Spokane Stadium Part Deux...

Practical me says this is a good idea but get off my lawn me says playing football inside is dumb.
Probably makes too much sense both practically and financially to get done
“I think we owe it to the community to explore this option,” she said. “It’s the right thing to do.”

What a pile o crap. They put this out there (stupidly) to "feel the temperature of the room" back in November. Spokane hated the idea. It was voted on. Now this?! This is just like Seattle and the Mariners Field back in 2001. Voted down and pushed through anyways. And right after that, people got so pissed, the Sonics didn't get their new arena and they've never returned. Spokane keeps pushing like this and the public is going to get pissed and push back in the same way.

Its more expensive to redo Albi? It doesn't make sense with infrastructure? The School district doesn't like it? Doesn't matter. The PUBLIC doesn't give a rats a$$. Spokane won't lose the Sonics like Seattle did but people will be tired of voting through levy's for the schools. They'll be tired of giving. Keep pushing this pile o crap, Spokane. See what happens. Just my little word of advice, for what it's worth.
“I think we owe it to the community to explore this option,” she said. “It’s the right thing to do.”

What a pile o crap. They put this out there (stupidly) to "feel the temperature of the room" back in November. Spokane hated the idea. It was voted on. Now this?! This is just like Seattle and the Mariners Field back in 2001. Voted down and pushed through anyways. And right after that, people got so pissed, the Sonics didn't get their new arena and they've never returned. Spokane keeps pushing like this and the public is going to get pissed and push back in the same way.

Its more expensive to redo Albi? It doesn't make sense with infrastructure? The School district doesn't like it? Doesn't matter. The PUBLIC doesn't give a rats a$$. Spokane won't lose the Sonics like Seattle did but people will be tired of voting through levy's for the schools. They'll be tired of giving. Keep pushing this pile o crap, Spokane. See what happens. Just my little word of advice, for what it's worth.

Just to clarify and make conversation - I'm not sure what you are saying you would want to happen. Downtown but no dome? Re-do Albi? Do nothing?

Not having actually been in Albi for decades, I have no idea how "bad" it currently is. Some here must have HS kids, or have gone to the Spring game.....
Just to clarify and make conversation - I'm not sure what you are saying you would want to happen. Downtown but no dome? Re-do Albi? Do nothing?

Not having actually been in Albi for decades, I have no idea how "bad" it currently is. Some here must have HS kids, or have gone to the Spring game.....
I competed at Albi in HS in the late 80's and it was no gem back then. I would imagine that they would have had to have improved in some in the last 30 years, but then again...
Just to clarify and make conversation - I'm not sure what you are saying you would want to happen. Downtown but no dome? Re-do Albi? Do nothing?

Not having actually been in Albi for decades, I have no idea how "bad" it currently is. Some here must have HS kids, or have gone to the Spring game.....
Oh it's in bad shape. BAD shape. Buildings with roofs that are literally caving in. Leaks in the "press" area. I've said before, I'm county so I don't have any real skin in the game on this. But I do despise when politicians don't listen to the will of the people. And this smacks of that.

I'm a sports guy. I actually make a decent living in sports. I'm not downing the Mariner field that was voted down or happy Sonics left. So please don't read into anything here. But Seattle/WA state ignored the will of the people and the people got pissed. And that is how the Sonics left.

I'm just making the same analogy. It doesn't matter if Albi is a complete dump. It doesn't matter if infrastructure doesn't make sense. They were dumb enough to put this on the ballot. Spokane doesn't like the idea. So the idea needs to die. MAYBE try floating it in another 5-10 years. But now, the logical step would be to get a levy going to redu Albi.

But they didn't nor will they. They are now going to float this idea, that idea, maybe tweak it this way or that way. Basically wear the voter down until they get their way... OR just do it anyways. Both options are going to piss Spokane off.
Oh it's in bad shape. BAD shape. Buildings with roofs that are literally caving in. Leaks in the "press" area. I've said before, I'm county so I don't have any real skin in the game on this. But I do despise when politicians don't listen to the will of the people. And this smacks of that.

I'm a sports guy. I actually make a decent living in sports. I'm not downing the Mariner field that was voted down or happy Sonics left. So please don't read into anything here. But Seattle/WA state ignored the will of the people and the people got pissed. And that is how the Sonics left.

I'm just making the same analogy. It doesn't matter if Albi is a complete dump. It doesn't matter if infrastructure doesn't make sense. They were dumb enough to put this on the ballot. Spokane doesn't like the idea. So the idea needs to die. MAYBE try floating it in another 5-10 years. But now, the logical step would be to get a levy going to redu Albi.

But they didn't nor will they. They are now going to float this idea, that idea, maybe tweak it this way or that way. Basically wear the voter down until they get their way... OR just do it anyways. Both options are going to piss Spokane off.

There’s no need to ‘get a levy going’ to redo Albi. The cost of a new stadium was included in the $495 million joint school/library bond. It’s paid for already.

That wasn’t communicated well, if at all, in the “advisory” vote. I see countless posts on social media by naysayers talking about not being able to afford a new stadium - totally irrelevant, it’s already been approved and financed.

The PFD solution is actually pretty innovative. Oh, and the part about being in the county and not having skin in it, nope - the county already provided a $25 million bond toward construction of the Sportsplex.

BTW, Spokane people are inherently pissed off to begin with. They’ll bitch and moan about pert near anything. I think it’s the agricultural roots of the community. Farmers bitch about too much rain, not enough rain among other things. It’s like brushing their teeth - they do it every day.
There’s no need to ‘get a levy going’ to redo Albi. The cost of a new stadium was included in the $495 million joint school/library bond. It’s paid for already.

