At the risk of piling on the day after a disappointing game, I will never figure out Leach's clock management. The first half last night, he once again calls two defensive timeouts....which I've become accustomed to. One of them was on a 2nd-and-1 play that was easily converted on the way to an AF touchdown. But it was that last couple of minutes that baffled me....not that it made much difference in the ultimate outcome. Down 10 with less than 2 minutes to go, WSU gets a first down at midfield with a 4th down pass to Arconado but takes its time getting to the LOS, allowing 20 seconds to run before the next snap. Then an incompletion to finally stop the clock. Why not call a timeout to preserve that 20 seconds or at least spike the ball? As it was, Leach never used all 3 timeouts in that second half. And there was never any sense of urgency on that last drive. Just another point of irritation for me with this year's team.
Glad Cougar
Glad Cougar