So, did Leach pressure Falk to play with a broken wrist ...


Hall Of Fame
Jan 6, 2003
on his non-throwing hand? A brand x story says Falk broke the wrist in the Boise State game, and that surgery was pushed to occur after the AC. Yet it became clear he wouldn't recover from that surgery in time for the bowl game. This begs some questions: was Hilinski given enough prep time for the bowl game? And was that time limited by Leach's stubbornness regarding the release of information about injuries? (EDITED)
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on his non-throwing hand? A brand x story says Falk broke the wrist in the Boise State game, and that surgery was pushed to occur after a bowl game. Yet it became clear he wouldn't recover from that surgery in time for the bowl game. This begs some questions: was Hilinski given enough prep time for the bowl game? And was that time limited by Leach's stubbornness regarding the release of information about injuries?
I was just going to put this up there. Look out for Drunk Uncle....he's really pissed. I raised this question in spite of whatever the underlying reason was.
I'll translate: meant to write that surgery would not occur until BEFORE the bowl game. Hope this helps.

In Spanish:

Voy a traducir: significaba escribir que la cirugía no ocurriría hasta ANTES del juego de tazón. Espero que esto ayude
Did they tell the O-Line or the WR about his injury?
O-Line protection during AC and before that not great.
I doubt he would have to pressure him to play by the way he paced the sidelines when he got yanked for playing poorly. He seems like the type you have to take his helmet away in order to keep him out.
I found the article on brand x and now understand what you were trying to say.

was Hilinski given enough prep time for the bowl game?

I doubt two extra weeks at number one for Hilinski would have made any difference, certainly not enough to affect the outcome.

And was that time limited by Leach's stubbornness regarding the release of information about injuries?

Leach is the OC and QB coach. Do you think Leach was hiding information about injuries FROM HIMSELF?! Stupid.

Hey Leach, don't tell Leach about Falk's wrist, word might get back to Leach from Leach and then Leach will get in trouble.
It was Leach s decision to keep playing him during the season. Falk should have sat down and let Hilinski play the season.. It was a poor decision to play Falk this season. If a player is injured, he should sit if his performance will be effected.I think Hilinski if properly prepared is the better QB. Anyway ,the QB will be an improved one for next season. Any of the remaining QB s will be an improvement in my opinion.I just hope that leach takes advantage of the QB s running ability to tweak his offense. Leach is what we have and it could be a hell of a lot worse.
on his non-throwing hand? A brand x story says Falk broke the wrist in the Boise State game, and that surgery was pushed to occur after a bowl game. Yet it became clear he wouldn't recover from that surgery in time for the bowl game. This begs some questions: was Hilinski given enough prep time for the bowl game? And was that time limited by Leach's stubbornness regarding the release of information about injuries?

Falk was not expected to start. Leach pretty much said so postgame.
It was Leach s decision to keep playing him during the season. Falk should have sat down and let Hilinski play the season.. It was a poor decision to play Falk this season. If a player is injured, he should sit if his performance will be effected.I think Hilinski if properly prepared is the better QB. Anyway ,the QB will be an improved one for next season. Any of the remaining QB s will be an improvement in my opinion.I just hope that leach takes advantage of the QB s running ability to tweak his offense. Leach is what we have and it could be a hell of a lot worse.

You’re like that CaliTrojan dude, only you’re for the backup QB instead of Pippins.
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Boise State game
To answer the question: No - a guy who lost millions on the accusation that he placed a supposedly injured player in an equipment shed is not going to pressure any player to perform beyond what is medically advisable.

Falk may have come to that conclusion on his own hoping to raise his pro prospects but I can't fathom CML putting himself in that position again.
on his non-throwing hand? A brand x story says Falk broke the wrist in the Boise State game, and that surgery was pushed to occur after a bowl game. Yet it became clear he wouldn't recover from that surgery in time for the bowl game. This begs some questions: was Hilinski given enough prep time for the bowl game? And was that time limited by Leach's stubbornness regarding the release of information about injuries?
WTF? Yaki has now gone over to ED levels in conspiracy theories and trolling Leach. The answer is yes, he was given enough time and no, Leach's stance on information had zero to do with anything.
You’re like that CaliTrojan dude, only you’re for the backup QB instead of Pippins.

