Or Robert Barber is an ill-tempered bully, cheap shot artist, who is running WSU's name unfairly through the mud, selfishly. 100 years of integrity at the highest level, the school that spearheaded Title IX reforms or WSU is essentially George Wallace's University of Alabama and we all should be embarrassed to have matriculated from there. You make the call.
I'm not buy we are 1960's Alabama. First, this is the first time I've ever heard of alleged problems with WSU's disciplinary system. Over the last 40 years we have had a ton of blacks, polys, foreigners, men, women, athletes, bookworms, partiers, stoners, gays, you name it, attend WSU. Now, suddenly, it is, and has been, a kangaroo court, an anti-men, anti-polys, anti-athlete institution. Honestly? Second, our system mirrors 11 of 12 Pac-12 schools. (Trigger WARNING) Jesus, Cal students don't even have a problem with the system for crying out loud. Stanford students aren't claiming they are oppressed too. No student body is jumping on board or supporting this crusade for “justice.” Despite that, we are supposed to believe the disciplinary system deprives student athletes of "due process."
No, we have a kid who wants to play football, and appears willing to play any and every card in the card deck. It is one thing to put football, first, but don't throw reality out the window. Attorneys are charged with zealously representing their client's interests. Interest groups are biased by definition. They aren’t in the business of getting to or representing the truth. They are in the business of getting their way.