Pac 12 Refs


Hall Of Fame
Jan 7, 2003
So out of boredom I'm watching Cal and Ariz. They are tied 3-3 in the 4th quarter. I real barn burner. Anyway, on 3rd and 10 from out of there own endzone the Cal QB throws a long pass up the sideline. It isn't catchable. The Ref throws a flag and call sideline interference on Ariz. The replay shows an enthusiastic Ariz coach 10 yards behind the play bumping into the ref who then throws the flag. The play cost Ariz 30 yards of field position although they do eventually force a punt. At the moment Ariz is approaching field goal range with 3 minutes to go. I'd fire the ref after the game for making a totally absurd call on something that didn't affect the game. Only thing I've seen worst was a technical called on the Cougar bench with 1 second to go in a BB game that should have been a Coug win over Oregon. It cost the Cougs since they lost in overtime if I remember correctly it was about 10 years ago.
The best thing to do is to remove the restriction prohibiting coaches from talking about Refs things like blown calls, and punishing, fining coaches for talking about that.

I get that coaches can do it toi much, take it too far, and that the conference wants to protect image by not having coaches talk about refs, etc.

But surely the conference should come up with a rule that lets coaches talk about refs, within reason, but stops coaches from taking to far.

That would raise awareness of bad officiating, and accountability.

The reason why there is so much bad officiating, is lack of accountability, awareness, visibility, bad leadership, bad training, inexperience, corruption, bias, good ole boy systems, etc.

And a lot of that can be dealt with, by motivating to deal with it, by raising awareness, by letting coaches talk about refs.
I'd fire the ref after the game for making a totally absurd call on something that didn't affect the game.
It’s a safety thing. Refs are focused on the field. The may take off at a sprint if a play breaks and could plow into a guy. I saw a clip of a HS game where a kid “trainer” in a power wheelchair went onto the field when a play broke. The official was seriously hurt.

This is why just coming onto the field is 5 yards. Contacting an officiais 15.
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So coaches just roam around the field at will?
Refs decide whether or not to call penalties depending on what happened after the penalty?
Maybe just get rid of all rules, and also have no refs.

Is there a contest for dumbest post?

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