean WTF?
You know this is probably the most logical statement I've heard so far. To answer your question, so far the information and evidence out there suggests that this was a political hit job. Not only that, but the FBI hasn't had the best track record as of the last 6-7 years not being able to hide its obvious bias'. But that's just my opinion based on their proven history. Like leftists do so often, I haven't made any determinations as to exactly why things went down the way they did.
CIS, since you are open to the idea Trump may have done something, let me ask a couple of questions.

If Garland has a beef with someone and this is about revenge, why Trump? McConnell is the person who derailed his Supreme Ct appointment. Why go after trump if he is at odds with McConnell?

Second, if it is a political hack job, why wouldn't Garland wait until after the dems and Biden take a victory lap over their last legislative accomplishment? All Garland did was give air to Trump and stepped all over the dems messaging.

Trump has a way to inspire people to do his bidding, step over lines most people wouldn't do. Stone, Eastman, Navarro, Clarke, Rudy and so many others who trump got them to really put their necks out on the line and face some legal jeopardy. You think Biden can convince anyone to risk their career to do something illegal? Garland is at the end of a pretty good run, someone who was well thought of to be nominated to be on the bench of the supreme court. Do you believe someone like him, Gorsuch, ACB, Kavanaugh are going to risk what they have done simply for revenge or to placate Biden or even Trump? I don't.

But let's say I am wrong, are there not safeguards for this exact misuse of power? Doesn't Garland have to get the FBI to sign off? Isn't the guy who heads the FBI a trump appointee? So he too is in on it? He wants to let Garland get his revenge against Trump who had zero to do with Garland not getting the supreme court appointment.?

But let's say Garland wants revenge, but going after the wrong person in Trump, and let's say Wray agrees to put his job on the line for Garland to get that revenge, doesn't a judge have to sign off on the warrant? So now you have three career individuals with nothing in their past that says they would look to do something illegal or revengeful, but in this one instance went rogue. Doesn't make a ton of sense to me.

On the other hand, maybe Garland didn't intend to do anything more than get back classified documents. Trump gave back 15 boxed, after 12 months of having those docs he wasn't supposed to have. It was 18 months and his attorney said there is nothing left, they gave back everything. That was in response to a subpoena I believe in June. Then they raid his place and come up with 20 more boxes.

So we have trump snubbing his nose at these requests. And Garlands initial desire was to get the docs back, but I am sure there was some stuff in there that may cause Trump some legal problems.

So one side of the story is Garland, Wray, and the judge colluding. On the other you have trump who said he didn't have any classified material. Then the response was if he did it was planted. Then it became if there is classified info he declassified it. Once the FBI said there was top secret docs found he claimed they were part of executive privilege. Next will be the dog ate my homework.

But I will say I am more than willing to let the process play out. And I will say I doubt he will be charged with anything, even after all the facts come out and those facts would say if it was you or I we would be charged. Trump is the true teflon Don, not Gotti.

And speaking of Gotti, I remember when he was acquitted there were so many people in the streets cheering his victory, and when they finally convicted him there was the equal amount of anger in the streets. These people didn't care about the facts, or who he was, or what heinous stuff he did, they loved his personality....and it is that loyal response very much reminds me of Trump.
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