Read between the lines

I'm guessing the game plan Saturday will end up with a heavy dose of Parker. The boss pretty much just publicly told Arbuckle he needs to hand it off more.

The key quotes:

“(It’s) a want-to go in and call the plays,” WSU coach Jake Dickert said. “We feel like we had some outside zone stuff, and that’s what we got going late. We just gotta get to it earlier. I put that on obviously, Ben (Arbuckle, offensive coordinator) play-calling, but the whole staff, myself, we’re in charge of all those things that put our guys in the best positions to win football games. I’ve said it for two years: running the football is a big part of that.”

“It’s gotta be part of our identity, and we’ve been good at it this year,” Dickert said. “So to not really test the waters, I don’t think was good enough.”
How much of run vs. pass is done at the line by Mateer?

Under Leach's Air Raid, it was pretty obvious when we were going to run vs. pass. I can't really tell or predict any more.
@ttown (site won't let me use reply button) -
I've seen runs into a light box and into a heavy box, and I've seen Mateer stare at 3 down linemen and stand back there and pat the ball for 10 minutes instead of getting 10 with his feet.

At this point I have no idea who is calling what, why they're calling it, or what their desired outcome is. It seems like a lot of "well, we'll try this and see if it works" and we get lucky a quarter of the time. (to be fair, I'm discounting the pass plays that should work but that Mateer typically short-arms, and there are plenty of those as well).
@95, exactly my thoughts. So Hawaii probably watched the game and thought the same thing, which makes me believe they will be gearing up to stop parker. Play action early should be deadly. PA to set up the run later. We will see what happens, and more importantly, if Arbuckle can adjust in game cuz I have seen about as much adjusting from him as I did from Rolo.
How strange. It is only this thread that gives me the "reply to" error message. 90, did you click some funky option when you posted this thread? Or is Rivals sending you a subtle message?
Too funny Loyal! The emoticons aren't working for me. You can't hit reply, but your smiley faces work?

Hey, since you now have the Premium Membership, how about going down that Rabbit Hole again, and contacting Rivals? Ha, Ha!
You did save us last time.....from the HACKERS!
F-it. The glitch is just this one thread. 90 (are you listening?) should start a new thread and see if it's just him. Other threads work fine. And thank you for reminding the cretins that the Omnipotent, Mighty and Delightful Loyal One saved all of you from Spam oblivion. :)

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