Yes, you have him pegged. Next year when Hilinski has a bad game, and he will because all QB's do, he will be calling for whomever is the back up.
I doubt he would have to pressure him to play by the way he paced the sidelines when he got yanked for playing poorly. He seems like the type you have to take his helmet away in order to keep him out.

Yes, this is absolutely true. It was also done in consultation with Ed Tingstad and Falk's family. If Falk could play, he was going to play. Falk is hand down one of the best QB's ever to put on a WSU uniform. He has helped to build WSU into a consistent winner and we can expect the program to continue to improve with getting better recruits to listen now with the success the program has had. Plus, the team is recruiting to beat how some of the defenses are playing the Air Raid. I made mention in another thread on how the team is looking for bigger outside receivers.
Falk was not expected to start. Leach pretty much said so postgame.

Which means that MSU spent time preparing for Falk as QB. I wonder if it will her their preparation o_O? This entire line of thinking by the conspiracy theorists is dumb. Tom Brady could have been QB of the Cougars in this game and WSU still loses. 1-8 in bowl games shows the Pac 12 was just not good. The talent level is down this year.
I doubt he would have to pressure him to play by the way he paced the sidelines when he got yanked for playing poorly. He seems like the type you have to take his helmet away in order to keep him out.
I'm not even sure that he was yanked entirely because of the poor play. I also do not believe that the wrist was the only injury he had. It is just the one we know about now.
You guys are funny but you cannot conveniently put all the problems at QB away and nod at each other with trembling lips and tears in your eyes "you right that s the way he is... right? right? Those two QB s were not like Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday. I look forward to next year. Then you guys can attack Hilinski and probably say "he is no Falk". And the beat goes on and the beat goes on.
Some of the suggestions that Falk was pressured to play don't jibe with my opinion of this coaching staff or the medical guys or even Falk and his family. Kid is a gamer and wanted in. Remember that Falk's injury was on his non-throwing wrist. Didn't demonstrably affect his performance to any degree. It must have been painful though. Falk was sacked a lot and when a QB falls with the ball in his hand he needs to use the other hand to cushion the blow from hitting the ground. That could not have been pleasant yet he endured and we saw numerous photos of him with a smile on his face. Tough kid who eschewed a medical redshirt year to continue on to the best of his ability.

From what I have read the surgery was to take place after the Holiday Bowl but the wrist got to the point that possible permanent damage was imminent and the surgery was rushed. 1990 posits that there may have been more injuries with Falk than we are aware of. Quite possible. CML's reluctance to admit any weaknesses which the opposition can use against us is understandable. Frustrating as hell though to the couch potatoes like us.
WTF? Yaki has now gone over to ED levels in conspiracy theories and trolling Leach. The answer is yes, he was given enough time and no, Leach's stance on information had zero to do with anything.

I just threw out the question, 1990. Don't go Kim Jong sponge on me ... :)
Some of the suggestions that Falk was pressured to play don't jibe with my opinion of this coaching staff or the medical guys or even Falk and his family. Kid is a gamer and wanted in. Remember that Falk's injury was on his non-throwing wrist. Didn't demonstrably affect his performance to any degree. It must have been painful though. Falk was sacked a lot and when a QB falls with the ball in his hand he needs to use the other hand to cushion the blow from hitting the ground. That could not have been pleasant yet he endured and we saw numerous photos of him with a smile on his face. Tough kid who eschewed a medical redshirt year to continue on to the best of his ability.

From what I have read the surgery was to take place after the Holiday Bowl but the wrist got to the point that possible permanent damage was imminent and the surgery was rushed. 1990 posits that there may have been more injuries with Falk than we are aware of. Quite possible. CML's reluctance to admit any weaknesses which the opposition can use against us is understandable. Frustrating as hell though to the couch potatoes like us.

I lost count of the times he was sacked and tossed around like a rag doll. How could there not be other injuries.