Dad's weekend are typically full but with the students on their "best behavior" a bit dead. I don't know that Cal helps.Believe it’s Dad’s weekend, the bigger question is to see if it’s full in the 2nd half.
The Rose Bowl and the Coliseum have looked sparse at best lately. The UW game a couple weeks ago against CU sounded dead when I was watching the game and I believe it was their homecoming.Well, every program has issues with fans leaving at halftime, even Alabama. Leach has been very responsive to our fans this season.
I've been to plenty of Dad's weekend games and neither the students nor the fathers are on their best behaviors.Dad's weekend are typically full but with the students on their "best behavior" a bit dead. I don't know that Cal helps.
Dad's weekend are typically full but with the students on their "best behavior" a bit dead. I don't know that Cal helps.
I've been to plenty of Dad's weekend games and neither the students nor the fathers are on their best behaviors.
Admittedly I have to go back to my just post-student days. I haven't been able to drag my daughter to an actually game yet.I've been to plenty of Dad's weekend games and neither the students nor the fathers are on their best behaviors.
the fans are. If Cal and Arizona aren’t sellouts and more important the stadium full it potentially sends the wrong message .
So, I take the fans have passed CougEd test #1. Test #2 is TBD.
Are you going to either? Do tell.
Beyond the testie #1 nugget of E.D. negativity, how is that 2014-2018 = 1994-1998 narrative coming along? Guess it's gone the way of Ed's Wulff's 2009/2010 recruiting = 2001-2003 success.
the fans are. If Cal and Arizona aren’t sellouts and more important the stadium full it potentially sends the wrong message .
Went the same way as the bs narrative of the “total disaster” 2014 class that now is having their 4th winning season in a row.
For someone who has been so pathetically and laughably wrong for so long on so many occasions so often I am amazed he still posts.
“I got off the phone with the athletic department and uh uh I wanted to know that uh uh Leach knew what this meant for the program uh uh uh I was glad they told me he did uh uh uh”
Like seriously what a joke. Yeah the HC (who has coached so well that Gameday came to the last school he was at before us) somehow magically doesn’t know what it means and needs a phone call reminder from some loser whose brother ranted for years that he “wasn’t going to get it done”.
You said he wouldn't get it done, Tron. Do I need to put my signature back as a reminder?
I said that during the BYU game and rather than flip flop back and forth like you, I stuck to my guns while hoping I was wrong.
What you do is flip flop back and forth then pull the I told you so card(while withholding donations when we needed it the most).
The can of shut the hell up that you were repeatedly served during the game thread was almost as fun as the game itself.
Go read my posts from that time. INCLUDING the Wyoming game. And before the Wyoming game. And post the Wyoming game.
You know exactly how consistent I have been on here everyone knows it.
And you and your idiot brother were consistently wrong over and over and over.
“Hoping you are wrong” you never said that. You never inferred that. You flat out said you hated Leach and he wasn’t going to get it done.
You didn’t “stick to your guns”. You stuck with your stupidity and instead of having the humility to apologize to everyone on how you acted on how wrong your were you continued to act like an ass and then pretend like everyone will forget.
I wasn’t served anything. I was doing the exact same thing I do to you and your stupid brother. Not letting stupid people trash the program or players or coaches when they don’t deserve it.
I'm not letting you get away with the fact that you said Leach won't get it done. I don't care how many times you flip flopped in the past or what you have said since. You said it and will always be reminded of it.
And now I will always remind you of how you got the equivalent of your milk money taken from you by half the board on Saturday.
Go read my posts from back then go get everyone from that time and string them together.
Anyone can go back and see my post history. Go look at that time. Look at all posts after the Portland State game.
My tickets will be used but I will not be at the Cal game.Why did you want to meet up?So, I take the fans have passed CougEd test #1. Test #2 is TBD.
Are you going to either? Do tell.
It doesn't matter what you say. You still said he wouldn't get it done...then flip flopped after that.
And you say I hated Leach. Never once said that or that he should be fired.
All of these things you say here you would never, ever say to my face..because you are a coward behind a keyboard. Don't worry, I'll find out who you are soon enough.
Why would 14-18 compare to 94-98?Beyond the testie #1 nugget of E.D. negativity, how is that 2014-2018 = 1994-1998 narrative coming along? Guess it's gone the way of Ed's Wulff's 2009/2010 recruiting = 2001-2003 success.
"it doesn't matter what you say. You still said" - Another, in a long list, example of why you flunked out. Logic or intelligent thinking definitely not your strong suit.
"All of these things you say here you would never, ever say to my face..because you are a coward behind a keyboard. Don't worry, I'll find out who you are soon enough"
Here you go dumbf.uck from the ACTUAL thread you got that from. Here are some of my other posts after that one. IN THE SAME THREAD.
And THEN... AND THEN... I made a post talking about great coaches who lost to FCS programs and turned things around. Here's the thread. RIGHT after Portland State.
Once again. The idiot Dickenson family exposed as the horsh*t liars they are. The pathetic mongoloid pretend coug poster children for abortion Dickenson.
Now please..... failure reject Dickenson.... please... show everyone...
