Our AD Mr. Chun has...

While it's cool that he was given the distinction......he's one of 28 AD's that were recognized. So he's the best AD in Washington and Idaho?
A little "glass half empty" I think. He's the first WSU AD to ever receive the recognition. And that obviously includes Moos.'s cool that he got it. I was just being a smart aleck. When I went to the NACDA twitter page, I was just surprised to see a couple dozen "AD's of the Year".
No, no....what I meant was that I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback about Chun from everyone I’ve spoken with, and if anyone brings up issues about his performance last year, i suspect his race is influencing their opinion. There are a couple of posters here who started bashing him within a month after he was hired. What could that criticism have been based on?
I guess I am naive and this is a subject I normally am not naive about. What could be a driving force of criticism two months on the job? I would think not being Bill Moos would be one, not being in the good ole boy Coug network, and maybe never being a power five AD and not having a lot of west coast connections. I think that is where I would start if I were to guess, but I could be totally off base.

Was Schultz criticized?
I am glad Mr. Chun is on our side. Give him a few more years and I do believe we will see much bigger results. Not an easy job, you have to keep the good coaches happy, and get rid of the bad ones. You have to keep the boosters happy and you have to keep improving facilities with a limited budget. People can bitch, but unless you are donating each year and attempting to increase that donation each year, you are part of the problem. Oh and by the way, buying a Jersey and 3 T shirts is not a donation.
He's the first WSU AD to ever receive the recognition. And that obviously includes Moos.

Maybe Mr. Moos was too busy hiring a Hall of Fame football coach and upgrading a stadium to submit the nomination form along with the requisite $25 membership fee for an award nobody here knew existed until this thread

Congrats to Mr. Chun regardless.

He seems like a class act.
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Well Mr Chun's next biggest project, outside of capital improvements is finding a basketball coach. Ernie's had his chance, one weekend in AZ doesn't make up for the rest of the season. I feel Chun has done a good job up to this point, but ultimately AD's are judged on hires, and fund raising. He needs to get some naming rights to the stadium and field, if he got rid of Martin Stadium and replaced it with a big donor, and named the field and football ops building if would give him far more flexibility going in to the future. I still think Boeing Field has a nice ring. And Darigold Stadium or almost anything beats Martin stadium, of which you are receiving no benefit for right now, and was only a $250,000 contribution almost 50 years ago. So if you average that out over 50 years, that's $5000 a year, doesn't even pay for a scholarship.
The naming rights agreement will happen, it’s only a question of finding the right deal. With Leach on board and the success we’ve had, Chun’s job is easier than any previous WSU AD. Imagine approaching corporate sponsorships during the Wulff years? :confused:
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