After 3/4 of a day reflection I have figured out the WSU/USF rebounding discrepancy. They out rebounded us by 24, with only one less offensive rebound than we had defensive rebounds. Their team consisted of one short sharp-shooting PG and the remainder of the team all being 8' or taller.
Article on brandx says L. Watts, Thrastarson, Okafor and Vavers have all said they're coming back. That is good news, but they also said remember DJ Rodman.
Hopefully I'll get over my funk in a couple of days.
Article on brandx says L. Watts, Thrastarson, Okafor and Vavers have all said they're coming back. That is good news, but they also said remember DJ Rodman.
Hopefully I'll get over my funk in a couple of days.