Stars are just some non coaches opinion. Like I said, there are 2 stars and there are 2 stars. We can get by with any star rated kids if they grow into 4 stars by their junior year. Doesnt mean we dont go after the higher rated kids.
A 1 star, or 2 star rated, ranked kid, usually does NOT grow into a 4 star, etc, kid.
If you have a Leach, Dick, Tony Bennet, Smith, etc, coach, 1 out of 3, 1 star kids can, would become, develop into a 3, 4, 5 star kid.
And 2 out of 4, 2 star kids, develop into 3,4,5 star kids.
Thats fine in football where have room for misses like that.
But in basketball if you recruit a lot of 1, 2 stars, and or 1,2 stars make up about 4 out of 5,6 of each years recruits, and then if 50% of your 1,2 stars dont develop into 3,4,5 stars, then your not going to be able to compete with blue bloods, in either high end Mid Major/Power 5 conferences in Div 1 Basketball, unlike in football.
Also even Dick Bennets class of Low, Weaver, Cowgil, Henry, Rochestie, Harmeling, Baynes, wasnt even, didnt have a lot of 2 stars.
Low was a 3 star, Rochestie was a 3 star, Baynes was a 3 star, Weaver was a 2 star according to some recruiting services, and a 3 star according to other recruiting services, Cowgil was both a 2 star, 3 star like Weaver. Henry was a 2 star, Harmeling was a 2 star.
So there was 4, 3 stars, 3, 2 stars. And that was in, right after, following Graham's, WSU's worst ever years, when one would expect all 1,2 stars, etc.
Like I said. WSU should be getting at least 3 stars. 3 star recruits is the old 2 star recruits in, of WSU's past.
In the 60's, 70's, 80's, even 90's, when had bad coaches like a Graham, WSU used to get mostly 1,2 stars, in basketball.
That was the norm, except when WSU had a good coach.
Now that has changed from 1,2 stars, to 2,3 stars.
A WSU coach should be able to get at least about, around 50% to 63%, lots of recruits be 3 stars
Dick Bennet did that after, following the Graham Years.
Dick, Tony Bennet has done that, Smith has FAR exceeded that so far. Bone averaged 3 stars. Even Kent either averaged 3 stars, or almost averaged 3 stars.
So because of that WSU coaches should at least get Majority, lots of 3 stars at minimum. That is, should be the new norm.
Your stuck in the 2 star past Ava, when, where WSU got majority, lots of 2 stars.
Look IF IF WSU, WSU coaches, Smith, etc, can ONLY get lots of 2 stars, then so be it, and the right coaches like Bennet, will, would make that work.
But that said WSU should be getting better then 2 stars, will probably continue to get better then 2 stars, will probably continue getting 3 stars, should chase after.3+ stars.
And all that is why WSU will average about 1,2,3, 3 stars, per year, 1,2, 2 stars per year, every other year, 1, 4 star every other year, every 2,3 years, 1, 5 star evey 6 to 13 years.
And so far, Smith has achieved, exceeded that so far, with a late start, inheriting Kent's Mess, and will, will probably, should, etc, continue doing at least that, getting at least 3 stars, and NOT lots of 2 stars.
Anybody who thinks WSU either will, would, should get LOTS OF 1,2 STARS, is NOT being realistic, is stuck in the poor ole little ole WSU past of Poor Ole little Ole WSU cant, wont recruit anything better then LOTS OF 1,2 STARS.
And that Poor Ole little Ole WSU has to recruit, get 1,2 stars, develop them into 3,4,5 stars, because thats the ONLY way WSU can, could, maybe even compete, let alone win against blue blood colleges, conferences.
Thats the past. That has changed.
Now WSU needs to get, can easily get lots of 3 stars, NOT 1,2 stars, and easily have the lots of 3 stars gotten, PAN OUT, develop.
Thats how WSU will, woukd, can compete.
Its ok for WSU to get 1,2, a couple, 1,2, 1,2 stars in addition to the LOTS of 3 stars.
Its ok for WSU to chase after, get a 4 star in addition to LOTS of 3 stars.
But its going to be 3 stars that will end up being the majority of WSU's recruits, and the FOUNDATION of WSU's, Smith's success.