YOUR BROTHER AND YOUR POSTS supporting Leach talking about hope, talking about Great coaches that lost to FCS teams.
Please... Enlighten us all..... with these posts of yours. Oh wait. There never was any. But there were posts like this:
Weren't there. A lot of them.
Don't come crawling back on here thinking you can join in here like you actually belong you dumb f.uck Dickenson loser
My tickets will be used but I will not be at the Cal game.Why did you want to meet up?
I have to ask...what does it mean when you say they will lose for a long time? And what does it mean when you contemplate late who the next coach will be? And please show me a post I ever questioned whether Leach would get it done or even thought we needed another coach.
Yes....They won despite the fallout of the class. They have four starters from that class, two have already left. That is a bad class, especially since one of them was a walkon who never played before this year, Then Harrington and Fernandez who have maybe 10 snaps all season. Bad classes happen.Went the same way as the bs narrative of the “total disaster” 2014 class that now is having their 4th winning season in a row.
For someone who has been so pathetically and laughably wrong for so long on so many occasions so often I am amazed he still posts.
“I got off the phone with the athletic department and uh uh I wanted to know that uh uh Leach knew what this meant for the program uh uh uh I was glad they told me he did uh uh uh”
Like seriously what a joke. Yeah the HC (who has coached so well that Gameday came to the last school he was at before us) somehow magically doesn’t know what it means and needs a phone call reminder from some loser whose brother ranted for years that he “wasn’t going to get it done”.
Just wanted to confirm you would not be partaking in this challenge you’re levying on the fan base.
I flunked out? Too funny.
Tell you what. Let's meet up. If you think you can make me, I will issue that apology to you and everyone on here that you think I should apologize to. Private message me.
Yes....They won despite the fallout of the class. They have four starters from that class, two have already left. That is a bad class, especially since one of them was a walkon who never played before this year, Then Harrington and Fernandez who have maybe 10 snaps all season. Bad classes happen.
And what are you mumbling about reminder?
It meant that our program may be unfortunately unsalvageable which was one of my major concerns if... which was an if I did not believe in...Leach couldn't turn it around. If Leach wasn't able to turn around WSU a lot of coaches would say if Leach couldn't do it then why should I risk my career? THAT is what I was worried about, and we had a lot riding on Leach to do it. I believed I supported, I ACTUALLY used the word hope at least 4-5 times AFTER portland state because I believed that with what he was doing year 4 we would win 7-9 games. Everything was pointing in that direction, and then it happened.
When I talked about who the next coach would be, who were we going to get if...and that is also an if I did not believe in...Leach was let go. Who was going to travel all the way to Pullman to turn around the program that Mike Leach couldn't.
Leach took Texas Tech to 10 straight bowls averaging about 9 wins a season and one season with 11 wins.
Do you know how many 9 win seasons Texas Tech has had since? ZERO. Not a single one. And with all the structure and building h e did they haven't matched his success yet. He took them to 10 straight bowls. In the 8 years since they've only gone to 4.
Now for us at WSU if Leach couldn't turn it around we were screwed. No decent coach would want to come because if Leach couldn't do it they would not risk their career. There is no recruiting area to draw from like Texas Tech has. And even with that the people after Leach had trouble replicating.
We were in danger of being a ghost town program. Paul Wulff sent us to the grave, and if Leach couldn't recessitate us, nobody would be coming running.
We would have to settle for some unknown, unproven coach and pray that he could do it without any name or major connections. We were destined to be 9-40...for a long long time.
But as I said in that thread. I still hope Leach turns it around. I still believe that he can. And he did. Like I had talked about for 3 years prior while you and your stupid brother thought otherwise, posted otherwise, threatened people who believed otherwise.
I was vindicated, and you were exposed for the idiots you are.
The End.
Actually, you weren't vindicated. You were exposed for playing both sides of the fence while telling anyone who would listen you believed in him the whole time. You are a liar. See my sig.
See the posts right after IN THAT THREAD. Why don't you post those? Because you are a pathetic liar. You took one post, out of context, without any of the subsequent posts articulating my actual feelings and pretend like I wasn't nothing but supporting of Leach and the program.
I used the word hope and Leach and turning it around in that thread.
Where is YOUR post saying that? Oh wait it doesn't exist.
I didn't take anything out of context or lie about anything. I simply exposed you for the hyprocrite that you are...and now you are crying like a little girl about it.
What was hypocritical in a thread where I said:
“I still hope Leach finds a way to turn it around”
And “hopefully we bounce back”
That's not hypocrisy. That's real consistency. A lot of consistency.
And then there is this thread
Look at the date. September 5th 2015.
That was the DAY we lost to Portland State and I was talking about other coaches who lost to FCS teams that turned things around. And I am talking about teams and coaches that lost to FCS teams... AND STILL WENT BOWLING.
THE DAY... we lost.
I never stopped believing.
Except you did stop believing. No matter how you spin it, you said what you said.
And now you should apologize.
No need to go back to community college. I actually made a conscious choice to leave Pullman and head out into the real world and get into the mortgage biz...and did quite well.