The REAL conversation we should be having

Sensitive today, aren't we? I did not bring his name or his situation into this thread.

Since you two are so sensitive, how about you jump all over certain other posters every time they twist other poster's names? Or gee, how about we talk about the Cal game?

You can call Gesser whatever you want......just don't make the mistake of assuming that everyone thinks that you are clever for doing it. Again....first time you posted it, it was funny. Now? Not so much. But hey, free him what you want.
By doing what? I supposed he could sue for defamation, if anything the women said to the media was false.
It doesn't really matter if what they said was false. He really can't sue if he can't prove it was false. The only thing that would do is keep the story fresh and in the public eye. By resigning, he killed the story. I just Googled him, and there's nothing out there after September 18 - the day his resignation hit the news. Regardless of whether there was truth in the allegations, that's going to be a big factor in why he resigned...and a big factor in why I'm sure the university encouraged him to resign. That was the quickest, easiest, and most effective way to just make it all go away.

My guess is that he got a severance package from the university in exchange for going quietly...and right now. Since there were no charges (and no solid evidence that any laws were broken), he still has a clean record and a decent employment history. Resignation was his only real option.
Sensitive today, aren't we? I did not bring his name or his situation into this thread.

Since you two are so sensitive, how about you jump all over certain other posters every time they twist other poster's names? Or gee, how about we talk about the Cal game?
So if I don't think this is a laughing matter I'm sensitive? I find some of your post funny, others cross the line for me but that doesn't mean I reply and say you crossed the line just because it's not my thing.

I seriously doubt any of the people directly involved would find this stuff funny including Gesser.