Based on the list, I’m not convinced he ever listened to the albums. The only ones he liked were the radio singles.
Def Leppard - basically the entire Pyromania album stands up, but their best tracks were Too late for love and Tear it down.
I was never a big Van Halen fan. Actually liked Van Hagar better. Their best song was Can’t stop loving you.
Bon Jovi is tied closely to some adolescent memories, but most of their music is best if you’re a 14 year old girl. Wanted dead or alive and Runaway are their best.
Journey was overproduced, everything sounded the same. And it sounded the same when Steve Perry went solo.
Europe was trash.
Great White put out some really good blues-inspired rock, but I’ve stripped them from my collection and won’t listen to them anymore. Jack Russell’s behavior after the Station nightclub fire was so appalling that I don’t want him making any royalties from me.
Metallica has a load of good stuff - most of it from before 1992. Enter Sandman brought metal to the masses, but they’d been putting out solid tracks for the better part of a decade before that. For whom the bell tolls, fade to black, seek and destroy, sanitarium…etc.
Ozzy was better with Black Sabbath, and solo he was better when Randy Rhoads was still alive. Diary of a Madman had some good stuff, but he’s never been as good since. Except - Dreamer was a surprisingly good track - maybe just because it was so unusual for him.
Speaking of blues-inspired rock, Cinderella had some good stuff.
Tesla was a solid band, and they’re still touring. Never seen them myself, but more than a few friends have said they put on a really good show
I do like the modern music delivery, where we no longer have to weed through the commercial dreck to get to the good songs. Mowing the lawn in the summer, I often pull up Pandora and either a 70s or 80s rock station. I barely remember Dokken from back in the day, but they were good. ZZ Top, .38 Special, the Cars, Queen, Golden Earring, Fleetwood Mac, Creedence…there’s no shortage of bands who put out good stuff, it was just much harder to find.
Some of the ones on list I did listen to about 63% of the songs on the album(s), and about 33% to 43% of the time I did buy, and listen to 43% to 53% to 63% of the songs on the album(s), CD's, that bought, etc.
Only about 20% to 23% to 27% to 33% of time I bought, listened to, liked whole, an or most to almost all the album, CD, etc.
Just so much stuff I listened to, liked, bought, etc.
Can't believe I left off Dokken, Iron Maiden, Creed, Linkin Park, Lita Ford, Pat Benatar, Heart, Nirvana, Alice Cooper, Queen, etc
I think Alice Cooper's "Poison Running thru my Veins" Sums up my Hard Rock, Buttrock, semi heavy metal, Glam metal, hairband rock experience.
All that music was, is like a Drug, poison, running through your veins, as far as the music sounded good to me, was so good to me, semi addictive to me to listen to.
That said the closer the music got to stuff like Slayer, Megadeath, Anthrax, etc, true Heavy, death, thrash, speed, Zombie, undead, schreech, etc, metal, the more I didn't like it, and only rarely liked 1 rare song at most of that kind of stuff.
My cousin who professionally plays the electric guitar, has a joke between me, him.
He would plug in his guitar into amp, then grab garbage can lid, then rub Garbage can lid into guitar strings, and then start screeching like a undead monster, and then say "Look, I'm playing Slayer, Megadeath, Anthrax", as he continued to rub garbage can lid into guitar strings.(cousin was E4U40(A Spokane Band he played, did gigs with. He played for many Spokane Bands, but he was just unlucky that none of the bands made the big time, as he was a pretty awesome guitarist.)
Totally like how music is distributed now, as you don't have to buy a greatest hits album, or don't have to buy a CD full of 4, 5, 6, 7 songs you don't like just to get the 2,3,4,5 songs on the Album, CD that you do like.