1. SHUmPERt is a 3 start that if he was in Oregon or a DIFFERENT state around LESS wise receivers WHO ARE HIGH RANKED, he would probably be a high 3 star, 3.5-3.75 STAR nearing 4 STAR like his TEAMATES. This is because they are taking away all the TARGETS HE COULD GET. Thus is if the two 4 stars weren’t there He WOULD be a 3.5 - 4 STAR. Because of this he is being litely recruited and would be a STEAL for WSU as long as seal the deal with TINAE AND Alexander. I would say an OFFER TO SHUMPERt increases our chances of the other two by 33-44 %. And also gets us another 3.5-3.75star. THUS our tactic in recruiting THE TRIO is failing and bad RECRUITING. WE GET ALL THREE THATS another 10-11.75 STaRS. Increase our odds of winning pac12 by 10% just having those three PLAYMAKERS. GET UR HEA D OUT ROLO.
That's a Picasso.