That wasn’t communicated well, if at all, in the “advisory” vote. I see countless posts on social media by naysayers talking about not being able to afford a new stadium - totally irrelevant, it’s already been approved and financed.

The PFD solution is actually pretty innovative. Oh, and the part about being in the county and not having skin in it, nope - the county already provided a $25 million bond toward construction of the Sportsplex.

BTW, Spokane people are inherently pissed off to begin with. They’ll bitch and moan about pert near anything. I think it’s the agricultural roots of the community. Farmers bitch about too much rain, not enough rain among other things. It’s like brushing their teeth - they do it every day.
Waait a sec. So this project is already funded?
Not the expanded stadium portion - seating capacity needs to be increased by about 1,500 to get to 5,000, I believe.

But, yes, the Sportsplex is happening for sure.
Got it.

Still goes to the vote, though. Why they put that up on the ballot, I'll never know. But the voters were pretty clear. They don't like that idea. And like I said, they may throw this idea, that idea out there with the idea of "Well, lets see if the public likes this tweak or that change." But really, the affect is wearing the voter down. And yeah, as you say, Spokane gets pissed a lot. Especially the true locals. Because they feel like their town is getting hijacked. This as an example.

They don't like the downtown sports complex. They literally said they want Albi renovated. But by your own language "... the Sportplex is happening for sure".
Got it.

Still goes to the vote, though. Why they put that up on the ballot, I'll never know. But the voters were pretty clear. They don't like that idea. And like I said, they may throw this idea, that idea out there with the idea of "Well, lets see if the public likes this tweak or that change." But really, the affect is wearing the voter down. And yeah, as you say, Spokane gets pissed a lot. Especially the true locals. Because they feel like their town is getting hijacked. This as an example.

They don't like the downtown sports complex. They literally said they want Albi renovated. But by your own language "... the Sportplex is happening for sure".

I've said before - the public vote was ham-handed pass-the-buck on bungles between the city council and the school district. The school district got hung up on parking. Then somebody (who shall remain unnamed) tried to jam a $10 Million parking garage into the land swap at the last second, and the city council got pushed into a corner. If it wasn't for the parking garage request - which eventually proved to not be needed anyway - there would have been no 'advisory vote'. It would have been a straight land swap among several that were included in the school/library bond.

It was all CYA and political showboating. See also the homeless tents village at City Hall right now.
I've said before - the public vote was ham-handed pass-the-buck on bungles between the city council and the school district. The school district got hung up on parking. Then somebody (who shall remain unnamed) tried to jam a $10 Million parking garage into the land swap at the last second, and the city council got pushed into a corner. If it wasn't for the parking garage request - which eventually proved to not be needed anyway - there would have been no 'advisory vote'. It would have been a straight land swap among several that were included in the school/library bond.

It was all CYA and political showboating. See also the homeless tents village at City Hall right now.
That much I DO remember. You were actually very gracious about your information. But the toothpaste is out of the tube. You can't put it back in. The public doesn't want the Sportsplex. Will it still be built?
That much I DO remember. You were actually very gracious about your information. But the toothpaste is out of the tube. You can't put it back in. The public doesn't want the Sportsplex. Will it still be built?

Says who? The Sportsplex has been out there for a couple years - which is why the county bonded out $25 Million on it. You're confusing that project with the stadium add-on. The stadium would be in addition to the Sportsplex on the north bank under a new proposal put before the school district.

The Sportsplex has been very well received. It already has received multiple inquiries for future events. I am aware of at least 3 major colleges who plan to travel to Spokane to utilize the indoor track. The Sportsplex project isn't going to be backburnered because of a football stadium.
You are correct. I'm conflating the Sportplex and stadium.

The initial post was basically about the stadium and how they were solving the parking (which wasn't a real problem) and combining 2 "things" into the stadium.

So from your perspective, is the stadium going to be built?

EDIT: And also, is the Complex contingent on the Stadium? Meaning, if the Stadium does NOT get built, is the complex worthy, both financially and logistically?
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You are correct. I'm conflating the Sportplex and stadium.

The initial post was basically about the stadium and how they were solving the parking (which wasn't a real problem) and combining 2 "things" into the stadium.

So from your perspective, is the stadium going to be built?

A stadium is going to be built. Lord knows at this point where they are going to put it. The mugwhumps think they want it back where the old one was.
A stadium is going to be built. Lord knows at this point where they are going to put it. The mugwhumps think they want it back where the old one was.
THAT is where I was going. OK, you've cleared that up. And what I was saying was, I can see them going against the will of the people and building it downtown.
A stadium is going to be built. Lord knows at this point where they are going to put it. The mugwhumps think they want it back where the old one was.

THAT is where I was going. OK, you've cleared that up. And what I was saying was, I can see them going against the will of the people and building it downtown.

On the Sportsplex, as I recall there was no public vote on that because a tax increase was not needed. Or so they project. At $42 million, I think the notion of spending a little more to make it big enough for football is a reasonable idea. The existing plan is for it to hold 10 basketball courts and have a 200 meter track, football size can't be far off.

To beat Albi into the ground a little more. OK, so it is a dump because the buildings are falling in. So, what about the stands? They can't be falling over, since they sit on the ground. I guess I'm trying to get my head around your average HS field, with some bleachers and a little press box and a little concessions area and some restrooms. And comparing that to Albi. For the few hundred fans that supposedly attend these games, what is needed? Tear out the old buildings meant for 30,000 fans and put up a couple of small buildings meant for a few hundred? Even if for 5,000 (why if only a few hundred show up) the needs are way smaller.

My HS stadium has some concrete stands and a pressbox that probably holds a dozen people. 20 if you squeezed them in, maybe. And some wooden bleachers. And some really little locker rooms under the pressbox. Luckily close enough to the school to utilize those restrooms. That's it. This ain't Texas.

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