I apologize, Stretch. I see you were making the argument against the "them" and "they" which I also find to be a curious one.It is ALL about feelings. They think they have a right to not be offended, which is feelings. You can't get science out of that. Feeling that some is a "they or them" instead of "he or she" is not biological science.
Besides, can't they have some empathy and understanding for MY feelings about singular vs plural pronouns being properly defined by biological science and the English language?
Okay, I realize it is silly of me to even ask such a question, because anyone that thinks they are a plural pronoun is either to stupid or muddled by drugs in the brain to grasp the concepts.
Agree totally that there also needs to be some forgiveness and understanding from "those people" towards us who struggle with trying to adapt, especially when the situation comes about with someone you've known your whole life as being known as someone different.
My issue has been why do people care so much about this when it doesn't personally affect them? They seem to take a personal affront to this topic because of how it makes THEM feel. Taihtsat